forum "This war never ended, did it? Not for us." // O/O // Closed
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah set down their plate by the sink and turned on the faucet. The water wasn't too bad, but they would have liked a little more of it.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah started running their plate under the water, which got it decently clean. "Did we get soap?" They asked, looking over at Winter. If they had, these plates would be much cleaner, but if not… Well, who knew?

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I did not. We should probably get that at some point. It wouldn't be fun to get out of everything just to die because of getting sick," Mycah said, running their plate under the water again before picking up Winter's plate.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Probably a good idea." Mycah nodded, running Winter's plate under the water a few times before placing it next to their plate to dry. They cleaned the utensils, then looked at the pot Winter had used to make dinner. "Is that ready to be rinsed off?"

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah carefully rinsed off the pot, trying their best to clean it off. When they got soap, they'd have to re-wash everything, but for now, it was fine.


Winter let out a breath. "So, now what? Bed? Or…?" he made a face, trailing off since he wasn't quite sure what else there was to do.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah, I guess. We should probably get some cards or something to pass the time. I know quite a few card games," Mycah said slowly. It seemed like they had a lot of things to add to their list of things to get.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Um." Mycah looked around, then patted their pockets. "I'll go check in my bag. Maybe a pad of paper and a pen or something made it in there." They walked over to their bag and started rummaging through it.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Hmm," Mycah hummed softly, still looking through their bag. They finally found a pad of paper, half-used, and a pen. They only hoped the pen would work and quickly tested it on the back of the pad of paper. "Perfect." The pen worked, and they jotted down 'dish soap' and 'cards' onto the first sheet. "There we go."


Winter nodded a little bit. "Great." he replied with a smile. "We'll get those tomorrow, hopefully." he ran a hand through his hair, coming over to Mycah.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yep." Mycah agreed, standing up. They put the notepad on the dining room table, just because that seemed like the place where they wouldn't forget it. "Now… to bed?" Mycah asked, looking up at Winter.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright." Mycah nodded and started up to the room they'd chosen. They carefully made their way to their sleeping bag and knelt down next to it.


Winter went over to his own sleeping bag, crawling into it and laying on his back, looking at the ceiling. "…these floorboards are not very soft."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah crawled into their own sleeping bag and grimaced. "Yeah, no. But at least it's all flat. No rocks or roots," They said softly, trying to find a more comfortable position. There really wasn't one, and they wrinkled their nose. "Still…"

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah eventually found a semi-comfortable possition, though that might have just been because they were tired and stopped caring. But their eyes closed, and they slowly started drifting off to sleep.