forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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(brb, gatta dethal rabit water bottles. they be as frozen as mitsuki.)

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izuku laughed scardly. " kachan i dont think thats a good idea." he said. the smaller watched for his mom and got in the backseat with his lover while she drove.


"Seems like a pretty fuckin' good idea to me…" Bakugo replied, not saying anything else as he closed his eyes again and tried to ignore the pain. Inko rushed out with the stuff and climbed into the car, driving them to the hospital quickly. Bakugo only got progressively worse during the car ride, and he was letting out soft cries of pain by the time they got there, unable to utter anything else.

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izuku got out and called for the emt's, going back to the other and helping him in anyway possible. most of them not involving his lower half to get near the other.

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izuku once again picked up bakugo and set him down into the wheelchair. following them inside. " just think kachan, in a moment we'll have a kid of our own." he said trying to calm the situation.


Bakugo huffed a little, nodding some. This seemed to calm him, as they laid him on a table in an OR and set him up for surgery, having Izuku dress up in scrubs so he could be there for Bakugo and keep him calm. Inko stayed in the waiting room. They got a large needle ready for the epidural, carefully turning Bakugo on his side and pushing it into his spine carefully, causing him to hiss in pain. "Fuck fuck fuck!" His hands clenched into fists, but relaxed when he was slowly numbed, and they turned him back over and set up a sort of blockade so Izuku and Bakugo wouldn't see the surgery and panic. The blonde sucked in a breath, looking up at his lover. " 'Zuku, I'm… I'm scared…"

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izuku tried to smile. " i know, i am too but it'll be okay kachan." he took his lovers hand. intertwining their fingers. the smaller seemed to be like a human heater, warming the others hand. " everything will go fine." he reassured the other.

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( dude they should have a male and female. )
onarie had found a way up into the nursery with out being seen,



Bakugo nodded some, relaxing at this. "Thank you… sorry for threatening to cut your dick off…" He said with a weak chuckle. After a bit, a baby's cries were heard, and Bakugo grinned, tearing up some. The child was brought over to Bakugo and Izuku. It was a little boy, he had blonde hair but Izuku's features. Bakugo held the child close to himself when he was handed him, nuzzling his face against his. His eyes opened again in surprise when he heard a second set of cries, though.
(What does Sullivan look like?)

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( brown hair, blue eyes and he kinda looks like the young version of aizawa )

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izuku smiled warmly, not really saying anything about the threat. once he had seen the child he could do nothing but smile. though the crying of a second made izuku look directly at the other. not only had they only prepaired one name, but they where not prepaired for two. the smaller seemed to tense aswell but something about the way he seemed to go back to smiling showed that to him. it was still their kid. he'd treat it just the same as kami. " c..can i hold the second one." he asked shyly.

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izuku took the baby. even though it wasn't his he held it like it was. nuzziling it the same way the other had kami. the green haired boy knew what this ment but he wouldn't treat it like it wasn't his.