"Of course. Whatever you say, my prince." Jay sighed when he smelled smoke. "What's burning?" "Nothing! It's all under control!" Jackson quipped, although his voice was slightly panicked.
"Of course. Whatever you say, my prince." Jay sighed when he smelled smoke. "What's burning?" "Nothing! It's all under control!" Jackson quipped, although his voice was slightly panicked.
Raz groaned softly in protest as he heard the commotion coming from the kitchen. "Lo you promised not to burn the kitchen down!"
"I'm not!" He wined
"Hm then what's burning?"
Logan peeked into the livingroom and waved at Raz dismissively "don't worry about it, you two get back to cuddling. Dinner will be done in 20 ish minutes."
"Don't die before you tie the knot with Jackson. Would be a shame if it was just the three of us without you."
"Jay!!" Jay couldn't see Jackson's face but he knew he had to be bright red.
"What? I'm not wrong, am I?"
Raz laughed softly when he saw Logan turned beet red and took a peek over his shoulder. "While he may be getting a bit ahead of himself, Jay's right, we'd hate to lose you to a grill cheese fire." He said with a smile.
Logan rolled his eyes but still remained red. "I'm not gonna cause a fire," he took a deep breath before he went back into the kitchen
"I'm holding you to that!" He laughed as Logan retreated to the kitchen. "Do you think the two of them will get married like we are? Because I'd say there's a strong possibility they will."
"I'm not sure, Lo's never expressed a want to get married." He shrugged with a small smile "maybe Jackson will be the one who pushes him towards that." He laughed softly and watched as Logan went back into the kitchen
"Jackson is sentimental like that. For someone who has such a fear of relationships, he adores total commitment. Weird, right?"
"yeah a bit but also really sweet. But I feel like that's a good thing, for both of them. They both need that reassurance in each other to function." He chuckled lightly and shook his head adoringly "now if only one of them wasn't so chicken to propose.
Logan popped his head back into the living room "you two can't talk in your head or something, we can still hear you."
"Why should we when it's something you both need to hear?" "Jay, I will not be sassed in my own house." "This literally isn't even your house." "It's not yours either. So shut your mouth."
Logan went back to tgrning into a tomato while the two argued. Raz just sighed softly "hey, if anyone wants to pay the bills, I'll gladly give over ownership of the house." He detangled himself from Jay and wrapped Logan in a hug, laughing as he tried to pull away, muttering something about it being his fault he was so flustered. "Hey, I'm sorry lo." He whispered as he pulled him into the kitchen. "But you and Jackson are made for each other, none of would be surprised if you two got married soon."
"Yeah but not now, not after I literally just found out that him and Jay are demons and that we're gonna make a contract."
Raz sighed softly and hugged Ligan close "I know, we're just teasing." He reassured.
"Meanie pants." Logan pouted "you get that from Jay don't you?"
Jay gave it a rest with Jackson for the time being, laying down on the couch as Raz talked to Logan. He stared at the ceiling, a warm feeling in his chest as he realized that this was the first place he could ever truly call home in his life.
After Raz comforted Logan and eased him into Jackson's embrace, he went back into the livingroom, a smile settling on his lips, even as he flopped ontop of Jay and snuggling up against him, pressing kisses to his lips
A sound of surprise came from Jay as Raz snapped him out of his thoughts but it melted in his mouth as he returned his kisses gladly, smiling against his mouth.
"I love you Jay," he whispered softly, relaxing against his beloved and cacooning the both of them in the blankets. "You're the love of my life and my afterlife. There's no one I'd rather spend eternity than you." He murmured, nuzzling against him.
"I love you more Raz. I don't know how I did ever or could ever do this without you." He wrapped his arms tight around him, keeping him there. "You're my entire life, I can't do this without you anymore."
"you don't have to my love, I'm not going anywhere." He promised, gently cupping his cheek and pressing a kiss to his nose. He smiled softly and peeked out from under the sheets, watching as Logan started setting the table for dinner. "We can snuggle later my love, I think dinner is finally ready." He murmured, huddling closer to Jay, not wanting to leave his warm and safe hold
"Do we have to? Can't I just lay here with you? Come on, you don't really want to leave me here, do you?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. Was he sweet talking him so that he wouldn't have to move? Maybe.
Raz whimpered softly at the request, half tempted to oblige to Jay's request, practically melting into his fiance's embrace. "As much as I'd love nothing more than to stay here with you, I'm not sure how much Logan and Jackson would appreciate it if we did, especially after how much hard work they put into making dinner." He pressed a tender kiss to Jay's lips. "I promise you I'm all yours to cuddle and kiss after we eat dinner and shower, okay?"
Jay sighed heavily but nodded. "Alright fine. But only because I'm hungry. Now come on, before dinner gets cold." He kissed his forehead softly.
He laughed and nudging into the kiss. He reluctantly pulled himself off if Jay and headed to the kitchen, sliding into one of the chairs, pulling his legs to him as he thanked the two for the dinner and started eating, very surprised to find that it actually tasted pretty good
Jay followed him, taking a seat and hesitantly biting into one of the sandwiches but relaxed when it didn't taste awful. He hummed in appreciation as he chewed, his appetite returning to him.
(Curious stalker here, what was Jay and Raz' contract again?)
(First, hi Star! Second, Jay has sworn that he will remain by Raz's side as whatever he desires until the day he dies. After that, I have yet to develop because I didn't think I'd get this far. Did I rip this directly out of Black Butler because I watch too much anime? Maybe~)
(I thought that's what it was… just wanted to make sure!)
(And yeah, I've been silently stalking this for a bit now, since before Jackson and Logan met)
(Really? Wow, that was a while ago. I've never actually had a stalker of my own story, this is exciting)
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