forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He shrugged slightly “I’m not entirely sure. I don’t have much family around here besides my brother who lives a few hours away. I’ve told him about you but not about the wedding. I’m not sure how accepting he’d be..” Raz replied with a small sigh.


Jay's lips twisted in a frown with a sigh. "That's what I was worried about. I want to meet your family, I do. But not if it's going to put you in danger. Physically or mentally." He nuzzled his face into Raz's neck. "Just because I know what it's like to be shunned by family doesn't mean you do."


Raz shrugged slightly and rested his head against Jay’s. “It’s alright love, I don’t think I’d be in any danger if we invited him. I think I have some cousins around here too. They’re not as critical as my brother.” He pressed a sweet kiss to his brow and added about five more people on his side of the family to the guest list.


"What about your parents? I know you said they live far away but it's their son's wedding. You'd think they'd be willing to make the trip out." He paused for a minute. "Well, unless you're on bad terms in which case forget I said anything."


Raz laughed softly, finding it endearing that Jay was concerned. “It’s alright love. I’m not sure how quickly mom can make the trip from Florida but it’s defiantly worth a call. I’m sure she’d love to finally meet you.” He said with a smile. “I think mom might take you from me though, so we’ll have to be careful.”


"Oh hell no. She can try but I belong to you and only you. It's in the contract. Literally." He laughed, kissing his cheek. "Wait, what about your dad? Unless he's not in the picture for whatever reason."


He laughed softly “who knows, my mom can be persuasive.” He mused with a smile, leaning his head back against Jay’s. He frowned slightly at the mention of his dad “No…he never really was. I don’t think he’ll be coming.”


“For someone who’s been away from their family for so long you’d think the things that annoy you the most were the things you’d miss the most.” Raz laughed and added on all of Jay’s siblings onto the guest list. Logan”were gonna have to pick out suits soon too…and a color palette…probably the color palette then the suits.”


He tilted his head with a smile “when have you ever seen in blue?” He asked, starting to make a few mood boards for each color, adding in golds to tie in the colors as well as some blacks, just to see how it would all come together. “I actually kinda like it,” He mused with a smile


He nodded with a small smile, resting his head against Jay’s and continuing on with researching some things for the wedding, some flowers, more venues, both indoor and outdoor, some suits, food options, and of course cakes.


Jay added in his opinion and suggestions periodically, but he mostly let Raz do the work. He was getting excited, this was actually going to happen!
(The last time I had a wedding planned on a public chat, it took literally like 6 months to get to it so let's try to avoid that, yeah?)


(Oh yeah, this won’t last 6 months promise)
A few hours later Raz shut the computer, satisfied with the work they had gotten done.
Logan has come back after his session, exhausted and disheveled, now lying on the other side of the couch, head on Jackson’s lap.
Raz smiled softly over at them before curling up beside Jay “let’s hope all of us can rest now that these two are alright. Speaking of which, are you okay with it? Uhm logan’s deal I mean.” He said, glancing up at his fiancé


Jay sighed, rolling the question over in his head for a minute. "I can't exactly say I'm happy about it. But that's mostly because you insisted on not and now we're completely going against it. But other than the slight annoyance of it, it's not my place to have an opinion. It's just as much Jackson's job as it is mine. What he does to get it done is none of my business."


He nodded slightly and sighed “I was against it. I didn’t want Logan to make a deal. But I also wasn’t expecting him to love Jackson so much. He…he hasn’t had the best of luck with partners. When you introduced Jackson at the restaurant, I thought Logan might have had an interest in him but…it turned into something more. More than what I was willing to control. He took a deep breath, fidgeting with his hands. “I assumed they’d break off or something. That’s I asked for either of you not to make a deal. I didn’t want him to be tethered to someone that could potentially break his heart again.” He laughed softly “guess not.” He looked over at the two, eyes softening “He loves Jackson.” He glanced up at Jay “I didn’t mean to confuse either of you, or annoy you. I-…just wanted to protect Logan I guess…” he shrugged slightly, resting against the couch and staring off in the distance


"That makes sense and I'm not saying it's your fault. You just wanted to protect your friend, I get that. But things change and there's always going to be some unexpected things that pop up. This is one of them." He glanced over at the two, watching Jackson comb through Logan's hair with a lovestruck smile. "Jackson hasn't exactly had the best of luck either. But now that he has someone who is willing to help him put the pieces back together, he's not going to let him go easily."


“Yeah you’re right, I don’t think Logan’s going to leave him any time soon either.” He laughed lightly “great, we’ll have both a coffee and chocolate addict in the house now.” He smiled and nuzzled against Jay, pressing his face into his neck and breathing him in. “Will you miss it? Your job I mean?”


Jay snorted with a roll of his eyes. "You kidding? Course not! Did I love being able to travel the world? Yes. But that world means nothing to me without you in it. I've got my life, got my prince, what more could I possibly need?"


Raz smiled softly and nodded "we'll be able to travel, maybe not as much as you used to but we've been saving up money for a few trips." He said, idly tracing Jay's collar bone and shoulder. "We were thinking of Spain this year, but that might be pushed back a few months due to the wedding."


"no! No it's actually cute." Raz laughed "You've been before?" He asked with a tilt of his head, intrigued that Jay had gone to such a beautiful place, or at last from what Raz had researched, it was seemingly beautiful. "Ne and Lo had been planning for summer time but considering well most likely have the wedding and honeymoon by then, we'll have to wait until next spring."


"Yeah, I was stationed there for a few months. Had a lot of fun and left with less taste buds than I think I should've." He laughed. "Summer gets pretty hot but spring is absolutely gorgeous. You could get some good tanning in before you melt in the summer heat."


"what did you do that did that, eat a ghost pepper or something?" He asked trying to hold back a laugh.
"ah good to note then, last year we barely survived the summer here, can't imagine the ones they have in Spain." He said after recovering from his struggle