"I don't think they are," Cicada hooked her head trying to get the color out of her face. She let out a deep breath, "So what? You're just going to call me in the middle of the night to ask me if I'm awake?"
"I don't think they are," Cicada hooked her head trying to get the color out of her face. She let out a deep breath, "So what? You're just going to call me in the middle of the night to ask me if I'm awake?"
"No, no. I was thinking I could talk you to sleep. It's silly, but I've seen it happen before. Just a soothing voice to relax you." Phoenix offered with a shrug. "I guess, as long as you think I have a calming tone."
"Your voice is kind of calming yeah," Cicada admitted with a shrug. She looked over giving him a soft smile, "I think trying it would be nice. Um, thanks for wanting to help me out."
"Of course. You're my friend, I like getting to hang around you. So having an excuse to talk to you, would be nice." Phoenix hummed with a shrug, and a light smile as he started off down the road once more. "If you think it sounds dumb, just say so."
"I don't think it sounds dumb, and um I'm glad you like hanging out with me," Cicada responded smiling while looking out the front window, "I like hanging out with you too."
"Mm, yay!" Phoenix chirped, laughing just a little bit. "Where do you want to show me… your ability? Anywhere specific you have in mind?" He asked softly, tapping his thumb along the steering wheel.
"Um somewhere private," Cicada responded messing with her hands a little. Her smile faded a little at the mention of her ability, but kept it on, "So, uh, think we could go back to my dorm for a moment or two?"
"Yeah, as long as you won't get in trouble." Phoenix told her, wishing he hadn't brought it up. But he wanted to know where to park, as they were pulling up to the college. "Where's your dorm?"
"It's in the west dorm building," Cicada responded pointing over towards the parking lot for her dorm. They weren't that far off and it would be easy to get in, "And we shouldn't get in trouble. You're not staying the night, and I don't have a roommate."
"That's true. I just didn't know if it would look suspicious or not." Phoenix shrugged, turning into the campus. "But if you're sure, I'll be happy to go with you."
"It shouldn't," Cicada smiled over at him. She let out a sigh, "Plenty of others in the dorm building bring guys in and no one bats an eye. Of course, those are probably for one night stands, but whatever."
"Yeah… you think they'd be more concerned." Phoenix mumbled, shrugging just a bit as he pulled up to the dorm building. He knew what she was talking about, which always made him uncomfortable. "Anyways, as you can see, we're here."
"You think, but nope they really aren't," Cicada sighed unbuckling and going to open the door. She reached into her bag to get her key so she could open up the building for them, "Well I don't think they're that concerned since most of us there are at least 20 and no one can get in without a building key."
"There's other ways to get inside a building." Phoenix pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood behind her while she unlocked the door. The whole idea was unsettling to him. But then again, he hadn't really ever dated anyone. So of course something like that might set him on edge. "But anyways, you're right. You're all basically twenty, or older. There's not anything to worry about."
"Yeah and there's security cameras eeverywhere," Cicada rolled her eyes as she unlocked the door and opened it up for him. A smile was on her face as she held it open, "Along with a girl pact with everyone in the dorm, there's nothing to worry about okay?"
Sighing weakly, he nodded just a bit at her statement. "Yeah, okay. I'm sorry for being paranoid." Phoenix mumbled under his breath, walking in with his head hung just a bit. "What floor is your dorm on?"
Cicada let the door shut and offered a hand to him smiling. She knew he was worried for her, even if he didn't need to, but it was nice for him to do, "It's on the second floor. If we take the stairs here we'll get there quickly."
Phoenix nodded, taking a hold of her hand with a weak smile. "Well, you lead the way. You know this particular building better than I do." He told her softly, glancing around where they stood.
Cicada gave him a soft smile and began to walk through the building. She turned right and began up the stairs and turned left once at the top stopping at the third door. Her free hand switched from the building key to her dorm key and went to open up her dorm. She unlocked it and opened the door smiling at Phoenix, "Well, welcome to my place."
Lifting his head once they were at her dorm, he relaxed a little bit. It was quite similar to his own dorm. "It's very familiar. I swear I've seen it before." He joked as he stepped through the door way so she could follow him in. "It's really nice though." Phoenix told her, loosening his hold on her hand.
Cicada laughed a little as she shut the door behind them. She locked it behind her not wanting anyone to enter or at least to risk entering. She dropped her keys on her desk by the door and made her way to the bed sitting on it, "I swear they just factory-made all the dorms in every college. Anyway take a seat and I'll show you what I can do, with the fire. Nothing else."
Nodding a bit, he followed after her and sat on the edge of the bed. "You mean you're not tricking me in to bed with you? What a shame." Phoenix joked, resting his hands into his lap.
"Nah, you're way out of my league," Cicada let out a laugh as she moved her hands so they were resting on her lap palm up. She took a deep breath before letting a small, inconsequential flame light up in her palm from seemingly nowhere, "So, um, I can do this. I can't make anything much bigger than this without it getting it out of control."
"Sure thing. I'm out of your league." Phoenix looked down at her palms, brow furrowed just a bit. "Honestly… it's like a magic trick. It just doesn't feel real. Does it hurt when you do that?" He asked slowly, wanting to touch it to feel if it was real. But if it was, clearly it would burn him.
"I, If it touches my skin, yeah I burn, but otherwise it's just heat coming off of it," Cicada replied deciding to let the flame grow a little bit larger in her bandaged palm, "Don't touch it though, it does burn things ya know?"
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