@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
Laughing a bit, he nodded at her statement. "I use to say a lot of words I didn't understand… you would not believe how much trouble I got in because I ran my mouth."
Laughing a bit, he nodded at her statement. "I use to say a lot of words I didn't understand… you would not believe how much trouble I got in because I ran my mouth."
"Oh, words like fuck and damn I'm assuming?" Cicada asked him back with a slight smirk. She figured those really we're it, but who knew.
"Of probably, but there was more to it as well." Phoenix shrugged, keeping his light smile up. "I was more crude, as you would say. All I remember was the bar of soap in my mouth after I said… gosh I don't even remember."
Cicada let out a laugh as she checked the time to make sure she wouldn't be late for her next class. She still had some time left, "I mean fuck probably did that for you. Maybe shit."
Phoenix nodded, laughing along with her. "I think I was talking to my mom or something… and then I got mad. I'm surprised she didn't just kill me on the spot." He hummed, leaning back a bit with his arms crossed over his chest.
Cicada continued to laugh as she raised her hand to cover her mouth. She wished her fosters were like that, but she knew her birth parents definitely did, "Oh definitely. You would have been a dead man if you weren't her son, probably."
Seeing her laughter made him smile. It was odd, but when she was happy, he was. Phoenix really seemed to be growing fonder of her, the longer they hung out. "Of course… even if I said it now, I'd probably be dead."
"Well, at least she raised you without a potty mouth," Cicada looked back at him with a happy smile. It started to turn fond the longer she smiled at him. It was hard not to connect with him, "Which is probably a good thing."
"True. Savanna use to be the same way… with her new friends that's definitely changed." Phoenix hummed mindlessly talking about his family once again. As soon as he realized, he tried to change the subject. "But anyways, do you have to start off to class?"
"I probably should," Cicada let out a long sigh. She didn't want to go to her next class yet, she was enjoying talking to Phoenix. Or well listening since she really couldn't talk much on the family subject, "Buuuut I don't want to yet."
"Won't you be late, if you stay?" Phoenix asked her, sliding the notebook back in to his bag. He didn't want her to go, but also didn't want her to get in trouble because of him.
"Nah, I still have like 7 minutes to get to class," Cicada waved him off. She could run and make it to class without leaving Phoenix early.
"Alright, fine. If you insist." Phoenix told her, holding his hands up defensively. "Now, random question time. What's your favorite book, and what character?" He asked, leaning forward on his palms.
Cicada had to think for a moment. She eventually leaned onto her hand, "Oh god that's such a difficult question. Um, probably Six of Crows and Kaz."
"I think I've heard of that before…. why is Kaz your favorite character?" Phoenix asked her, wanting to get to know her better. Something as simple as knowing a book character could really tell you a lot about a person.
"I don't know, I can just relate to him ya know?" Cicada responded with a light shrug. It was true, even if she basically admitted to relating to a just slightly psychotic character. Just slightly, "That and he can just be a mood at times."
"Makes sense. I like the strangest of characters when I read a good book." Phoenix shrugged a bit, randomly putting out that fact. There was no reasoning for his out of place comment, but it at least fit with their discussion.
Cicada nodded and stood up to take her dishes back in the cafeteria. She hoped Phoenix would be okay coming with her, "Yeah. It's always the strange ones that people get drawn too. Want to come with me to put the dishes away?"
"Oh, yeah, sure thing." Phoenix hummed, getting up as he pulled his backpack on. Once he had gathered his dishes and trash, he looked over to her with a bright smile. "Lead the way!"
Cicada laughed as she pulled her bag over her shoulder and began to walk back towards the cafeteria. She had a big smile on happy he was fine coming with, "Will do! Come along then, good sir."
"I'm coming, I'm coming." Phoenix hummed, attempting to keep up with her stride. His own smile wasn't wavering as he stayed in step right behind her. "I don't have class for another twenty minutes or so. So I can come all the way, with you."
"Oh, that's great!" Cicada smiled looking at Phoenix slowing down just slightly. She opened up the door to the cafeteria for Phoenix, and herself, "So after we drop off our dishes we head over to the building?"
"Yup! You said math, right?" Phoenix asked her, walking in through the door. Once in, he tossed his trash away and began to stack the dirty dishes in one of the bins.
Cicada did the same with her dishes before heading out of the cafeteria once more, "Yep. I think I know where the building is at."
"Do you, now? Well why don't you lead the way?" Phoenix joked, holding is arm out in an offering manner. "You don't have to, I just thought I'd let you give it a try."
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