Cicada let out a little laugh as she closed her eyes again. The laugh turned into a sigh, "You're certainly welcomed to try and bore me to sleep."
Cicada let out a little laugh as she closed her eyes again. The laugh turned into a sigh, "You're certainly welcomed to try and bore me to sleep."
"What subject do you hate the most?" Phoenix asked, raising a brow. "You seem like the one to hate history, I have no idea why. It just doesn't seem to fit, if you did like history."
"I'm not fond of history yeah," Cicada mumbled a little. She shrugged her shoulders slightly, "Science isn't exactly my thing either, cause I tend to hurt myself or others on accident a lot."
"What do I know about history..?" Phoenix asked in a mumble to himself. "Gosh, I need a part of history. British, American, World? Your choice." He offered, drumming his fingers on the desk.
"Not American or British," Cicada muttered looking up at him slightly with a scowl before letting her head drop back into her arms, "I don't need to get depressed this earlier on. ALso don't you have homework to do?"
Phoenix sighed softly, nodding just a bit. "Yeah, but if you're asleep I can do it. I feel bad for ignoring you, if you aren't sleeping." He mumbled, resting his chin on his arms. He was trying to be face level with her.
Cicada let out a sigh as she looked back up at him, "And I feel bad for keeping you from your work. So please just keep working and if I go to sleep, I go to sleep."
Groaning a bit, he sat up straight. "I really would rather try and help you sleep." Phoenix mumbled, running a hand through his hair with a light pout on. "You're a human, and deserve more attention then school work."
Cicada let out another yawn and closed her eyes again. Her eyes were half-closed as she mumbled, "Fine. Talk to me about stupid world history. Just like the earlier bits, before humans became fucking stupid."
Taken by slight surprise, he nodded a bit as he pulled back. Assuming it was from lack of sleep, he let the grumpiness slide and not bother him. "That would be rather impossible, as all human are as you would say 'fucking stupid' and always have been."
"I mean like before modern civilization and superiority complexes based on skin color," Cicada responded with a little sigh. Yeah, she was tad bit grumpy from the lack of sleep. It wasn't anything new though.
"Gosh… so the beginning, beginning…" Phoenix mumbled, slumping back a bit in thought. If he was being honest, he never found world history interesting. Others, yeah sure. This was not so much.
Cicada yawned again her eyes shutting again. If Phoenix didn't want to keep talking, she was fine with that. It was better for him to focus on his homework than on trying to get her to sleep.
Glancing down at her nervously, he sighed weakly pulling his knee up to his chest. "I'll stop blabbering. I'm not helping." Phoenix mumbled a bit as he pulled the work over to him. Maybe the silence would lull her to sleep.
"Mmkay," Cicada responded still trying to fall asleep. She yawned once more and felt sleep almost take her mind. The old memories slowly coming up stopped it from happening as Cicada kept herself awake.
He felt so bad for not talking to her, but he knew she needed to sleep. Though it still killed him. So he forced himself to focus on the problems coming up on the paper. "And that's the radius…"
Cicada let out a soft sigh as, despite her best attempts, she fell asleep. Her whole body seemed to slack a little and she appeared to be extremely peaceful in her sleep.
Twenty or so minutes flew by, and taking a glance at Cicada he sighed heavily. She needed to get to class… but she was so tired. Who knew if she was going to even get sleep tonight. Though she also had to go to class. "Hey, Cicada… it's time to get up. You've got ten minutes until class."
Cicada blinked a few times after hearing a phone alarm and then her name. She sat up and stretched with a yawn before looking at Phoenix, "I actually fell asleep. Wow. Thanks for waking me up."
Forcing on a smile, that was quite fake actually, he nodded. "Yeah… of course." Phoenix mumbled just a bit, his usual genuine manner not taking part in this conversation. He felt terrible for waking her up… if she was going to be tired all day, and not sleep tonight, it would be his fault. Or at least in his own mind.
Cicada looked at him worryingly being able to see the fake smile on his face. She was going to reach out and grab his arm but decided that probably wasn't the smartest idea, "Really thanks. I would rather be tired than miss class, okay?"
"Yeah… but what happens when you can't sleep at all?" Phoenix asked, dropping the act. There was no point. "I… it's stupid. I worry too much about other people's well being for my own good."
"It's a little endearing," Cicada responded with a slight laugh. She started to pack up her bags just slightly as she smiled tiredly at him, "But honestly, you don't have to worry about me and my sleep problems. They don't affect me that much."
“I still care…” Sighing, he shut his books so he could pack up all of his stuff. “I just need to relax sometimes. Every once in awhile I take things too far, and I apologize about that.” He nodded a bit, before gathering all his trash to throw away as they headed out.
Cicada stood up and put her bag on her back. She picked up her garbage and grinned at him, "It's fine, honestly. Don't worry about it, I can't make you not care even though I'm fine."
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