“Alright then, we’ll have a nice cuddly day here then. I’ll tell Uriel later It'd be best if he didn’t come overboard today.” He reasoned, sitting down and eating his waffles with a proud dorky smile
“Alright then, we’ll have a nice cuddly day here then. I’ll tell Uriel later It'd be best if he didn’t come overboard today.” He reasoned, sitting down and eating his waffles with a proud dorky smile
Nathaniel rolled his eyes a bit as he kept eating. "Urielle can come over if he wants to… I'm not dying or anything."
“No, but we wouldn’t him and Jarvis to get sick either.” He pointed out, finishing his plate off and walking to the sink to start dishes. “Maybe later on.” He reasoned
"I'm not sick…" Nathaniel huffed again. "And if I were, I probably wouldn't be contagious. It would probably just be a cold."
He walked over when done and wrapped Nathaniel in his arms from behind. “Right, I forgot.” He kissed his head and sighed “alright, they can come over. I’ll call them soon.”
Nathaniel smiled softly and leaned back into V. "Can't stop the wedding planning, daring. Especially when I'm not even sick."
He hummed softly “no, I guess you can’t.” He laughed and kissed Nathaniel once more before sitting back down. “I wonder if they got any more planning done after we left.”
"Maybe… I dunno…" Nathaniel yawned a bit as he finished up his breakfast. "It's still cold in here… and hot. Fix it…"
V laughed and stood, scooping Nathaniel up in his arms “well, I don’t really know how to make a room both warm and cold all at once. Would you be satisfied with cuddles for now?” He asked with a smile, pressing their heads together
"Mm… okay…" Nathaniel yawned again and buried his face in V's shoulder, holding tightly to his fiance. "I love you…"
He hummed softly and settled on the couch with his angel, putting on a movie on the tv. “Better?” He asked, lightly stroking his hair and humming
"A little, I guess…" Nathaniel wrapped his legs around V's waist and clung tightly to him. "Mmmm…"
He hugged Nathaniel close and pressed gentle kisses to Nathaniel’s brow, “I love you more my angel.” He whispered, nuzzling close to him
"Nooo…" Nathaniel whined. "You're not allowed to do that… we love each other an equal amount at least. Haven't we had this conversation?"
“Ah yes, we have. But again I tell my dear, it’s not that I love you more than you love me. It’s that I love you more than anyone else could possibly love you.” He said, pressing kisses to husband lips. “I will always love you more than anything and anyone.”
Nathaniel huffed again and buried his face back in V's shoulder. "Mm… that's not what you said, though…"
He hugged Nathaniel close as he shifted his position the couch. “I didn’t? Then tell me my love. What did I say, hm?” He asked, idly playing with Nathaniel’s hair, slightly distracted by the person in his arms
"I said I love you, and you said that you love me more, which… im… implies that you love me more than I love you.."
He gazed at Nathaniel and sighed softly “and if I love you more? Is that such a problem, hm?” He asked, tracing the bridge of Nathaniel’s nose with a gentle finger
Nathaniel nodded. "Yeah! Because it's not true! You couldn't possibly love me more than I love you." He insisted.
He hummed softly and shook his head. “But that’s not true either, cuz that would be saying that I love you less.” He laughed and wrapped his wing around the smaller angle. “We’ll go back to loving each other equally okay?”
Nathaniel nodded a bit and huffed again, tucking his head under V's chin. "It just works out better for both of us."
He nodded in agreement and nuzzled close to Nathaniel. “It does, but just so you know, I do love you more than anyone else could, Alright?”
Nathaniel nodded again. "And I you, darling…" He coughed a bit and gripped V more tightly, his face still flushed with fever.
He pulled away gently and sighed softly, “darling creature, I don’t denying you’re sick will make you any less sick.” He slowly shifted up and stood with Nathaniel to go to the kitchen.
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