"Yeah… It could," Cicada responded with a little laugh. She let out a sigh as she rubbed the back of her neck, "So, um, I guess when we get back on campus I should show you the, um, fire thing right? Right."
"Yeah… It could," Cicada responded with a little laugh. She let out a sigh as she rubbed the back of her neck, "So, um, I guess when we get back on campus I should show you the, um, fire thing right? Right."
Glancing over at her, he stopped to think. "Well… no. You don't need to. I'll be alright not knowing, if you're not ready to share." Phoenix told her softly, glancing off into the distance.
"No, I, I can tell you," Cicada responded making a fist with her free hand. She had to be able to tell him, he. He deserved to know, "Well, show you is more appropriate. Telling is always… Difficult to do."
"I don't want to force you to do this. It can wait, I'm really alright with that." Phoenix insisted, resting a gentle hand on her arm that was wrapped in his. Just a gentle touch, to relax her. "But if you need to, I will happily let you show me."
"I, I feel like I need to okay?" Cicada told him relaxing slightly. Her hand unclenched as she let out a soft sigh, "You're not forcing me to do anything, I really do feel like I need to tell you."
"Of course. Then when we get back, please do show me once we get back. It would be appreciated." Phoenix hummed, giving her a gentle look. He wasn't scared of her, or what she was going to show him. And he had no idea why.
Cicada gave him a lopsided smile as he responded. She took a deep breath and continued to walk towards his car to head back to the campus, "Thank you, for um understanding I guess."
"Seriously, you don't need to thank me. I barely did anything." Phoenix hummed, reaching his car. After unlocking the car, he pulled her door open with a soft smile. "I just wanna make sure you're alright."
Cicada stepped into the car and sat down in her seat. She smiled up at him, "Well thank you for caring. You deserve some kind of thank you for putting up with me."
(I just remembered his car was at the coffee shop… oof)
(I'll just go with it, because I completely spaced.)
Phoenix chuckled lightly, smiling as he leaned against the door frame. "You seriously don't need to. But if you feel it's completely necessary, I guess I can't really stop you. Now can I?" He hummed, starting to walk around to his side of the car.
(Lol okay.)
"You can't," Cicada responded grinning. She shut the door behind her and waited for Phoenix to get in before continuing to talk, "Now do you want chocolates or flowers? The answer is chocolate because I can get cheap chocolate."
Phoenix looked over at her, trying not to laugh. "The answer," He started, buckling himself in. "Is neither. You don't owe me anything. I don't need anything. A thank you is more than enough." He insisted, looking over at her with a smile.
"Okay," Cicada laughed a little as she smiled back at him. She had been joking around a little, but she guessed he thought she was serious. Okay, maybe it had been a little serious, "I had been joking with you anyway."
Phoenix felt his face heat up, and he laughed weakly. “Well… you make a good actress then. I really did think you were serious.” He told her pulling out of The parking spot. “Guess I’m in the mindset that people are always serious about everything.”
Cicada kept laughing and lifted a hand up to her face to hide her smile. She looked over at him once she stopped laughing, "Yeah, well I might have been half-serious. So the thought was warranted."
“Well, at least I’m not crazy.” Phoenix hummed, giving her a soft smile as he drove on. “Too crazy at least. I’m a little insane, but I guess everyone is. Aren’t they?”
"Some more insane the others, but yeah everyone is," Cicada smiled back at him. Her smile was more like a smirk though, "I'm talking about me by the way. Not you."
"I could've guessed, but I didn't want to seem rude." Phoenix hummed, snickering just a bit. His own smile relaxed, yet was still visible if you were looking for it. "Anyways, I don't think you're too crazy. I've met worse."
"Oh you may think you've seen worse, but you haven't met me when I'm truly crazy," Cicada responded with a laugh, "Right now I would way I'm about at 20% craziness? Yeah that sounds about right."
"Guess I have to wait expectantly until we get to 75%. I don't think I wanna know what full 100% would be. Or any higher for that matter." Phoenix told her, drumming his fingers along the steering wheel while he drove. "That could be scary."
"Oh, the give me like 48 hours of being constantly awake and we'll be there," Cicada responded giving her a lopsided grin over at him, "Buuuut that probably won't happen. I'm trying to do better with my sleep, and failing."
"That's why I'm here. If you let me, I can attempt to help you." Phoenix offered, leaning back in to his seat once he pulled up to a red light. "Though you don't have to let me to do."
"I, that would be appreciated," Cicada responded rubbing her neck. She was blushing a little as she sighed curling up on the seat, "Though I have no idea how you would do that. Since ya know we're in completely different dorms and you probably aren't allowed in my dorm."
"That is very true. But are phone calls prohibited? Because that would be dumb if they were." Phoenix hummed, glancing over at her. Though he was taken off guard at her colored face. "…Besides. I can think of some ways. Or google it."
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