"Because I don't like celebrating my birthday, that's all," Cicada shrugged a little as she kept walking around, "So don't celebrate every day for the next to weeks. I will hurt you got it?"
"Because I don't like celebrating my birthday, that's all," Cicada shrugged a little as she kept walking around, "So don't celebrate every day for the next to weeks. I will hurt you got it?"
"I can't even get you a present?" Phoenix asked her with a pout, deciding it was best to go with her wishes. "Or even a card?"
"Card, card is fine I guess," Cicada admitted with a little shrug after seeing his pouty face, "No presents though, please."
"Alright, I'll force myself not to." Phoenix nodded, trying to drop his pout. "I don't want to disrespect your wishes."
Cicada let out a long sigh and looked at Phoenix, "Thank you. That means a lot, I promise."
"Of course… you seemed really rattled by that. I don't want to bug you about." Phoenix whispered, lifting his head to look straight forward. "So I won't ask what it's about."
Cicada felt a soft smile tug on her face as she started to walk once more, "I, really thank you. Let's keep wandering around campus yeah?"
"Sure thing. I didn't bug you, did I?" Phoenix asked her softly, starting to lead her on down the pathway with a weak smile.
Cicada shook her head letting Phoenix lead her along, "Not really no. You're fine I promise."
“Good. I really don’t want to lose you, before we get our drinking party.” Phoenix teased, smiling softly.
Cicada laughed a little as she kept going with a smile on her face, "You're stuck with me not the other way around. So yeah we're having our drinking party."
“Mm, I dunno. I don’t feel stuck with you.” Phoenix hummed, pursing his lips together with a soft smile. “But that’s good to hear.”
"It's good to hear that you don't feel stuck with me," Cicada said looking around the campus. She glanced over at him with a soft smirk, "So are you going anywhere or embracing the lostness?"
“Well, I had been getting lost, but then I looked up and started to try and map my way somewhere.” Phoenix admitted, huffing a bit. “Don’t scold me.”
"I won't," Cicada laughed and began pulling him lightly away from their current course, "But let's get lost again. It's more fun that way."
“Right… I just need to distract myself.” Phoenix hummed, looking down at her. Slowly he started to sink in to his thoughts.
"Mhm, sooo what do you want to talk about?" Cicada asked him after a moment. She hated the silence and so conversation was her best distraction.
Phoenix snapped back to reality, shrugging a bit. “I don’t really know… but I’ll talk about almost anything.”
"Okay, so pick a topic," Cicada said with a little shrug, "I don't really have anything at the moment to talk about either."
“What about music?” Phoenix asked her, running a hand through his hair with a soft smile. “What’s your favorite kind?”
"Favorite kind of music?" Cicada asked and went quiet for a moment in thought, "I think probably pop or rock. What about you?"
“I can’t really narrow it down, but I’d agree with you. Pop and rock is nice.” Phoenix nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. “I have specific artist I like Though. I can narrow that down.”
"Okay, then what's your favorite artist?" Cicada asked letting her hands go behind her back. She was looking at him curiously.
"Oddly enough, Halsey… or Imagine Dragons." Phoenix hummed, shrugging just a bit. "I have no idea why I like them, I just find their music appealing to myself. If I sang, I'd probably always be singing one of their songs."
"I can agree with that," Cicada nodded a little with a smile, "Though probably more on the Imagine Dragon side than Halsey. Though her music is pretty good too."
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