forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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" and who's fault is that" aven said coldly.
izuku snuggled back up to the other, hoping he hadn't woken him. the smaller's band was orange at this point but it was defiantly close to green this go around.


Bakugo was still fast asleep, he really had been tired. Kami was awake by now, and now that he opened his eyes it was visible that he had heterochromia. One green eye, and one red eye.
"Not mine! You're the one who gave the bratty blonde to me in the first place!" Sullivan snapped back.

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" so im the one who needs to go nock some sence into the green one?" aven snapped back
izuku called is mom over. " mom.. look" he said tiredly.

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( brb gatta return the mitsuki water bottles and go clean my rabits pins. )


Inko goes over, grinning as she saw Kami's eyes. "Aww! That's so adorable!" She whispered, giggling.
"Don't think that would be a very smart idea," Sullivan replied. "If you thought the heroes were protective of those two before, imagine how much they are now."

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" the hero's wont find out. i'll deal with them at night. when the two are the weakest. the brat that blows up will be to sore to even fight. " aven said
izuku smiled, sitting up, he put the sleeping izumi in her clear crib and took kami while he was awake. " hey sleepy head. " he said softly to the child.

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( sorry, im drawing while typing, i must have misspelled it. im doing an among us astronaut)

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izuku laughed a little. " hey! thats my nose" he said playfully.
" no! just making sure their awnser will be yes. you clearly care for that child. thats all you ever talk about anyway."

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izuku had to pull away from the child. " you've got your fathers grip, thats for sure. " he said rubbing his nose. the green haired boy smiled, tickling the child's stomach.
aven thought a moment. " katsuki should get released in a couple of days. thats enough to plan and prepare. get to it." he ordered.

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izuku stopped, feeling he had made the child laugh enough. going back to snuggling kami. he had also let him grab hold of the boy finger, giving him somthing to play with. " i wonder what quirks will be like.." he mumbled to himself. there where two quirks in the mess of the two. explosion and numbing. izuku hadn't counted his since his didn't spread by genes.
aven had gone off to plan of his own.

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onarie smilled " so you do care." she said softly.
izuku looked over to his lover " kachan, kami's eyes look!" the smaller had gotten the newborn boy to open his eyes. smiling at the oddness of it.

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izuku looked up, " if you want me to take her i can." he said solemnly.
onarie sighed " i get it, you wanna be the father, but so does that boyfriend. he's really trying to make that kid's life better." she explained. " and if… if aven does try to take her, not only is he splinting twins, brother and sister, hes splitting a family. a happy family.

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izuku got up. being careful he put kami down for a minute in his own clear crib and handed izumi to the other. smiling slightly. he picked up kami and sat back down on the bed. " shouldn't the nurses be in to feed them by now?" he asked.
onarie sighed, calling a number " hi. you worked for another man, you tagged a green haired boy." she paused waiting for an answer " we need to to take control again."

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" oh okay.." he thought about that, making a metal note of every time the nurses came to fed the children.
" we've got the man who has izuku tagged for mind control. he'll be powerless agents him." she said looking to sullivan.


Sullivan nodded some. "Okay, but even if you convince Izuku, what about Bakugo?"

Bakugo looked down at Izumi, sighing softly. "Why did Sullivan have to do this..? I wouldn't be having so many problems if it weren't for him…"

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"i… i dont know." izuku mumbled. " but she's here," he laughed weakly " would she even be here if it wasn't for that, i mean. i know i had something to do with it,their looks prove that, but if if i hadn't …. would we be here? with them?"
onarie seemed to think " i dont know quiet yet.. "