"Oh I'm more than fine with it," Cicada replied quickly. She smiled back at him reassuringly as she looked around and leaned back in the seat, "I like hanging out with you."
"Oh I'm more than fine with it," Cicada replied quickly. She smiled back at him reassuringly as she looked around and leaned back in the seat, "I like hanging out with you."
Phoenix glanced over at her with a light nod. "I just don't want to take up all your time." He explained, before focusing on the road. "You can make other friends, you don't just have to hang out with me. I'll survive, if you ever want to."
"And I have, at least superficial ones," Cicada responded with a little shrug, "I'm not going to just hang out with you, but I like hanging out with you the best."
"Well, that's reassuring." Phoenix hummed smiling softly at her telling him she enjoyed it. She had said it before, but he just wanted to make sure. "I'm glad you enjoy my company."
"What about you? Um, do you like hanging out with me?" Cicada asked him quietly. She smiled over at him, "I know you've said it before, but I just want to make sure."
"Why, of course I do. I really love being around you," Phoenix hummed with a light smile. "You're awesome, and just super fun… in a chaotic kind of way."
"Chaotic, yeah that sounds about right," Cicada let out a laugh as she looked over at him, "I'm glad you like my chaos."
"I find it refreshing. Most girls I know are prissy, and quite obnoxious. Even Savanna can be like that sometimes." Phoenix hummed smirking just a bit. "And then you came along, and shook things up. It's nice, refreshing even."
"Oh tell me about it," Cicada rolled her eyes as she lifted the skirt of her dress up ever so slightly before letting it fall again on her lap, "I wear this stupid thing to help blend in with those girls. I guess I couldn't hide my natural personality though."
“Thank goodness for that. I don’t think we’d be great friends if you tried to act like them more.” Phoenix hummed, smiling just a bit. He liked her the way she was. He would consider her a really close friend, even only knowing each other for a few days. They just clicked really well. He knew he didn’t want to ruin that by starting a relationship. “But that’s just my opinion.”
"Probably, I would have left you on day one with the only thought of 'nerd,'" Cicada added on with a smile. He, he was a really good friend and she didn't want to lose him. God she was getting attached again wasn't she? That was fine, she really liked him, as a friend. Nothing more, "But I'm glad I'm not like that so I didn't."
"Because you didn't think I was a nerd when you met me." Phoenix added on with a light snort. "I'm a total nerd, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. It's how I get most people to leave me alone. Thank goodness I didn't scare you off." He told her, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he turned on to the street of the arcade.
"Yeah, I didn't think that, but you also seemed so jumpy when we first met. Wait, is it because of the whole number thing?" Cicada asked finally putting the two together out loud. She had thought of that moment when he first brought it up, but she hadn't connected them together.
Phoenix glanced over at her, smiling weakly. “Yup. I’m not normally as jumpy as I was when I met you. You were the first ten I ever saw, so clearly I was a little shocked.” Phoenix hummed, pulling into the parking lot.
"A ten?" Cicada said the two words slowly. Wasn't his ability on a scale from one to ten? And he just told her that she was a ten. Holy shit, "I can see that. So, um, we're here."
When she repeated his words, his heart rate picked up, and he couldn't help but feel caught. Had he really just said that out loud? Seriously? He hadn't told her- and for a good reason too. "I… uh- yeah… we're here…" Phoenix mumbled getting out of the car. He hadn't even glanced over to see her face, he just didn't want to see how she felt about that.
"Okay," Cicada nodded a little as she went to open the door. She was still trying to wrap her head around what he had said, she was one of, no, the most dangerous person he had ever met. She figured her number was high, cause of the whole fire from air thing, but not the highest possible. Taking a breath and looked over at Phoenix, "I, uh, let's go play some dumb games."
Looking over at her, he sighed weakly. "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to say anything. I didn't want to tell you." Phoenix mumbled, holding a hand out to her. "If you hate me, or are mad at me, you can say so. I shouldn't have said it, I know I shouldn't have. I just… I just slipped up." He whispered, giving her a worried look.
"I don't, I'm not, I'm just surprised that's all," Cicada took his hand with a light nervous smile. She was trying not to freak out, but at the same time it looked like Phoenix was doing that for her, "I'm not mad at you for slipping up. It's not under your control how dangerous other people are."
"It feels like it, though." Phoenix mumbled, leading her up to the arcade. "I'm just really, really sorry I told you. I didn't want to offend you, or anything." He continued to mumbled, lacing their fingers together unknowingly. "You're really okay, with knowing that?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Cicada gave him a soft smile as she unknowingly squeezed his hand in a comforting manner. The little movements the two made without knowing what they were doing was kind of ridiculous, "I, uh, kind of figured I had a high number given that I can just make, um, fire appear."
"Yeah, but you weren't expecting a ten. I still feel bad for telling you." Phoenix insisted, sighing weakly. "Anyways, if you're alright with doing so, we could put this behind us and just have a fun time today. Sound like a good plan to you?" He asked her, forcing up a smile to try and seem calm.
"Yeah. Yeah we can do that," Cicada gave him a reassuring smile. She needed to be okay and act okay, at least for now. She could have a breakdown tomorrow like she was going to anyway, "Sooo what game should we try first."
Once in the building, he glanced around before spotting some games along the back. "We could play pac-man. That's always a good one." Phoenix offered, trying to drown out any and all thoughts. Right now, they were two friends going to have a good time. He didn't need to worry about anything.
"Definitely," Cicada gave him a nod before beginning to go towards the pac-man machines. She had a little smile on trying to focus on the moment and not what had been said earlier, "Want to see who can get the highest score?"
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