@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Sorry… I just wasn't thinking. My mind is kind of fuzzy." Mumbling a bit, Phoenix looked down at her with a sheepish smile. "I wouldn't have said anything… it just came to mind."
"Sorry… I just wasn't thinking. My mind is kind of fuzzy." Mumbling a bit, Phoenix looked down at her with a sheepish smile. "I wouldn't have said anything… it just came to mind."
"Your fine," Cicada responded looking up at him with a smile and laughed slightly. she bumped his side, "That's the math building up ahead right?"
"Mhmm, that's it. What math are you taking?" Phoenix asked, picking up the pace even more to get the door for her. "Algebra? Trig?" He offered suggestions, glancing back at her.
"Nah, it's a mathematical modeling course," Cicada tried to catch up to him, but decided if he wanted to be a gentleman she would let him. This time at least, "Bit more of a higher level than algebra and trig."
Reaching the door, he pulled it open for her. "Yeah, just a bit." Phoenix hummed, giving her a light laugh, a smile not far behind. "Well, I hope you have a good class then."
"Yeah, you have fun in science," Cicada responded walking through the door. She gave him a smile and wave before she started rushing to class. Oh she was so close to being late.
"I'll try my best!" Phoenix hummed, watching her jog off with a slight smile. Once she was out of view he sighed weakly and half melted back in to the door. "Why oh why… it could have been anyone, but no… my stupid heart has to chase after that girl…" Groaning a bit, he huffed before walking off.
Cicada sat down in math trying to not think about Phoenix. It was too soon for her to start falling in love again, even if that was already happening. She let out a long sigh and went to focus on class.
(Do we want to time skip?)
(Yeah, mind if I start? Got a bit of a plan ;)
(Sure thing! I'm rather curious now,,,)
Cicada was out of breath and shaking slightly. This, she didn't mean to. They had, it was all a blur. One moment she was just heading to her next class, the next she was in a little alley between building with two heavily injured college students on the ground near her. Fuck, she. She couldn't leave them here barely alive, but she could get caught with them either. This was supposed to be a fresh start. Where shit like this didn't happen. She, she needed help. Cicada pulled out her phone and dialed Phoenix not really thinking about if he was in class or not. She just needed to hear him right now.
Phoenix was just getting out of class, and packing things up when he heard his phone ring. Which was odd. He almost ignored it, because he never really got phone calls. But seeing the familiar yet odd name tag, he was taken by a bit of surprise. As soon as he walked out of the classroom, he picked up the phone. "Cicada?" He asked softly, walking out of the building.
"Phoenix? I, shit, sorry your probably in class right now," Cicada sounded like she was on the verge of tears. She had probably called him in class and that's why he was so quiet. She ran a hand through her hair and leaned against the wall trying not to look at the two students, "When, when you're done. When you're done with class can you come meet me between… Fuck where I am exactly?" Cicada wasn't thinking about the words coming out of her mouth, she was just saying them, "Umm I think I'm between the math and some dorms. I don't know. I, Sorry."
"Hey- don't be sorry. I just got out of class. What's wrong? You don't sound too great." Phoenix asked her, waving at some classmates as he passed them. He was more concerned about Cicada at the moment. Something was wrong, and it couldn't be good. "Just talk to me, and I'll be there as fast as I can be. What's happening right now?" Phoenix asked her once more, taking a note of his surroundings. "I need to go… that way…"
"I, it happened again," Cicada was quiet. Her mind eventually caught up to her that he wouldn't know what that meant so she began to elaborate, "I mean. Some, I think, some boys tried to… God I don't know what they tried to do. I blacked out at that point, but, but I'm fine! Promise," Cicada said that and then proceeded to check that she actually wasn't injured. There were a few… Burns, but otherwise she was fine, "But, but I don't know about the other two, the guys. The guys that tried to do something. There kind of on the ground? Sorry, I'm just confusing you aren't I?"
Phoenix dropped his voice really low, so no one but her could hear him. "Uh- yeah a little. It sounds like you really hurt someone, or possibly killed? That's not true, right?" He asked weakly, walking at a brisk pace so he would get there faster. "You didn't actually-" His voice cut off, as he remembered the number ten hanging above her head. Dangerous. She was incredibly dangerous. He should have known something was going to happen at some point.
Cicada bit her lip as she debated on what to tell him. She had already checked, neither of them were dead (Thank God). In her mind she knew she was the one who had did it. This wasn't the first time she had blacked out. When she finally responded her voice was quiet and filled with guilt and remorse, "Um, yeah. I'm so sorry Phoenix I-I didn't mean to. It, It just happened."
There was silence for a minute or two, before a heavy sigh escaped his lips. "Don't sweat it Cicada. I'm right around the corner." Phoenix whispered, trying not to think about the whole thing too much. "I'm not mad, I'm just concerned. I'm gonna need you to tell me what's going on once I get there. Alright?"
"Alright," Cicada let out a sigh. He didn't seem, he wasn't scared of her. He didn't seem to be scared of her. Not yet at least, but he wasn't mad either. She was so relieved, she hadn't lost a friend. She hadn't yet. Though she needed to figure out what happened herself… One of the guys hit on her or something? The other guy backed him up. She tried to get away and then… A hand, a pull, and fire.
"Stay right there, and I'll be there before you know it." Phoenix told her softly, before pulling the phone away from his ear. He wasn't going to hang up, but her needed to focus on finding where she was at. Her description was quite vague, but he wasn't going to ask her for more. Clearly she didn't know.
"Okay," Cicada responded softly. She bit her lip waiting, maybe she should try to do something. She had just been so disorientated she hadn't thought about what she could do. Maybe she could try to move the boys? But where would she take them? She didn't know.
Coming up to the corner, he looked at her with a slight frown. "Cicada?" Phoenix asked her softly, approaching her. Worry was written all over his face, as he glanced between her and the two boys. "I'm right here."
Cicada looked at him tears in her eyes. She hated appearing this weak in front of him, but she couldn't help it. For some damn reason, she ran up and hugged him. She was trying not to start crying, she didn't need to be crying. her voice wavered as she told him, "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt them. They, they really did just catch me off guard. And now they're like that."
Taken aback by the hug, it took him a moment to adjust. "Hey- shhh. Relax. I'm not mad at you." Phoenix whispered, his heart breaking a bit at the sound of her voice. She was so guilt ridden, it hurt him. Holding on to her tightly, he used one hand to tip her chin up. "I just need to know what's going on. How did you hurt them?"
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