forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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izuku smiled. " kachan? how does izumi sound?" he said looking to the other.


Bakugo smiled a bit as well. "Izumi sounds perfect…" He says, kissing Kami's head. The nurses in the room then finished stitching up Bakugo, wheeling him into a recovery room after taking both infants to swaddle and dress them. They were then given the infants back, Bakugo with Izumi this time. He was tense as he held her, still not feeling comfortable with who she looked like.

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izuku seemed to notice his lovers difference with the children. " kachan, you know. even though she may look like him. im never letting him near her. ever." he said reassuringly
onarie had looked through the window in the door, seeing the two children. once the two had entered. " quickly she called sullivan. " your done for. if aven doesn't kill this broccoli will. it's identical to you!" she said angrily.


Sullivan gulped a little. "Dammit… And Boom boy doesn't seem all that happy either…"

Bakugo glanced at Izuku a moment. "I, I know, but… I… I see Sullivan in everything except for her eyes… It's… uncomfortable…"

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izuku sighed. " i know…. but theres nothing me nor you can do about it. " he tried to reasure the other. " im not going to treat a child differently just because her sperm donor was a monster. "


Bakugo didn't say anything for a moment. He then sighed heavily, nodding some. "I… I know that, and I know I shouldn't feel different about her because of that, but… It's hard… I wanted our babies to look like us…"

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" she does. its in her eyes. like you said" as izuku was saying this something caught his eyes. the smaller seemed to freeze on the spot. " kachan take kami.." he said handing her to the other. izuku got up, his fists clenched tightly. he had seen onarie and sullivan looking through the doors window. opening the door and walking out he confronted them " what the hell do you think your doing here."


Bakugo took Kami, holding him close and trying to spike up his little tufts of hair. He didn't know what Izuku was doing, but decided to stay out of it for now.

Sullivan flinched and backed up some. "L-listen, we're not here to cause problems.., A-actually we were just coming to make sure they didn't look like, ahm… me. And I can see one of them does…"

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" i thanks to you. " he said fumming. " you need to get out. and stay away from kami and izumi!" izuku didnt realize how mad he really was but if the other was to look out the window. he would see the both of them and the green haired boy looking ready to punch him. " stay out of izumi's life, the last thing she needs is a man to go ruining her life. i am her father. not you" he said coldly.


Sullivan flinched some. "Fine, I didn't really want a kid anyway. We just didn't want our asses handed to us by Aven!"

Bakugo yawned some, starting to get tired. He wondered to himself what Izuku was doing. Inko walked over towards the room, seeing Izuku with Sullivan and Omarie. "Oh, are these friends of yours Izuku?" She asked, tilting her head.

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" no. mom, one of them is kachans…" he couldn't even bring himself to say the words. " he's nothing." he said. izuku took a couple deep breaths, calming down before going back to his lover. " here. your tired, let me hold them for a bit" he asked.


Bakugo hesitated a moment, kissing Kami's head and pausing a moment before kissing Izumi's as well, then handing them both to Izuku. Inko seemed a bit confused, following the shorter boy into the room. She saw the babies and squealed, going to them. "Oh, look at these precious little things! Izuku, this one looks a lot like you!" She looks at Izumi, smiling at her. "And look at this one! She's got your eyes!"

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izuku smiled warmly. " she does." he said the green haired boy sat down with the two.


Bakugo hummed a bit, laying back against the hospital bed fully now. He huffed a bit as he started getting a tingling feeling in his back and a dull ache in his stomach from the incision there. "Jesus, I can tell this is going to be a fun recovery already…" He mumbled.

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izuku sighed. " lot less pain then if they didnt numb it. " he said. the smallers phone went off. he looked at it. his eyes lit up. "finally! mom i got it!" he said motioning for her to take his phone. he got the house he'd been hoping for.

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" well.. we might have to start packing" izuku said happily. he noticed the two little ones had fallen asleep in the boys arms. he got up to but them in the clear cribs. he yawned and showed the other the house.

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" i didnt because i had been almost one paycheck away." he said proudly.

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Izuku smiled again, leaning down and putting his forehead on the others. “ love you babe.” He said sweetly