forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Toshinori smiled a bit at this. "Well, I suppose I should be heading back home." He stood from his seat. "It was nice seeing you guys again. Tell your other pals I said hi. And Midoriya, remember what we talked about. I think Bakugo understands enough, he won't need that little talk of mine." He then left.

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izuku nodded. relieaved about the talk as well " im going to go lay down, wanna come with?" he asked.

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izuku changed into bed clothes, and layed down, snuggling up in the blankets. he fidured he'd snuggle with the other once he layed down as well.


Bakugo changed into some pajamas as well, a t-shirt and some plaid pajama pants. He'd been getting colder at night, so just sleeping in his boxers was no longer comfortable. He went to the bed and laid down with Izuku, huddling close to him.

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izuku snuggled up to the other, he laid a hand on his side. " so… what did you mean by ' proper attention'?" he asked.

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izuku laughed softly. " okay love." he agreed. the smaller kissed the others forehead and smiled. he yawned once more, and closed his eyes but didnt go to sleep Quiet yet.


Early the next morning Bakugo turned off his alarm before it went off, being sure not to wake Izuku. He decided to take on an earlier patrol, since it would be safer, and his lover has suggested it in the first place. He pulled on his costume, then went out.

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It was only a little while later did Izuku get up, getting dressed. Listening to music on his phone, the song that the two had once dance too. The smaller decided he would do some of the movements.

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Izuku flushes red at the cheeks. “ h.. hey kachan!” He said happily.

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Izuku smiled “ yeah..” he said softly. He put his hand in the others.

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"yeah." izuku said half excited and half nervous, he was still a little skidish when it came to things like hugging and stuff like that.

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izuku smiled brightly. he was happy about the carrying, the smaller would have never thought this possible. ( so i had an idea, well two actually. 1 what if bakugo worked mornings, and izuku worked nights. that way they had the day together, 2 what if mina asked izuku to a basket ball game with her izuku momo todoroki and lida. )

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(and uraraka, for an even three on three, todoroki could get close to momo and bakugo got an shirtless izuku. which doesn't happen to often.)


(I like both of those ideas, and I actually had one of my own. What if Bakugo had twins?)
Bakugo smiled back, pressing a kiss to Izuku's forehead. "8 more months… Then we can finally meet this little guy." He mumbled, sighing happily.

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( that would be awesome!) " yeah! cant wait!" he said with a determined smile. suddenly izuku's phone rang. " hey mina,… yeah! i'd love to! maybe we could score a point back for last year!" the smaller hung up " mine's just invited us to a basket ball game, the both of us" he emphasized the last part. meaning he'd let bakugo go some where for once (XD protective izuku) " im going to go change," he said heading to his room.


Bakugo seemed to get excited at the fact that Izuku was letting him go somewhere besides work for once, following Izuku to the room. He changed out of his hero costume and into some jeans and a simple t-shirt, but didn't like how the jeans felt, so he changed into sweatpants instead.