Cicada dropped the muffin back into the bag. She put one of her hands on his shoulder with a little smile, "Hey. At least you fell asleep. Besides it' probably not due today right? Right?"
Cicada dropped the muffin back into the bag. She put one of her hands on his shoulder with a little smile, "Hey. At least you fell asleep. Besides it' probably not due today right? Right?"
"I…I don't know. I just wish I hadn't fallen asleep, so I could have been finished." Phoenix sighed weakly, giving her a slight frown. "Neither of us had a great start off to their week."
"No, no we really didn't," Cicada shook her head still smiling. Her exhaustion took over any sense of real emotion she had at the moment. It's how she normally operated, "But that means it can only go up right?"
Phoeni snickered, trying to hold up n a yawn. “Unless I packed a shovel of course.” He hummed, pulling his phone out to check the time. “When’s your first class?” Phoenix asked her, gesturing for her to follow him as he headed back to his car.
Cicada let out a laugh and followed after him. She checked her phone and put it away quickly afterward, "In about 30 minutes. I've got plenty of time if you want to hang out a little bit."
"Could we hang out in a quiet place? I want to try and finish up my homework while we hang out. I don't like to not do something I know I need to." Phoenix mumbled, adjusting his position so he could carry his coffee, backpack, and breakfast. All while still holding on to his keys.
Cicada nodded and continued following after him. She had a little smile on as she moved the coffee and breakfast bag to one hand, "Okay, I can help you carry some stuff if you want me too."
"Nah, I've got it. It might be a balancing act, but I'll manage." Phoenix hummed, unlocking his car to pull the backpack and coffee out. "You've got your own things to carry."
"Yeah, but not as many things as you did," Cicada responded sticking back and watching him. She didn't know if he wanted to her to get in or not, but she stuck out there.
Grabbing his things, he shut the car door and locked the car. "I got it, don't worry about it." Phoenix insisted, pocketing his keys rather awkwardly. "Where to?"
"Um, where's a quiet spot on campus?" Cicada asked with a slight laugh, "I'm still figuring my way around campus. Sooo I don't really know a good spot since you need to do homework right?"
"Yeah, I should. We could go back to the place from before, or maybe the library here on campus." He offered her, sipping from his now lukewarm coffee. It wasn't great, but not terrible either. "Which would you prefer?"
"Let's try the library campus," Cicada responded sipping on her coffee. She had a smiled on as she looked over at him reaching for her muffin, "I haven't been there yet."
"Works with me. This way!" Phoenix chirped, smiling brightly as he led her along to the library. "Did you wanna get your homework, and meet me back there?" He asked her, sipping on his coffee again.
"Nah, I got most of it done (Unlike her rper)," Cicada responded with a big grin following after him. She looked around campus but caught up to him quickly, "So do you go to the library a lot?"
(That's a mood.)
"Decently, it's just a time filler for me I guess." Phoenix hummed as he slowed his pace a little, so he could leisurely make his way to the building. "Or when I want to get away from intruding persons. Most the time they wouldn't even think to step foot into the library."
Cicada let out a laugh and kept with his pace slowing down slightly. She gave him a smile, "Well now you can't use it to get away from me, I hope you realize that. But really? People don't use the library."
"No they do, I'm just talking about Savanna's fan club. They don't expect her brother to be such a 'nerd'." Phoenix shrugged as he attempted to use air quotes. "So I'm glad no one has figured that out yet."
"Ooooh, that makes sense," Cicada nodded before pausing for a moment in thought. She took a sip of coffee, "Savanna has a fan club? Or are you talking about her friend group?"
"The fan club part was suppose to be sarcastic. It's mostly the people who want to be friends with her." Sighing weakly, Phoenix tilted his head down as he continued to walk. "I don't mind you showing up. I have multiple places to go if I really want to be left alone."
"Jeeze, your sister must be something if people want to be friends with her," Cicada responded with a slight laugh and smiled over at him. Her smile turned soft, "I'll try not to drop by too often okay?"
"No, I like your company. I welcome it gladly, because it's different. I wouldn't be at the library if I wanted to be completely alone." Phoenix insisted, lifting his head up just a bit. "So don't worry about it."
"Understood," Cicada gave him a mock salute with a smirk on her face. She let out another yawn as she took a swig of coffee, "Also awwww, you like my company."
(I've gotta head to bed, so good night!)
A light flush ran over his face, and he sighed lightly. "Yeah, I do. Don't let that go to your head." Phoenix teased with a soft smirk of his own. He really did love hanging around her, she was special.
(Okay night!)
"I'll try not to," Cicada sing songed slightly enjoying the sight of his face flushing. She had a mischievous smirk on letting him know it was all in good teasing. It was really nice to hang out with him knowing he didn't want anything else.
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