"I'll try!" Cicada called back as she waved. She watched him drive away before heading into the dorm building.
"I'll try!" Cicada called back as she waved. She watched him drive away before heading into the dorm building.
(Shall we skip? And if so, when to?)
(We could skip to when they go to the arcade?)
(Works for me! Would that be the next day, or Friday? Just so I can make sure to write it correctly.)
(We can do the next day. Assume nothing came up.)
(Alright, cool.)
The next day came, and was already half gone before either of them had known it. Phoenix hadn't had much time, so he had barely seen Cicada that morning. Even during lunch, he was off somewhere else. So when he finally texted her after class, he felt a little relief when he didn't have to do anything but hang out with her. 'Meet you at your dorm, in ten minutes?'
Cicada had gotten swamped with work yesterday since she was skipping the lab and all future labs. So her teacher gave her other assignments to make up for the lab work. During that time she hadn't been able to see Phoenix at all and it was bumming her out. Her phone buzzed and her face lit up seeing it was from Phoenix and she sent a quick reply packing up her things from where she was in the library, 'Yeah. See you there!'
'Alright, awesome!' With the approval of meeting her up, he quickly ran up to his dorm and dropped off his backpack before grabbing his phone, wallet, and keys. His roommates weren't there, or he hadn't seen them at least, so he didn't have to mention anything to anyone. Which he was glad for. Heading out the door, he shut it and locked it before jogging back down to his car to go pick her up.
Cicada had a big grin on as she started to run across campus. She hoped she would beat Phoenix there and sort of expected to. It didn't take long for her to run up to her dorm and drop off her bag before grabbing her wallet, keys, phone, and knife before exiting again. She was finally wearing a sweatshirt, but it was open and went with the dress she was wearing today. As she left the dorm, she locked up behind her before waiting outside for Phoenix.
When he pulled up to the building, he caught sight of Cicada and smiled brightly. Rolling his window down, he waved out to her. "Cicada, over here!" Phoenix hollered out to her, before unlocking both doors. Leaving his window rolled down, he pushed open his door and got out to greet her with his smile. "How were classes today?"
Cicada gave him a bright smile as she made her way towards his car. She got an urge to mess with her hair a little and her hand brushed her hair out of her face. Even if the hair wasn't in her face in the first place. She gave him a little nod, "They've been good. They've been good. How about yours?"
The simple action had him holding himself up a little straighter. His cheeks were glowing a soft pink, yet they always seemed flushed. The little extra color wasn't questionable. Though the way he was looking at her, may be. "Pretty good… I guess.." Phoenix shrugged a bit, trying not to think about her that much. He had already admitted it to himself, he liked her. But he knew she didn't, and possibly couldn't feel the same way towards him. "Not very exciting, just extra busy."
Cicada's face flushed as she spotted how Phoenix's face was also flushed. She wanted to mess with her hair again but stopped herself from doing so. It was too soon for another relationship and while she could admit she was starting to possibly develop a crush on the boy who saw numbers, she wasn't going to act on it. She let out a little breath and looked up at Phoenix, "Same here. I have extra work in science since I'm not doing any of the labs."
"Oh fun." He said sarcastically, keeping up a soft smile as he leaned on the car. He caught sight of her pink face, and tried not to let any ideas go to his head. He just had to keep telling himself she wasn't thinking like that. She was probably just warm, it was a nicer day out. Probably the last day like this for awhile. "We're headed to the arcade, right?"
"Yep," Cicada nodded as she rocked on her feet. Her smile was still on her face though it went from happy to soft. She couldn't resist any longer and messed with her hair by pulling it off of the back of her neck, "You ready to go?"
Phoenix nodded, walking around to go open her door. "As long as you are, that is." Phoenix told her, glancing over to her. "And I'm assuming that you are, considering you asked." He hummed, chuckling just a bit.
"Yeah, I'm ready," Cicada let out a laugh as she began to move towards the passenger side door. She figured that he would open the door and maybe could open the door before he got to it, "Which arcade are we going to? Or is there only one in town?"
"I only found one, but that doesn't mean that there aren't more. It had good reviews, it's called… Gameworks… or something." Phoenix hummed, laughing weakly as he pulled her door open. "I do know where it's at, I just don't know the name."
Cicada laughed as she stepped into the car and smiled up at him. She ended up brushing her hair away from her face again, "Well that's reassuring. But I think it'll be fun, if it's got good reviews that is."
"As it did, I think we should have a nice time." He smiled, walking around to his own side and ducking in with a light sigh. "Though the next time we hang out, we should just do something boring… I dunno what, but something just really relaxing."
"Besides are drinking festivities?" Cicada replied with a teasing smirk. She closed the door once Phoenix left and smiled over at him, "Maybe just a lazy day in the campus green, that might be fun."
"Definitely besides our drinking festivities. I have a feeling that won't be relaxing… and we're both going to wake up the next day, feeling like utter crap. Possibly hanging off a bridge, with no memory why." Phoenix mumbled, painting a picture of what he had in mind. "But yeah, that could be nice."
Cicada laughed as she heard Phoenix's mumblings. She bumped him a little and nodded, "I can lock my dorm door if you're worried about hanging off a bridge, but you want to just hang in the green on Wednesday?"
"I'd quite enjoy that, if you're alright with hanging around me once more." Phoenix hummed, pulling out and glancing over at her. In all honesty, he was more worried he was going to annoy her at some point. He just wanted to be careful not to ask too much of her.
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