forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"No!" He instantly defended with a pout. "…maybe." He mumbled under his breath before shaking it off. "Regardless, springtime is beautiful. I think you'd really like it."


Raz chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek. He nodded with a hopeful smile "then we'll start looking for flights to Spain during the springtime as soon as possible." He said excitedly. "By the time we're done, between the wedding, the honeymoon and the vacation to Spain, were going to be broke!"


"Leave the spending habits to me, my prince. I'll take care of everything." He nuzzled into him lovingly. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Plan the wedding of your dreams. You only get to once."


"and then feel guilty for how much money I'd potentially be spending? I think not my king." He argued lightly, pressing light kisses to Jay's neck and jaw. "Besides, there's something almost rewarding about paying off something so big like a wedding." He added on with a small smile.


"I suppose that's true. Alright fine. But I'm planning the honeymoon to absolute perfection and there's nothing you can do about it." He captured his lips in a premature silencing kiss. "After all, it's my wedding too, isn't it?"


He hummed softly, gently cupping Jays cheek to keep contact, even as their kiss was short lived. "It definately is. I can't wait what you come up with the honeymoon, do I get any hints or do I have to wait?"


"Nope! I'm making it a surprise. But I think you'll warm up to the idea soon enough." He chuckled as he nuzzled his nose. "I promise you will love it. I'd have nothing less."
(Hehe, puns)


Raz arched an eyebrow suspiciously but dropped any attempt to find out more, knowing Jay wouldn't tell him anything until the day of. "As long as you're there, I'll be happy." He laughed softly at the nuzzling and tilted his head up to press a kiss to Jay's lips.


Jay gladly indulged himself in the kiss, near melting into him. When he pulled back, he chuckled. "You really are intoxicating, my prince. It should be illegal to have lips as sweet as yours."


"The same should be said about all of you." He replied, waving to Jay. "You don't have to worry, my love is only for you." He pressed a kiss to his cheek and rested his head against Jay's shoulder "any plans for dinner or are we just winging it tonight?"


"hmm, I think you're right, we deserve a bit of a break." He glanced over at the two and gently nudged Logan's leg, earning him a half-hearted kick. Raz chuckled lightly and nudged him again, this time waking logan. He glared at Raz through tired eyes and whined a response
"Your turn to make dinner."


Jackson grumbled under his breath about Raz waking Logan up but other than that, said nothing. Jay stuck his tongue out at him with a light chuckle. "Why exactly do we have to?" "Um, I don't know, because we just got home and want to relax before jumping right back into being the responsible ones here?" "…okay, reasonable."


"that and because neither of you let us sleep last night. We deserve a bit of a break from you two."
Logan sighed softly and sat up trying to shake off his recent nap. "Any requests for dinner? Now mind you my cooking skills are limited." He said, yawning and stretching out his back a bit


"well, lucky for you, that's something I can actually make!" Logan said, bouncing up from the couch.
"guess we're having grilled cheese for dinner."
Logan shook his head "oh no, we're having fancy grilled cheese for dinner."
Raz arched an eyebrow "now I'm concerned."


"Don't set the house on fire. That's my only caveat." "The bar is on the floor, people." "Hey, it's not my house but that doesn't mean I want to be stuck out in the cold."


"I won't, then how would we ever get coffee?" Logan called over his shoulder.
"And please make it taste decent!" Raz added on.
"No promises on that one Razzy!"
Raz sighed softly and rested back against Jay


"hm, that is true." Raz replied, leaning into Jay's touch and pressing a light kiss to his wrist. "I'm sure those two can handle an easy grilled cheese, even if it's going to be 'fancy.'" he reassured, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch and curling up against Jay, reveling in the warmth for a bit while dinner was being made


Jay gladly curled up with him, grabbing his hand and rubbing his thumb in circles over the back of it. "I can't wait to marry you." He whispered softly.


"neither can I my king." Raz replied softly, smiling at their intertwined hand. "Would this marriage count as another contract?" He asked curiously, nudging their heads together and getting comfy


Raz pressed a kiss to Jay's hand before glancing up at his beloved demon "I'm absolutely fine with that. Forever with you doesn't seem too bad." He murmured, lips brushing against Jay's jawline and neck.


"Then you can be just like me. Immortal and hopelessly in love. Doesn't mean I'm not going to have my heart shattered when you die though. Coming back or not, that might actually break me."