"I'll, I'll go in with you," Cicada decided with a little smile. She was feeling better and figured she could handle a bit of normal interaction. Besides she would feel bad if Phoenix went in there all by himself.
"I'll, I'll go in with you," Cicada decided with a little smile. She was feeling better and figured she could handle a bit of normal interaction. Besides she would feel bad if Phoenix went in there all by himself.
"Alright, missy." Phoenix hummed as he got out and walked around to her side. Pulling the door open, he held out his hand for her to take. "Then let's head inside to get you a treat."
Cicada had a smile and took his hand gingerly. She stood up with a smile and shut the door behind her. This, she didn't really deserve this. But she wasn't going to argue at this moment, "And you too ya know. You're getting a cookie, or a cake, or whatever for dealing with me got it?"
"Sure thing, I wouldn't want to argue with you." Phoenix hummed, leading her in to the store. When he pulled the door open, they were flooded by smells of warm bread, and sweet cookies. It was amazing.
Cicada stepped in and took a deep breath enjoying the smell of warm… Everything. She had a smile on and reached for her wallet with her bandaged hands. She knew earlier he had told her she wasn't paying for anything, but she definitely felt like she should right now, "Good. Then you won't argue with me paying then."
His enjoyment of the smell was cut short at her statement. He cringed a bit, drawing in a deep breath. "That's not fair." Phoenix mumbled under his breath, glancing down to where she stood. Clearly she had thought this all through. "Come on, you said you'd let me pay for you. It hasn't even been a day yet."
"I know, but. But I wouldn't feel right if you paid for this after what I put you through," Cicada responded looking up at him before glancing away. She let out a sigh and messed with her hair a little, "If. If you still want to pay, I. I'm not going to stop you."
Sighing softly, he took her hands in his own so she would look up at him. "If you really want to, you can. I'd much prefer to pay for you, but I don't want you feeling like you have to make this up to me. You don't. It was almost nothing." Phoenix told her, kissing the top of her hand. "So if you insist to pay, why don't you pay just for yourself?"
Cicada began to blush. What was with all the affection from him? She wasn't going to complain about it though. She, she kind of liked it to be completely honest. Her head tilted up so she could look at him before nodding, "Um, yeah. I can pay for myself and then you can pay for yours, that seems fair."
"Alright then." Phoenix hummed, leading her up to the front counter. "Ladies first, if you will." He held his arm out to guide her alone, his smile not fading. Phoenix was happy, and glad she was starting to perk up a bit. He didn't want her to be the way he had found her. In all honestly, she had kind of scared him when she acted that way.
Cicada tried to keep her redding cheeks under control as she walked up to the counter with her wallet. She decided to just buy one cookie for the time being, or maybe half a dozen. For later of course. She placed her order with a smile paying for it with no problems.
After she had paid, he went and ordered his own cookie. He had gotten one of their huge snickerdoodles, as they were his favorite from this particular bakery. Once ordered, and handed over to him, he turned to Cicada with a bright smile. "Shall we sit, or take our treats out while we go for a walk?"
"Um, let's walk," Cicada responded smiling. She was happy with her half a dozen normal-sized chocolate chip cookies, but the giant snickerdoodle didn't look half bad. She began to make her way towards the door, "Walking always nice isn't it?"
"Agreed, that sound like the best plan." Phoenix hummed, making his way up to his car. "Are we going around campus, or making our way around town?" He asked, pulling off a piece of the cookie.
"Let's, let's stick to the town," Cicada eventually responded and took a bite of one of her cookies. She put the bag with the remaining cookies into her school bag. She wasn't ready to be seen on campus yet. Going to her dorm was fine, but she didn't think she could walk around campus.
"Alright, then we'll head this way." Phoenix said softly, popping the piece of cookie into his mouth. Holding an arm out to her, he kept a light smile on. "What do we want to look for, first?"
"What do you mean look for first?" Cicada took his arm while biting into her cookie. She smiled softly up at him, "I think a park if we're looking for a place then."
"That sounds good to me. There's one a little further into the city." Phoenix offered, leading her down the side walk with a soft smile. "Or if you want a long walk, there's one out by my parents house. It's only about an hour or so away."
"I don't feel up to an hour-long walk, so maybe the one closer to the city," Cicada responded once more. She kept with Phoenix a soft smile on her face, "If that's fine with you."
"Oh, yeah. I was totally joking." Phoenix laughed lightly, pausing at the end of the side walk. "I don't want to walk for that long either. That just means an hour coming back too." He hummed, shrugging just a bit.
Cicada laughed with him as she paused in her walking. She had a smile on, "Yeah it does. I'm glad you listen to reason."
"Did you think I didn't?" Phoenix asked, pretending to be offended. "Why, I find that offensive if you did. I'm a reasonable man, Miss Cicada." He hummed, keeping his smile up.
"I thought no such thing mister Phoenix," Cicada responded placing the hand with the cookie in it on her chest. She looked at him with a light smile, "I'm offended you thought I would think that little of you."
Somehow, Phoenix kept from laughing as he looked down to her. "We can keep going, but I have a feeling we'll both end up confused." He hummed, starting to walk onward across the street. "It'll end with, I'm offended that you think, that I thought about you thinking that I thought that you think that I thought you would think. Or something like that."
Cicada laughed as he kept going on about thinks and thoughts. She had a smile on her face and ate her cookie, "Yeah we probably would. So I agree that we can just end it, though I am offended."
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