forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Izuku nodded “ sure kachan.” The green haired boy tried to imagine it. It was wonderful they where planning it out


New rp

Legends told of a dragon king, one of the medieval ages. Somehow this human had managed to tame and take control over a large dragon, but some say this wasn’t the full story. It was known he had superhuman abilities, but some said this human fell in love with this dragon. That they were part human, too. The story began in the woods, outside of his cave… Bakugo was sorting through his bag of gems he’d recently collected, before putting them back in the sack so he could carry them with ease. Little did he know, a small creature was lurking nearby…

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The male crept up behind the blonde, silently walking. The growl was fierce, cold, saying that death was soon anyone who stalked near. As he came into view the red hair blazed like fire, his eyes just the same.

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Kirishima got an annoyed look. “ this is my cave..human..”

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Kirishima growled, “ if it’s a fight you want then it’s a fight you get.” The red haired boy seem to change in an illusion. His body became that of a dragon. A large one at that.


Bakugo’s stance didn’t falter. He wasn’t scared of a dragon, especially one like this. “Let’s see just how fireproof you really are!” He yelled, lunging at the dragon and sending large explosions in his direction.

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The dragon bearly flinched, his skin was rock hard “ try again human.”


Bakugo growled at this, more explosions flying out of his hands as he tried to attack the dragon. It had no effect, but the human moved to the underside of the dragon, a possible ticklish spot for him, though he didn't know this. (This is part of the comic I read XD)

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“!” The dragon started to laugh, “s.. stop!” He tried to get away but the boy ended up changing back.

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Kirishima growled. “ let me go! You cheated.” The red haired boy struggled, but to no avail.

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“Yes it is..” he said with a angered tone. “ we’re would you like to go?”

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“ I can walk on my own!” He yelled, once again fighting the mans grip. This time he’d gotten free.


Bakugo scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Come on." He ordered Kirishima, going inside the cave. He went to the bed he'd placed in there a few days before, flopping back on it. "You can find a spot in the cave to sleep, frankly I don't care."

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Kirishima nodded, he had changed into the dragon, and curled up on the floor. A soft growl that sounded like a snore emitted from the lizard.

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After sometime the scaled beast woke, the sound of thunder in the distance. Kirishima looked to the cave opening. It was pouring rain. He sighed getting up and going to the mouth of the cave.

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The male stuck his nose it the rain, steam flowing off. He looked around, eyes darting to the loud male sleeping. Kirishima Trotted out, going on a hunt, but little did he know, someone was hunting him.