@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"I feel like that's a trick you're luring me into. How good are you at the game?" Phoenix asked her with a light smirk. "I won't take that offer up, if you're a champion or something. That doesn't seem fair."
"I feel like that's a trick you're luring me into. How good are you at the game?" Phoenix asked her with a light smirk. "I won't take that offer up, if you're a champion or something. That doesn't seem fair."
"I'm not that great," Cicada admitted with a little laugh, "I haven't played in a while as well so this should be interesting. It was more in good fun than competition."
"Well, then I take your challenge." Phoenix smiled brightly, holding out a hand to her. "Are we doing a prize for the winner? Or just letting bragging rights take place?"
"Mmm I think bragging rights for pac-man, but we could have a competition to see who can get the most tickets?" Cicada offered taking his hand with a big smile, "Cause that would be fun right?"
Phoenix smiled softly, nodding a bit. "That sounds like fun. Do you have enough quarters?" He hummed, with a questioning tone. "I've got some to share if you need extras. It needs to be fair."
"I have quite a few, but there's machines to get more quarters at right?" Cicada responded with a light smile. She messed with her hair a little with her free hand, "Yeah, and th eloser gives the other one of the arcade prizes."
"Yeah, that's true. Do we have a time we need to be done by?" Phoenix asked her, glancing at his watch to note the time. "I mean, it's four-thirty now… and I'm cool with the prize giving too."
"Okay good," Cicada nodded for a moment thinking about what time they should be done by, "How about 6:30? Two hours of solid play time and we could go get supper or something like that?"
"Works for me. Maybe winner gets to pay, or other way around, for dinner." Phoenix hummed, pulling his phone out to set an alarm. "We'll see what happens when we get there."
"Yep," Cicada nodded pulling out her phone as well to do the same thing. She paused for a moment to look at the pac-man machine, "But first, pac-man."
A smile broke out on his lips, as he took a quarter or two from his wallet, and placed them into the machine. "Who goes first?" Phoenix asked, setting up the game for two players.
"You can," Cicada smiled at him as she crossed her arms. She reached into her bag to pull out some quarters as well, "Since you seem to be paying first."
"Alright, sure." Phoenix hummed, as he started the game. "I barely remember how to play this game, it's been forever." He told her, using the stick shift to move the yellow character across the screen.
"Same here," Cicada laughed as she saw him start. Going second meant she could watch him play and see the controls in use.
After a minute or two, he got the guy trapped in between the ghosts and started to panic. "No, no, no!" Phoenix said, trying to get pac-man out of the corner without getting hit. Yet it was futile, as it only took a second more and he was killed. "Man, and I was so close."
Cicada laughed again as she watched him die. Well, pac-man die. She wouldn't like it if Phoenix died, "Yeah, you still have a life or two, right? So it's not game over."
"Yeah, I think I have to start over, though." He told her with a light smile. "And I'm pretty sure it's only one more- but we'll see what happens if I die again." Phoenix shrugged, watching as the character spawned.
"We'll see," Cicada responded with a slight chuckle as she watched him spawn again. She kept her arms cross and watched the screen, "Hopefully you won't and get a higher score."
Phoenix glanced over at her with a suspicious look, and raised brow. "Why do you want me to win?" He asked her, before focusing on the game. It wasn't hard… just not easy either.
"Because I want it to be fair," Cicada gave him a slight shrug with a little smirk. She looked at him and the game, "Now look at the game and not me. Got it?"
"I got it, I got it." Phoenix laughed weakly, as he continued to play the game. "I really did think you'd want to win. But you must have your eyes set on the higher prize, hmm?"
"Oh? And what do you think that would be?" Cicada asked curiously leaning against the machine watching him play. A smirk never left her face.
"Getting to pay for dinner, and/or getting a prize from yours truly." Phoenix hummed, focusing on the game quite well while he spoke. His own smirk pulled up on his lips softly. "Or something else. Not sure what, but clearly you've got something in mind." He said with confidence, thinking he knew her well enough.
"Damn, you know me too well," Cicada laughed as she looked over at him spotting his smirk. She let out a sigh, "But not quite well enough. I'm not going to throw one competition to win another or any competition. I really do just want this to be fair."
Phoenix chuckled, and guided pac-man along the screen to collect the powerups. "Well, you don't have to be fair, because this is war. There's no alias in war." He joked, still smirking.
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