@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Really? I guess I can see that from you." Phoenix hummed, giving her a soft smile. "Do you have a specific song you're really in love with? I know it sounds dumb, but a lot of people do."
"Really? I guess I can see that from you." Phoenix hummed, giving her a soft smile. "Do you have a specific song you're really in love with? I know it sounds dumb, but a lot of people do."
"At the moment," Cicada thought for a long hard moment before finally settling on one, "Shockingly not a Halsey or Imagine Dragon song, it's Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin. I'm just kind of in love with it right now."
"Oh, I've heard of him, and that song. It's not my personal favorite, but it's catchy." Phoenix nodded, glancing up at the blue sky with a soft smile. "What's so appealing about it to you?"
"I don't know. I think I just relate to the lyrics so I like the song," Cicada shrugged as she glanced over at him smiling a little seeing his own soft smile, "What's a song your in love with at the moment?"
"A song that I'm in love with?" Phoenix asked her softly, trailing off in to his own thoughts. When a song came to him, he seemed to agree with his thoughts. "Burn The House Down, by AJR. It's really catchy."
"Oooo that's a good song," Cicada kind of agreed and nodded along with a big grin, "And I agree it is pretty catchy."
"Literally, and AJR song is pretty catchy. I feel like they're super under appreciated." Phoenix hummed, smiling a bit more when she agreed. "I mean, they've got really good music."
"They really do, I mean they're not my favorite, but I do really like some of their songs," Cicada felt her smile grow as the two kept talking, "More people should listen and appreciate their music."
"Mhmm. It's more of a one time listen every once in awhile, instead of binging their songs. I feel like, at least." Phoenix told her, shrugging just a bit. Slowly he nodded his head to an imaginary beat in his head, humming one of their songs. "Though, now I've got one of their songs stuck in my head."
"Don't blame me," Cicada let out a little laugh as she raised her hands up. She had a smile on, "Which one is stuck in your head right now?"
"Uhhhh-" Phoenix tried to put words to it, mumbling them just a bit. "The one with the violin… I… I think it's Sober Up." He mumbled, nodding with more confirmation. "Yeah that's it."
"Hah, that feels like an appropriate song given our earlier conversation," Cicada responded with a smile. She kept going with a big smile, "Wonder if that's what helped it be the song that popped into your head."
"Maybe… who knows. My brain is so scattered, I don't even know what I had for breakfast… well, that's not true, but you get my point." Phoenix shrugged, laughing lightly as he continued to hum the song. "Though I agree, it's quite appropriate for what we were talking about."
Cicada kept laughing as she continued to walk listening to him hum, "I get that. But we're not sobering up, we're going to get drunk."
"And then hopefully sobering up." Phoenix hummed, giving her a light smirk. He knew he was putting a damper on the fun, but he did it only to mess with her. "We'll see if you can find that wild side or not."
"Oh I'll find it," Cicada responded with another laugh with a grin. She bumped him again, "You'll see. Alcohol loosens anyone up."
"Maybe so, but I may be harder to crack than you think." Phoenix told her, holding his hands out with a slight shrug. "Who knows. We'll just have to watch what happens."
"That we will," Cicada had a smile on as she started to walk again, "I think it'll be a fun night."
"Should be… where are you planning to get the drinks from?" Phoenix asked her, glancing at his watch to check the time. "Any place specific?"
"Mmm any place you want me to?" Cicada asked after a moment of thought, "I could go for either cheap or expensive. Or something with high content or not. It all depends on what you want cause I'm down for anything."
"I'm not picky. I'll let you decide what I have to put into my body. As long as it won't kill me after one drink, I'll be alright." Phoenix shrugged, feeling his mouth dry as the continued to talk. "I really could use some water…"
"Got it. I'll try not to get anything to alcoholic then," Cicada nodded as she looked around trying to spot a water fountain. She knew the campus had a few, "Hmmm over there looks like a water fountain."
Phoenix glanced over to where she had been looking and nodded just a bit. "Yeah, looks like it to me. You mind if we head that way?" Phoenix asked her with a smile.
"That's fine with me," Cicada nodded and started to make her way towards that area.
"After that, we should probably start heading back. What's your opinion on the matter?" Phoenix asked her, stuffing his hands in his pockets with a light smile.
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