@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Two U's." Phoenix hummed, scanning over the spaces and mentally filling in the blanks. Finding the right spots, he quickly wrote them down. "Next letter, please."
"Two U's." Phoenix hummed, scanning over the spaces and mentally filling in the blanks. Finding the right spots, he quickly wrote them down. "Next letter, please."
"L?" Cicada asked with a slight shrug. She figured that might be a safe bet to go on after all the vowels. It could be better, could be worse.
When she said L, he nodded as he once again had to think the word through. "There is…. I just can't remember where." Phoenix mumbled with a light laugh.
Cicada let out a laugh as he commented. She raised an eyebrow, "If I knew the words at this point, I would help you. but I don't. So you're on your own."
"Oh I know… I'm just having to think it through." Phoenix hummed, finally finding the right place to put the letter L. Once in place, he lifted his head for her to give him another letter.
"S?" Cicada asked after a moment of thought. She had been debating between n and s eventually settling on s. Since if this was a plural thing, then it would work much better.
"Three S's actually." Phoenix hummed, quickly writing them down. "The thing about long words, is that it's hard to lose the game."
"Yeah, I'm starting to figure that out. N?" Cicada asked looking up at him. She was still absolutely lost as to what the word was.
"One N." Phoenix told her glancing down at the paper. "The thing is, this word looks made up. But it's really not. I promise it's real." He insisted, sketching in the corner of the page.
"It really does feel made up at this point," Cicada let out a sigh as she thought for a long moment, "M?"
Filling in one space, he went back to his doodle. "I don't know how to convince you otherwise. Though I could have gone with an even weirder word."
"Oh, I know plenty of weird words," Cicada sighed as she scratched her head. Random letter time, "P? Is p a thing?"
“Yup, there’s a few of them.” Phoenix hummed a bit as he ran his fingers through his hair. “But what kinds of words do you know?”
"You'll find out," Cicada responded with a flash of a smirk before looking back at the word. It was long, had a lot of o's an p_o_ia at the end, "Is this a fear? Also t?"
"You'll find out." He responded with a slight smirk as he filled in two spots. "Anyways, yeah there's two T's." Phoenix informed her, drumming his finger on the table.
"Well I guss h next then," Cicada responded knowing that if it was a fear there would at least be an h towards the end. Then she would probably guess b or something like that.
Filling in the two blanks, he smiled weakly. "You got it, missy." Phoenix told her, before going back to his little doodle in the corner. "I'm assuming B is next?"
"You would be right," Cicada responded a smile on her face. She didn't mind that he predicted her next letter, but it was pretty good conformation it was a fear.
Nodding, he filled in the one B with a light smile. He knew she had figured it out, or at least the last part. So what she had to say next would assist to her figure out the rest of the word, not what type.
There weren't a whole lot of blanks let at this point. She just needed the last few letters, "Ummm what about r? Have I guessed R yet?"
"Not yet, you've got…" Phoenix paused, scanning through the word. "One R. Once you get the word, I dare you to try and just read it."
"Okay I will," Cicada scanned the word as she thought of letters. There were a few lone us so maybe, "Q?"
She had figured the single Q out, leaving him with an annoyed look. Though of course it was only teasing. "Good gracious, lucky guess." Phoenix hummed, filling in the one blank.
"Hey, there were u's and 's typically go well with us," Cicada responded with a slight smile. She let out a sigh staring at the final blank space. She slowly began to mouth the word before saying it aloud with some confidence, "Hippopoto-monstro-sesuiquipedalio-phobia?"
Phoenix laughed lightly, nodding just a bit. "Yup, Hippopoto-monstro-sesuiquipedalio-phobia. It's the fear of long words." He said, knowing the irony of the word.
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