forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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izuku seemed to smile from ear to ear ' sure! you could come over tonight, moms making dinner anyway. i could tell her your coming over.' he texted back.

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" yup! he said he was proud" izuku said with pride. though he was waiting for todoroki to make a secret love child joke.

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"!' izuku just started laughing " seriusly where did you get that idea?" his smile was bright and cheerfull once again,


Todoroki made a serious face. "I got it from it being true! He's always been right there all the time, and even though you're the next in line to take his place, I still think so." He then started laughing softly as well.

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izuku scoffed. " okay, so hes like a father figure but i dont even know who my father is so hows it true?" he asked a logical question.

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" like the time you thought you could beat me with just ice.." he remarked from the festival. " then you litterly went kaboom!" he said making an explosion reference with his hands.

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" mhm." izuku said sarcastically, though something caught him off gard. his radio. " help! bank robbed. strength class hero's needed. " izuku looked to todoroki " lets go help!" he said determinedly.

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izuku shrugged. " i just gotta hide from the reporters.." he said. once they got there the smaller went in as a negotiator, feeling that he could talk the villian to stop what he was doing and surrender. " look im not a cop. and i wont use my quirk on you. " he reasoned.


The villain was a woman with a smaller build, she looked normal. It didn't look like she had a quirk, but looks could be decieving. She narrowed her eyes and backed up, hissing at Izuku. Todoroki stayed outside in case the criminal tried to run.

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izuku looked at her " look i know how it feels to be quirkless. if thats why your doing this." he paused " stop this now, and we can walk out of her unharmed."


"Who said I was quirkless??" She snapped, as she talked a long, forked tongue flicked in her mouth. She then tackled Izuku, opening her mouth to reveal two large fangs.

Todoroki saw this and ran in, quickly restraining the girl with his ice.

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izuku alomst jumped out of his skin when she attacked him. " i.. im sorry lady." izuku rubbed his wrists. that looked like they'd bruise from the ladies grip.

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" yeah, fine. " he said masking the fear in his voice. the smaller had never been in a situation that escalated that fast.

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izuku smiled softly. " thanks." though the moment of calm didnt last long. producers hero loggers and news peoples. the smaller felt like he needed to get out of their.