@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"You don't wanna take advantage of me, right now?" Phoenix laughed a little bit, with a raised brow. "You'd win either way, but like, you have a huge advantage right now."
"You don't wanna take advantage of me, right now?" Phoenix laughed a little bit, with a raised brow. "You'd win either way, but like, you have a huge advantage right now."
"Nah, I don't really feel like it," Cicada responded with a little laugh and smile, "Feels wrong after everything you've done for me today anyway."
"Well, if you're sure." Phoenix hummed, smiling back at her. "And seriously, don't mention it. It's all good, Cicada."
"Sorry, it's a force of habit," Cicada responded with a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her neck, "But I'm still thankful for you."
"And you can be, but seriously don't feel bad about me helping you. I wanted to, so I did." Phoenix told her, smiling brightly. "So really, don't worry."
"I won't then, or I'll try not to," Cicada laughed a little as she let her smile go soft, "I can't really help it sometimes."
"It's all good. I'm just telling you that you don't have to. It's not necessary." Phoenix shrugged, softening his own smile. "But, you can if you feel like it."
"Then I will when I do," Cicada replied her voice going soft for a moment. She tried not to and ended up letting it return to normal, "So we getting close?"
"Yeah, it's right up there." Phoenix told her, pointing out her dorm building with a soft smile. "I have to get my car, otherwise I'd be heading that way."
"I figured," Cicada responded returning the soft smile, "I'm glad you walked me back to my dorm though. Don't know if I would have made my way back by myself."
“Then it’s a good thing I went with you.” Phoenix joked, picking up his pace a little. “I’ll race you from here, if you’re up for it.”
Cicada picked up her own pace to match his before going a little bit faster, "Hell yeah I'll race you. See you there."
Chuckling, he picked up his pace and ran faster. "Yeah, I'll get there when I can!"
Cicada started to run as she let out a laugh. She knew she would beat, but she would try and make it fair.
Phoenix was sprinting, but not very fast. Even at his fastest, he knew he couldn't beat her. So he was keeping energy so he wouldn't be out of breath when he got there. Of course, he probably would still be.
Cicada kept at a fair pace not quite sprinting yet either. She had a smile on and waited outside the dorm for Phoenix to catch up with her, "I win."
"Yeah yeah, I see you." Phoenix called out, in a teasingly bitter tone. "Told you, that you'd win." He hollered out, coming up to her with a slight smile.
Cicada let out a laugh as she smiled at him, "I knew I would but I went slower to give you a fair chance."
"Well, I still lost." Phoenix laughed weakly, leaning against his car with a soft smile. "But I won once, when we went to get pizza. So like I'll just remember that one time, every time I lose."
"You do that," Cicada continued to laugh as she smiled at him, "Thanks again for everything today. And don't say I don't need to thank you."
"Alright fine, you're welcome. Thank you for trusting me enough to call me." Phoenix hummed, smiling just a bit.
"Yeah," Cicada blushed shyly and embarrassedly, "I, um, wasn't really thinking when I called you, but I guess I do trust you plenty."
"I'm glad. I'd feel mighty silly if you had just said you didn't." Phoenix laughed weakly, running a hand through his hair. "But, see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Cicada messed with her hair just slightly, "Night."
"Night! Sleep well, tonight." Phoenix hummed, ducking into his car. He waved as he pulled out, and drove off.
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