"Yeah, but mercy is a thing," Cicada responded with another laugh as she lightly hit his arm, "Consider this your mercy for the evening."
"Yeah, but mercy is a thing," Cicada responded with another laugh as she lightly hit his arm, "Consider this your mercy for the evening."
"Oh dear, do I only get one mercy in life?" Phoenix asked her, almost cornering himself again. But her caught himself just in time. "Because I'd much prefer to save it for a worse time in my life."
"I said evening. I don't have control over your fate," Cicada chuckled a little as she looked over at him, "But I think fate did just give you another mercy letting you get out of that corner."
Rolling his eyes in a joking manner, he stuck his tongue out at her. "Fine, but I just wanted to make sure." Phoenix hummed, putting all his focus on the game now. Though, he seemed to be doing pretty good while talking to her.
Cicada stuck her tongue out in return and laughed for a moment watching him. She kept leaning on the machine, "Yeah. You're doing pretty well. I should stop talking to you."
Phoenix shook his head, leading Pac-Man along. "It's fine. I might just stop responding. I can listen, and play at the same time. For real though, I can repeat it back to you."
"No, I mean your doing better when I'm talking to you," Cicada told him as she watched him, "So I'm gonna shut up now."
Phoenix laughed, keeping up a smile. "So you don't want me to win." He stated, totally joking. He didn't mind it in the slightest, it was all just suppose to be fun.
"Nope," Cicada told him shaking her head as she looked at him. She let out a laugh as she continued to look at him softly.
"You women and your mind changing," Phoenix teased, slipping up and turning right into one of the ghost. "Geez, apparently you talking helped." He hummed, with a light smile.
Cicada laughed as he lost his final laugh. She grabbed her quarters and looked at him, "Told ya. Now move over it's my turn."
Sticking his tongue out at her in a petty way, he stepped aside. "Now you're going to know how to do it." Phoenix huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
Cicada laughed and put her quarters into the machine starting up her round, "Yep. That's why I let you go first, and the better you did the more time I had to study."
"So you cheated, huh?" Phoenix hummed, leaning on the opposite side she had been before. "I guess I'll let it slid, this time at least. No more cheating, from now on." He smirked, watching as the game loaded.
"I didn't cheat!" Cicada gasped offendedly as she started to play hoping to get as many points as possible. At least in her first attempt, "It's called resources and information. That's all!"
"But when you simplify it, in the sense we need it to be simplified to, you cheated." Phoenix insisted, crossing his arms over his chest. "The rule still applies, no cheating from here on out. Otherwise, I'd be the worst out of us both."
"Fiiiiine," Cicada let out a long dramatic sigh as she started to rack up points. She kept her focus on the screen, "But you could have easily used it against me too ya know."
"I know, but then I'd win for sure. You can trade in cash for tickets, I'm pretty sure." Phoenix hummed, smirking just a bit. "But clearly, that's cheating. So I won't be doing that. Neither will you."
"You can do that?" Cicada asked glancing at him before focusing back on the screen to find herself in a corner. She tried to maneuver herself out of there, "Didn't know so I wasn't going to do that anyway."
"Had a feeling you didn't. Why do you think I'd be teasing you with the information?" Phoenix hummed with a light smirk. "You've obtained the knowledge, yet you can't go through with it. How awful."
Cicada got caught and killed by the ghosts. She let out a sigh as she waited for her second life to start, "First off, how dare you? Second off, you will pay for teasing me like that. You're going to be losing tonight."
"Mmm, I thought you were giving me mercy?" Phoenix asked her with a raised brow. "Or am I now not deserving of that?" He continued to ask, drumming his fingers on the side of the machine.
"Nope you lost that privilege," Cicada told him as she focused on the screen. Her tongue popped out a little as it typically did when she was focusing hard on something, "Lost when you decided to tell me you could get tickets with money."
"It seems silly to buy tickets though. I was only joking, honest." Phoenix insisted, worried she might actually be mad. But he was hoping it was just because she was focused.
"You better have been," Cicada told him before shutting up so she could focus on the game. Even after watching Phoenix, she was having some difficulty with trying to get the high score.
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