forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“…” Izuku nodded. He started to alert people, getting them to evacuate the sene. He’d go along with them at some point. The reporters where catching it all on the live news, their cameras caught a films of Aven.
Aven flinched as he saw the man rushing him. “ clearly he doesn’t know my quirk.”


Aizawa's eyes turned red as he canceled any quirk Aven would have, using his scarf to pull himself up some out of his view a moment, before landing on top of him, squinting his eyes a moment and shaking his head. "What kind of darts are those?" He asks, wrapping his scarf around the man.

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“ like I’d tell “ Aven answered sarcastically. “ something that takes down Zuzu.”
Izuku had finally gotten just about everyone out. The news people were stubborn “ you need to leave! Those darts are not something to joke about.” The boy tried to reason.

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Avens breath escaped him as he was squeezed “ it’s a tranquil dart, strong enough to take down a lion.” He said while struggling.

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“ if your going to examine them, be sure which ones, there are some quirk erasing darts in there. “ Aven was waiting for the moment when he looked away.


Aizawa scoffed at this. "I'm not that stupid. Yes, I'm going to confiscate them, but I've already sent my location. The police are on their way as we speak." He then sat on the ground, trying to keep from passing out from the dart's effects as he kept a watchful eye on Aven.

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Izuku jumped up to where the two sat. “ you okay sir?” He asked. The smaller would have to make sure his mentor wasn’t going to pass out.


Aizawa rubbed his temples. "Aven's using tranquil darts. Apparently powerful enough to knock out a lion." He shook his head again, seeming to try and shake off the effects. "I should be fine after a bit, but right now I'm a bit out of sorts. Hizashi should already be on his way to check on Bakugo, make sure he's fine. You should head there, too. Someone needs to stay here."

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“ I’m not leaving you alone. “ Izuku said sternly. He knew that the effects of the dart were serious, and Aven looked like he was going to break free at any chance he got.

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“ .. “ Izuku flushed red at the first part. “ just don’t fall asleep..” he mumbled, not real sure it would help.
Aven scoffed “ so it’s the little annoying zuzu” he teased, trying to get into the boys head.

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Aven scoffed, “ more annoying? Look old man he’s quirk less and he’s a problem. You should get rid of him while you can.”


Aizawa's eyelids fluttered a bit and he closed them, feeling dizzy suddenly. "I wouldn't do.. that. Midoriya is the best student I've had… And I'd protect him with my life.." He muttered, feeling himself starting to drift off.

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Izuku noticed his teacher drifting, he sat by the man, taking over his shift. “ take a nap, I got this sir.” He said politely.

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“! “ Izuku got up, grabbing Aven “let’s go.” He said to the man, dragging him to the cops.


One of the officers took Aven, putting some quirk suppressing cuffs on him before taking him away.

Aizawa just then started to wake up, making a soft confused sound and slowly opening one of his eyes, then sighing heavily and standing up, staying in one spot a moment to regain his balance before walking over to Izuku.

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Izuku had noticed his teacher, hugging him quickly. “ thanks!” He said, the words Aven had mumbled the whole time had started to cut deep.

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“ speaking up for me.. and the help at the hospital “he said, he let go of the hug, pulling his mask down.