"I think we can head back," Cicada gave him a little smirk. She let her hands go behind her back, "After you get water of course."
"I think we can head back," Cicada gave him a little smirk. She let her hands go behind her back, "After you get water of course."
Phoenix gave her a skeptical look, picking up his pace a bit. "Why so smirky about it?" He asked her, his own half smile staying. "What did you do?"
"Nothing, I just have a natural smirk," Cicada kept smirking as she kept up with him, "Is it a problem?"
"Oh- no it's not. I just thought you were about to do something." Phoenix hummed, shrugging just a bit. 'Gotta call my professor when I get back…' He told himself, nodding.
"Nope," Cicada let out a laugh as she had a smile on, "But a fair assumption I guess. Got a lot of assignments to do?"
Shaking out of his thoughts, he looked over at her with his own light smile. "Nope, not really. Though I've still got some things to do… what about you?"
"I've got a few things to do, I've at least gotten out of all science labs for the rest of the year," Cicada had a light smile on it as she continued to look at him happily.
"That's good. And lucky for you, I wish I could just get out of English." Phoenix joked, coming up to the water fountain to drink from it. "It takes stress off my shoulder."
"Hey, I have a legitimate reason to skip science labs," Cicada responded in a similar joking manner. She stayed behind him, "You have no reason to get out of English."
"Besides not wanting to- duh." Phoenix laughed, pulling back after drinking a decent amount of water. "Now, am I allowed to map our way back?"
"Yes, you are allowed to map our way back," Cicada responded with a slight laugh.
Looking around, he started off in the direction they had come from, just so he could get a better idea where to head. "I guess the arcade is off for tonight, right?"
"Yeah," Cicada let out another laugh though this was much more nervous and apologetic, "Sorry. Maybe tomorrow?"
"Don't worry about it, we still hung out." Phoenix hummed, giving her a soft smile. "And sure, if you're up for it. I'd be happy to go with you tomorrow."
"Yeah I would love to," Cicada responded with a happy smile in return, "I'm glad you're still down to hang out after today. If I haven't made that clear already."
"And clearly I totally wanna hang out. If I haven't made that very clear today." Phoenix hummed, shrugging a bit. "What time, tomorrow?"
"We could meet earlier in the day. How does 4 work for you?" Cicada asked him still smiling. She couldn't keep the grin off her face.
"I think I'm good for four. I'll let you know if plans change." Phoenix smiled back, leading her a short cut way back. "If it doesn't work out, we can go during the weekend."
"That sounds good," Cicada nodded a little as she noticed this wasn't the exact path they had taken, "Though I might not be up to going out on Saturday."
"Why not, Saturday?" Phoenix asked out of curiosity, glancing back over at her. "Do you already have plans? You don't have to tell me, I'm just curious."
"I typically sleep in on Saturday, and by sleep in I mean sleep through," Cicada lied just slightly. She probably wouldn't have the motivation to get out of bed since she was always in such a slump on her bithday, "That's all."
"Oh, alright. Guess we'll have to go Friday or Sunday then." Phoenix shrugged, not questioning her. He didn't want to bug her too badly about it. It wasn't very important anyways. "Do you have a preferred day?"
"Friday works best. If tomorrow doesn't work that is," Cicada said with a smile. She moved so she was a little bit ahead of him, "Race you back to the dorms?"
Slumping his shoulders, he laughed a little bit and started to pick up his pace. "Sure, but you're gonna win. I'm just not feeling it right now." Phoenix called out after her, starting in a jog.
"Then we don't have to race," Cicada responded with a light laugh slowing down so the two were equal in pace, "It was just an offer."
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