forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

people_alt 79 followers


(hi starry!!)
"So! Is it five star or what?!" Logan alsed, plopping down into a chair and taking a bit of his grilled cheese then doing that thing where you breath in to diminish the heat but it doesn't really work. Raz laughed softly and shook his head "it's pretty good Lo, you both did amazing." He complimented, pleasently surprised to find that there was ham chunks and leafy greens mixed in, adding to the simple cheese sandwich.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(Hey Fenrir!)
(And fyi, I'm probably not the only stalker… I mean, there are 63 users following, and only about 55 or so are irrelevant)


(Ahhhh excuse me while I go implode)
"Eh, 8 out of 10. Not mind blowing but it's definitely good." Jackson rolled his eyes. "Tough crowd, eh?" "You were stationed in Italy the same time I was. You know why I gave it the rating I did."


"Hey I never promised authentic Italian food. I don't even think grilled cheese is Italian. I promised not burned and we delivered." Logan defended, downing a glass of water to stop the burning.
"It's great Lo, thank you to the both of you for the great dinner."


"That it was, I will not argue with that. But my standards are also pretty high so a perfect 10 out of 10 is nigh impossible to get so don't blame yourself."


Logan sighed softly and flicked a crumb at Jay "hey, next time you want 10 out of 10 you make it." He laughed softly and finished off his sandwich.
"Hey, you're one to talk, one 2 star coffee and you're ranting for a night."
"Coffees different." Logan defended with a pout


"Hey, if you had the palette I did, you'd be picky too." He rolled his eyes with a chuckle before finishing his sandwich. "We all have that one spot in our lives where we're picky, mine just so happens to be food."


"eh true." Logan agreed.
He stretched and stood "anyone want seconds, we made a bit too many." He said, passing Raz one as he raised his hand.
"if food comes out half this good, you're welcome to cook more."
Logan laughed softly "why so you and Jay can canoodle more?"
Now it was Raz's turn to turn red "no…you just seem to like cooking a lot and it gives us a break and stuff."
"Uh huh sure Razzy."


Jay simply raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Oh, like you Jackson would if it was the other way around? You two may make fun of us but we're closer to second base than you are."


"suuure riiiight," Logan drawled, shaking his head.
Raz just tried to drown them out by eating his second sandwich, humming softly and not daring to make eye contact with any of them.


Jackson just put his head on the table, trying not to die internally any more than he already was as Jay laughed. "You aren't fazed by much, are you?"


Logan shook his head as he patted Jackson's arm. "At this point, not really." He shrugged and relaxed against the chair "Too much has hapoened for me to worry about every single bad thing thats happened to me.”


Logan shook his head as he patted Jackson's arm. "At this point, not really." He shrugged and relaxed against the chair
"Honestly you can tell me anything and I'll be fine. Few years ago, that probably wouldn't have been possible."


Logan shook his head "no, I don't think I'm emotionless, just not as delusional as before." He said, glancing over to Raz who had lightly rested a hand on his arm. "Things happen that rip away the fantastical part of life. Not everything is happy go lucky. Now thankfully I've retained some aspexts of rainbows and unicorns but I'm not blind to it as I was before." He sighed softly "I've been through worse than finding out you two are demons or that Razzy actually has a love life."


"You've been through worse than us? I don't even, well, actually nevermind. Scratch that. There's a lot worse than us. At least when we're being passive."


He nodded slowly, gaze growing distant "yeah, there's worse, unfortunately." He murmured, taking a deep breath and shaking himself out of his thoughts "but that doesn't matter any more." He smiled softly and gently squeezed Raz's hand in a silent thank you for his comfort. "But enough about me, what about you two, we need a final date, we can't procrastinate on speeches if there no date to procrastinate until."


By now Raz's blushing had gone down. "Mhm, sometime a bit warmer, most likely April."
Logan groaned dramatically "so that means we only have 2 months to not write a speech, that's not enough time!"
Raz laughed lightly and patted Logan's arm "you poor thing, you'll be fine."


"This is why you don't procrastinate children. Or you'll end up like Logan." Jay chuckled. "Hey, that doesn't sound that bad." "Of course you say that, you're head over heels for him."


Logan and Raz laughed at their partners before giving each other a knowing look. "A bubbly coffee addict? Who wouldn't want to be like that." Raz teased, standing to clear the table.
"Hey, y'all love this mess." Logan argued with a laugh, standing to help.


"That statement goes for you too, mister. You show up at my wedding with some half assed speech, I'm gonna shove the microphone down your throat." Jay ruffled Jackson's hair. "Please don't and don't touch the hair!" Jackson huffed, fixing it.


Logan gave Raz a squeeze before walking over to Jackson, gently running his hands through his hair. "We'll have a speech, don't worry about it." He reassured, resting his head against Jackson's "you worry about Razzy and the wedding, we'll take care of everything else."


Jackson leaned back into Logan's hands, smiling softly. "Yeah yeah, I'm trying to. But if Jackson requires extra babysitting, that's not my fault." "Hey!"