@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Well, as long as it isn't obnoxious or annoying." Phoenix hummed tilting his head as he started off to the front. "Let me know if it does. I can try and… not, care? I guess?" He mumbled, lightly laughing.
"Well, as long as it isn't obnoxious or annoying." Phoenix hummed tilting his head as he started off to the front. "Let me know if it does. I can try and… not, care? I guess?" He mumbled, lightly laughing.
Cicada laughed as she followed after him. She dumped her stuff into the garbage can nearby before opening the door for him, "I will definitely tell you if you're being obnoxious or annoying. Otherwise, I'm sure you'll be fine."
"If you do, that would be greatly appreciated." Phoenix hummed, throwing his trash away and came up to the door. "I could have gotten that. You shouldn't be holding the door for me."
"What because I'm a girl?" Cicada asked him with a raised eyebrow. She had a big grin on as she looked at him, "If you can hold the door for me, I can hold the door for you got it?"
Cringing up his face, he let out a weak sigh. "No, not because you're a girl. Because I'm a guy, and my dad would kill me if he saw me letting you do this." Phoenix informed, laughing lightly as he walked through. "So no, it's nothing to do with you. It just kills me not to be polite."
Cicada let out a little laugh as she closed the door behind her. She caught up to him, "So a double standards thing? Got it. Also, I want to be polite and hold the door open every once and a while. If I can't pay for things, then I'm going to hold doors open got it?"
Groaning just a bit, he slumped his shoulders with a heavy sigh. "Fineeee…" Phoenix whined in acceptance to her proposal. "There's no point trying to change your mind. I know you have it set.
Cicada laughed a little and lightly bumped his sides. She continued to walk, "I'm glad you've figured that much out already. Most people take like, two days to figure that much out. Sooooo, mind leading me to my next class?"
"Sure thing… I call the door once we get there." Phoenix hummed with a soft smile as he started to jog. His backpack slowed him down, yanking back on his shoulders with every sprinted step he took. "Which class are you headed to?" Phoenix shouted out in a questioning tone.
"English!" Cicada shouted in response as she jogged to catch up with him. She had a big grin on and readjusted her bag so it wouldn't fall off of her shoulders as she ran.
"Oh… yuck." Phoenix mumbled, giving a face of disgust at her response. "Did you not tell me before, because you thought I wouldn't go?" He joked with a light laugh as he continued to jog on.
"Yep!" Cicada let out a laugh as she continued to jog with him. The pace was decent and so there were no complaints from her. She had a big grin on, "I know how much you despise those classes."
"For your sake, I would have come. As soon as you were out of sight though, I would be out of there. I always sucked at the creative writing, and then grammar is just no my thing." Phoenix hummed, trying to keep up with her pace. And somehow, he managed to do as he was attempting.
"What about analyzing literature?" Cicada asked him with a curious look. She decided to slow down a little for Phoenix's sake, and maybe not to overexert her body, "That doesn't involve grammar or creative writing."
"That's not exactly my thing either. I don't mind reading in general, that's fine. I just don't have opinions I like to share about things like that." Phoenix rambled on, pulling his phone out to check the time.
"Oh, got it," Cicada nodded as she watched him. She looked around the campus with a light sigh and smile, "Are we getting close to the building?"
Phoenix nodded, point out to one of the buildings off to the side. "Yup, it's right up there." He informed her, following the path up to building. "How much time do you have left?"
"5 minutes," Cicada said checking her phone. She slowed her jog to a walk as she brushed a stray hair out of her face, "Thanks for taking me here."
"Of course Cicada. Anything for a friend." Phoenix nodded with a polite smile. "Even if it means going to my most hated class. Seriously, I'll basically go anywhere."
"Even to get drugs with me?" Cicada asked him with a teasing smirk. She was teasing him, but it did remind her she had prescription to pick up at some point soon.
"Sure. Though I'd probably call the cops to get you both arrested." Phoenix hummed with a soft smile. "So yes, I'd go anywhere with you. Whether to keep you out of trouble, or to get you in to some harmless fun."
Cicada gave him a huge grin. It felt, it felt nice to hear that. That he kind of had her back no matter the situation. Maybe she would start to involve him in her crazy schemes, "That's good to know. I'll see you after class right?"
"Right. I'll text you when I'm out of class." Phoenix hummed, pulling the door open for her with his sweet smile. "I'll be expectantly waiting to get out of class."
Cicada stepped inside and gave him a mischievous smile in return, "Good. I'll be anxiously awaiting your message then as well. See ya Phoenix."
"Bye Cicada!" Phoenix chirped as he started to walk off. He gave a big wave, jogging backwards as he grinned. The boy was an interesting one, that definitely attracted a ton of attention.
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