forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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izuku sighed, getting up and flushing the toilet. bracing himself to be yelled at " kachans…. how do you put this… well hes carrying." the boy said with a red face. " frankly he's in a mood swing right now. " he said slightly annoyed.

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" something about his ancestry." izuku said, " excuse me." he mumbled to toshinori, walking out of the bathroom and into his room. " hey, love.." he said to the other. he wanted to make sure it wasn't him that he was mad at.


Bakugo glanced over at Izuku, he was sitting in the room on the bed with the lights off, his arms crossed over his chest. He sighed a little, looking away. "I'm sorry… I was already nervous he was here, then he saw the ring and wants to 'talk', and…" He felt himself tear up a little, wiping his face quickly. "I got overwhelmed… I'm sorry… Damn these stupid fucking hormones…"

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izuku laughed softly. " its okay kachan.." he said. the smaller walked over and sat next to him. " im sure its fine."

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" when where you not around him?" he asked smartly. izuku thought of a couple more questions " other than around me, you where really bad about that. and the 'talk', if he knows to leave well enough alone, should just be a few questions. promise" he said holding out his pinkie.

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" they still feel necessary" he remarked. the smaller stood up " ready to go back out?" he said holding out his hand " then we can take a nap afterwards. i think i drained my self today." izuku was feeling really sluggish for some reason.


Bakugo nodded some. "Okay…" He took Izuku's hand, leaving the room with him. Toshinori was in the hall, looking over at the two. "So, let me get this straight. Bakugo is with a child? And it's yours, right?" He asks Izuku, still being confused. Bakugo sighed a little, deciding to let the greenette handle this one.

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" yup." izuku said simply. " and my last name will be changed. so….. yeah. that about sums it up" he said


Bakugo looked over. "Who said you were getting my last name? I planned on being Katsuki Midoriya. Unless you want my surname, I don't really care either way."

Toshinori hummed a bit. "Well, I'm not so sure about this… You guys are still young, You're barely 18, and your hero careers just started." He said gently, sighing a little. "But, I will support it. Because I want nothing more than for Midoriya, and you, Bakugo, to be happy."

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izuku nodded, toshinori was right, they where still young. but everything that happened, the smaller felt more than ready for what was ahead. " sir, can i talk to you about something" he sounded extremely worried about what he was getting ready to do. he looked to the other and then looked back to toshinori. " alone. please"

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izuku let go of the others hand, letting him go back to the table. after he was out of ear shot from his mom and lover the green haired boy begain to talk " i broke our promise. i've blackline twice now since you left. and gotten close way too many times. and the worst part is that both of those black lines where because of aven. "


Toshinori tensed at this. "Midoriya. That is a very serious issue. Didn't you learn from what happened to me? The more you overuse your power, the less you will be able to use it. All-for-one is not a toy. You need to stop relying on it for every battle you get into. I know you're better than that."

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" i know! " he said distressed " but aven's gotten stronger and meaner. he's planning something, and i couldn't quiet hear it but it had something to do with kachan." he said worriedly. he seemed like he got out everything he needed to get off his chest out.


Toshinori listened carefully. "Aven is very dangerous, that much I will say. But you have Bakugo to protect you, and you know proper fighting techniques, not just with one-for-all. If they're planning something with Bakugo, don't panic. It'll make it easier for them to get to you. Keep calm, and don't tell him about it. You won't want to stress him out." He explained.

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" i know, i haven't. right now keeping him calm is what matters most" he said. taking the avice he had been given he tried to calm down before reentering the room.


Toshinori followed, and Bakugo had finished eating dinner by the time they got back out there. He looked up at them, smiling at Izuku. "Hey. So babe, does All Might know about your ranking?" He asked. Toshinori nodded at this. "Yes, and I'm very proud of him for it! He's done a great job and is turning out to be an amazing hero!"

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izuku flushed a red at the cheeks. " th..thnaks.." he said embarrased. the smaller took his plate and scraped it. not really wanting to eat. he also took his lovers plate, making sure he didn't get up after him.


Bakugo stayed seated, knowing Izuku would fight him about getting up. Toshinori laughed some. "You know, it's not going to hurt him to walk around. If he goes stir-crazy, you might not be able to keep him inside!"

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" …" izuku sighed. " im stil taking his plate though." he remarked. the smaller washed the plates that where dirty and sat back down.

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izuku was half temepted at as what ' proper attention' meant but decided to ask later. after a while the smaller started to become more tired. yawning, he put his hand in the others.