@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Being my friend is useful." Phoenix hummed, walking in through the door. There wasn't any point arguing, otherwise they would be sitting out there for a very long time.
"Being my friend is useful." Phoenix hummed, walking in through the door. There wasn't any point arguing, otherwise they would be sitting out there for a very long time.
"Yeah, and you being my friend is useful too," Cicada responded with a slight laugh as she walked through after him. She had a big smile on as she stepped in after him.
"Oh- I give up." Phoenix huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Though all goodnatured, nothing meant to hurt her feelings. "Where do we wanna sit, once we get food?"
"Outside if we can?" Cicada asked him as she looked around the busy cafeteria. It was around lunchtime so of course, a lot of people were here at this moment, "Otherwise I really don't care."
"That works for me. Let's get out of here as fast as we can." Phoenix laughed weakly, catching sight of his sister and her friends. The center of attention she was, of course. Sighing a bit, he walked away trying to just ignore her so Savanna wouldn't see the two.
"Got it. Don't want to get caught by your sister or something?" Cicada asked him with a slight laugh as she made her way to the first bit of the cafeteria so she could get in line for pasta. She was in a pasta mood today.
Phoenix tried to laugh back, but wasn't really feeling up to it. There was just so much going on in the one room. "Not exactly. I just don't care for crowds." He shrugged as he slowly gathered his self so he could get his lunch.
"Oh, well we can be quick then right?" Cicada responded looking back at him with a slightly worried look. She thought for a moment and gave him a soft smile, "How about we both meet up here with food so we can go get a spot outside?"
"Works for me… though I might want to go outside if you take too long. Nothing personal, I just know I'll be swept up with a group of students." Phoenix told her, forcing up a smile so he could go off to get lunch without her worrying.
"No it's fine," Cicada responded keeping up her smile. She gave him a little wave and went over to the pasta line, "I'll see you there okay?"
"Alright… sure thing." With that said, he quickly walked off to get his own food. Not taking long to decide, he got himself a simple salad not being hungry for much more. He did eat breakfast only an hour or so ago.
Cicada walked through the line getting a bowl of spaghetti topped with marina and crumbled meat. She had a big smile as she swiped her card before heading out to where she was supposed to meet with Phoenix. Despite eating not long ago, she was already starving.
Phoenix headed out of the large room after paying, avoiding his sister rather well. As soon as he was back outside again, his whole body seemed to relax at the release of tension. Though he still had shaky hands, and felt his heart pounding in his chest. Now all he had to do was find Cicada…
Cicada spotted Phoenix outside and walked over to him. She stepped up to him with a smile on as she gestured to one of the nearby tables, "Found ya. Want to go sit over there?"
When she spoke, he jumped a little bit. "O-oh, yeah sure." Phoenix hummed, smiling softly as they started off to one of the empty tables. "If you want to sit with someone else, that's okay. I don't want to make you sit with me."
"No I want to sit with you," Cicada gave him a smile and began making her way towards the table. She didn't know why he had gotten so anxious in the crowd, probably because he was an introvert or something like that.
"Alright, if you're sure." Phoenix mumbled a bit, sitting down at the table. Smiling weakly he pulled one of his knees up to his chest. "How was your class? Good, I hope."
Cicada sat down and shoveled a mouthful of spaghetti into her mouth. She slurped it down before responding, "It was as good as English could get, talking about typically dead white guys and what not."
"Oh lovely, I have a feeling that it's going to be the same for me." Phoenix sighed with a slight smile. He had a slight sigh escape his lips, as he ate slowly.
"Probably, that's what most English classes are aren't they?" Cicada responded taking another bite. She was hungry and the food here wasn't half bad. A lot better than anything she could make.
Phoenix nodded a bit, cracking open a water bottle to drink from. "True… I just don't want to go so I'm complaining earlier." He snickered, scrunching his nose up.
Cicada laughed as she took a sip from her water bottle. She put it back down as she looked at him, "Hey, complaining early is a valid thing to do. I do it all the time about science."
"That's true… you were doing so last night." Phoenix joked, sipping from the plastic bottle with a slight smile. "Anyways… what class do you have next?"
"Math," Cicada responded with a little grin. She twirled up her spaghetti before shoving it into her mouth, "So it won't be that bad. What about you? What class you got next?"
"I've got no idea, actually." Phoenix laughed weakly, setting aside his half eaten salad aside. His stomach wasn't up for it, so he wasn't going to make himself. "I think science."
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