forum "You're The Only Ten-I-See" (Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"True…" Phoenix hummed, chuckling lightly at her first statement. "The hospital is right around the corner. You're just going to sit in the car, right?" He asked softly, checking on the two in the back through the mirror.


"Yeah," Cicada nodded and curled up on the seat. She let herself stretch out again figuring it was rude to put her feet on his seats. Running a hand through her hair, "You, you don't have another class today do you?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Glancing over at her, and noting her state, he shook his head. "No… I don't." Phoenix lied coolly, trying to avoid worrying her about that. She would insist he go back, if he had said yes. "Don't worry about it. Let me get a parking space, and I'll head inside."


"Okay," Cicada nodded along with his statement. She didn't completely believe he didn't have another class, but she wasn't going to argue. She didn't have the energy to at the moment. Her lack of sleep was finally catching up to her combined with the use of her… Ability draining her energy so she was getting really tired.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Pulling up to the tall building, he glanced over to her with a light frown. "Why don't you try to sleep. I can handle this." Phoenix told her, starting to get out of the car. "You need it. Don't try to argue." He mumbled, fully getting out of the car and jogging up to the door. He needed to get this done quickly. The less time they were here, most likely the better.


Cicada didn't have a chance to argue as he left so quickly. She leaned against the window and yawned a little. It would be so easy to give into sleep, but should she? Phoenix, Phoenix seemed to be fine, so it probably would be. She let her eyes closed and ended up falling asleep fairly quickly.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

After an hour or so Phoenix had talked to a bunch of doctors, gotten the two boys the medical treatment they needed, signed a bunch of papers, and managed to miss his English class. Despite the reason he was missing his class, it was shaping out to be an okay kinda day. Once outside, he quietly pulled his car door open. He didn't want to wake her up, if she was asleep. Cicada really needed it. Once settled in his seat, he started off back to the dorms. He was planning on waiting to wake her up, until they got there.


Cicada slept through the entire encounter. Her body desperately needed it and her mind even spared her from her usual nightmares. She would have thought they would be worse considering what had happened early, but they stayed away. The car began to move and she started to wake up just slightly considering she was leaning against the window. She yawned a little and opened her eyes slightly looking over at Phoenix, "Mmm, are the two boys okay?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Glancing over to her, he smiled weakly in a greeting tone. "Yeah, they're alright. I got everything sorted out, so don't worry." Phoenix hummed softly as he drove on. "We're headed back to the campus, if you're alright with that. It just made the most sense to me." Pulling up to the red light, he turned his body so he could be facing her for a moment. She still looked tired, but not as tired as before.


"That's fine with me," Cicada stretched a little as she sat up. She rubbed at her eyes letting herself fully wake up and gave him a smile. She could tell there might be something a little bit wrong with him, was he still worried about her? Hopefully not, but it was most likely the answer, "Are you doing okay? I know, well I figure, that it wasn't that easy to do. But thank you."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I'm doing alright," Phoenix told her, nodding a bit. That was the truth, he was doing alright. Maybe not good, but he wasn't dying. "It was nothing too stressful. It was just a lot for one hour. How are you doing? Feeling any better?" His tone was still gentle, as he was trying to be careful how he spoke with her. He didn't want to make her nervous.


"Um, yeah. I'm doing better," Cicada couldn't say she was feeling better because she wasn't. While the two guys were okay now, she still felt bad about what happened. She hadn't meant to start trouble in this town so soon, but it, like most things in her life, just sort of happened. She glanced at Phoenix grateful he was being gentle, but she wasn't made of glass, "I was out for an hour?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Shrugging a bit, he started off once the light was green. "About an hour. I don't know specific times, because I was busy. But I'm just saying about an hour… anyways, yeah. You were." Phoenix told her, cutting off his rambled thoughts. "I was going to let you sleep until we got back to the campus. Clearly that isn't happening."


"No, no it really isn't," Cicada replied with a little laugh. She was still waking up, but the little nap she had, had been quite nice. Definitely gave her some of her energy back, "So, um, we're heading back to the dorms I'm guessing?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Phoenix nodded in response, turning on to a side rode. "Yeah, if that's alright with you. If you don't want to, I can go somewhere else. It's only three o'clock, we've got some time until it gets dark." He told her, thinking they could go for a walk through the park.


"I, I don't really care," Cicada said after a moment of thought. She could go back to her dorm and spend the rest of the day wallowing in guilt or she could try and distract herself, "Maybe not the dorms yet?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Well, it's a beautiful day. I've got some free time, and am happy to listen if you need a listening ear." Phoenix offered her, pulling up to a parking space across the street from the college. "Or if you want sweets, there's a bakery near by."


"Sweets?" Cicada perked up a little bit at that. She was hungry and having something sweet honestly sounded really good right about now. She bit her lip, "Do you think we could go to the bakery and then walk around a little? I do want to talk to you, just. Get some things off my chest."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Chuckling a bit, Phoenix nodded as he mentally mapped his route. "What kind of treat do you want? Cake, cookie?" He asked her with a raised brow. It was silly, but the way she lit up a little bit made him smile brighter. He was glad he brought it up, it would be a nice distraction for a little bit.


"Cookie sounds pretty good," Cicada had a slight smile on seeing Phoenix smile as well. It was just a little circle of happiness it seemed. She leaned back in the seat, "What about you? What do you want?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Not sure yet… I'll have to decide when we get there." He told her, pulling out so he could turn around for the bakery. "What's your favorite cookie? We can make sure to get it while we're there." Phoenix asked, drumming his fingers on the wheel.


"Favorite cookie? Chocolate chip," Cicada responded smiling a little bit. She let out a short laugh as she rubbed her neck, "A little basic I know, but I really like it okay? And there's a lot of different types of chocolate chip cookies."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I'm not judging you, Cicada." Phoenix laughed lightly agreeing that her favorite was one of his own. "I really like a classic Chocolate Chip cookie from time to time as well. It's like my childhood, formed into a food."


"Oh good. It's your favorite too then I'm guessing?" Cicada asked with a smile. She honestly was glad he wasn't judging, but who really could judge someone for like chocolate chip. It was a classic like he said.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Not my favorite, but it's in the top five. Unlike you, I could never decide on a favorite favorite." He joked, pulling up to the bakery with a soft smile. "Do you wanna go in with me, or just sit here? I don't care either way."