forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Raz' brows creased in worry, having never really thought about his death in depth before. "How's that going to work? After I die, will I just come back after a few days or something? Will I go back to being the age I was when we made the contract? What about you? What if it's a short time for me and years for you before we find each other?"


"Well seeing as demons live forever, you will go back to the most optimal time that your body can have. Meaning, you'll return to about early 20s because that's when the body is at its prime. And no, you won't just be floating in the void, you'll pop into the underworld and have to explain that you're bonded in which case you'll be returned up to me. But that could take a few hours so I'll have a little bit of time to have my heart broken."


"oh…that's gonna be weird, coming back as a 20 somthing year old then actually going to Hell for a quick chat." He shivered slightly, pressing closer to Jay. "Your heartbreak won't last long my love." He promised, pressing a kiss to his cheek


"They won't keep you don't there for long." He gasped in excitement. "You'll get to meet Hemlock! I completely forgot! Oh, you'll be just fine. You'll probably pop up right in her office, she's a sweetheart. She runs purgatory so she'll point you where you need to go, she'll send you right back up to me."


He nodded slowly still not entirely excited about death but sort of reassured that someone Jay trusted was going to meet him after death. "Despite her seeming like a wonderful person, I think it's understandable when I say I can wait, as long as possible, to meet her."


"Understandable. But still, you'll be taken care of before you get sent back to me. And a good thing too, I'll need you there to comfort me after you die."


"I promise youy love, we can cuddle and do whatever you want after I come back." He promised, pressing kisses to Jays jaw and cheek. "I'll always come back to you."


"I love you too Jay, too much to leave you." Raz nestled in next to him, reaching up and running his hand through Jay's hair. "I'm all yours Jay, no one's ever going to change that."


"I would never want to get rid of you." He hummed softly as he was pulled in close. He relaxed into his hold ans shut his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to enjoy his fiance's closeness without having to worry about either of them.being separated


Raz shrugged and buried his face against Jay's chest to hide his blush. "It feels like we haven't had a chance to relax since we got home, between what's going on between Lo and Jackson and all the wedding planning, we haven't really had much time to ourselves."


Raz hummed in agreement and pressed sweet kisses to Jay's skin. "Something tells me that it won't last that long but we'll enjoy it while it lasts."


"No, no it won't." He relished in Raz's lips on his skin, enjoying his warmth. "Would you ever want to get our own place? I know how much you love Logan but I can't help but ask if you'd ever want it to be just the two of us."


"I have been actually. Maybe not immediately or so far away in case anything were to happen but maybe after a few months after the wedding?" He suggested, glancing up at Jay. "Love and Jackson seem to be doing pretty well, I'm sure they'd like a place to themselves without us constantly hanging over them." Although it made him a bit sad, knowing Logan would eventually want to be apart from.him, it also made him happy that he was finally with someone he could love so openly.


"Yeah, I can respect that. You seem like the kind of person who hates to be away from the people you care about." He chewed on his lip, thinking. "If you had to pick a place to live, where would you go?"


Raz thought for a moment, having never really thought about an actual location he'd want to move to. "Maybe near a beach or something? I know we have a lake nearby with some really nice houses. I was thinking of finding a place there? It's only an hours drive from here so it wouldn't be that far."


"You'd really just want to stay here? Or at least near here. As someone who grew up by here, the second I got the chance to leave, I took it. I wanted to get off the East Coast like it was a parasite."


He laughed lightly and shrugged "I don't really have any plans on going far other than traveling. If I had to move somewhere else, I guess maybe France? Me and Lo have gone a few times and have loved it. If we had to stay in the U.S I guess I'd love to Florida? Definately somewhere warm with no snow."


Raz nodded, nuzzling into Jay's neck. "Who knows, but for now I want to stay closer to Logan. Maybe in the future we can move away from the cold and the snow." He said, shutting his eyes.


"thank you my love," he murmured, pulling the blanket up to his chin. "You're sleeping with me tonight, I had forgotten how much Logan moves in his sleep when he's upset." He said, glancing over at the pair in the kitchen, slightly worried when he saw smoke of the pans