Melissa finally texted Ciel. “Hey What did I miss in class?” She asked.
Melissa finally texted Ciel. “Hey What did I miss in class?” She asked.
Ciel checked her phone, her heart jumping when she realized the text was from Melissa. "Nothing much. Another worksheet about the same thing as yesterday in math," she wrote. "By the way, how are you feeling? Brandon said you felt sick."
Melissa wrinkled her nose slightly at his name. “I’m feeling better I’ll probably be in school tomorrow,” she said curling up a little more under her blanket. She couldn’t even stand at the moment and really hoped what she said was true.
"Alright." Ciel wrote back. "Well, I miss you. Everything is much more boring without you, since you're basically my only friend. But don't push yourself to come back before you're feeling better. You feeling better is more important than me." She smiled a little sadly, hoping Melissa wasn't feeling too bad.
Melissa smiled at the screen. “Thanks and I will,” she texted back almost right away. “This could be a good time to talk to others! There’s a few cool kids in our gym class. I promise not everyone’s an ass.”
Ciel grinned. "Okay, maybe I will." She looked around, suddenly feeling a bit shy. She didn't know why, but she was nervous about talking to new people. Who would she talk to?
Melissa smiled at the screen weakly but then turned it off. There where a few people in the actually gum room. Some playing games while others where sitting around. Most That where sitting around where I’m groups but some where all alone.
Ciel was torn between going to a larger group or a person by themselves. In the end, she picked a nice-looking person sitting by themselves and walked over to them. "Hi! Do you mind if I sit here?"
“Of course not!” She said smiling and removing the bag next to her. She smiled at Ciel. “You’re new right? I think I’m in your science class.”
(might not be on much today and maybe tomorrow I’m not feeling that well)
(Alright! Feel better!)
Ciel sat down next to the girl. "Yeah, I am." She nodded. "Really? That's cool! Oh, I'm Ciel. What's your name?" Ciel smiled at her, drawing her knees up to her chest.
“I’m Katherine,” she said smiling as well. She turned to the Ciel her legs bent slightly. “How do you like the school so far?”
"Nice to meet you, Katherine," Ciel said, glad this girl was nice. "It's okay, I guess. Just trying to get used to things here, figure out where my classes are, that sort of thing."
“Yeah this place can be a maze,” she said. “Melissa was your tour guide right?”
"Yeah. Do you know her? She's super nice," Ciel said, trying not to look too dreamy. She wasn't totally sure she had succeeded, but it was hard to not sound dreamy when talking about Melissa. She was just too wonderful.
“Not really personally but I’ve seen her around. She seems pretty cool. Cant believe she ended up with Branden though,” she said shaking her head at the end.
"She is really cool," Ciel agreed, smiling softly. At the mention of Branden, though, her face dropped into more of a scowl. "I agree with that. He doesn't seem very nice."
“Yeah he doesn’t. That whole groups full of assholes. As far as I saw they tormented Melissa last year,” she said shrugging. “Either way though I’d watch out. Wouldn’t want to get wrapped up in all that.” She leaned on the wall.
"That does seem like the group he would be in." Ciel wrinkled her nose slightly. She didn't know why Melissa was with Branden and all his friends if they supposedly tormented her last year. There was probably a story to explain it, though with what she'd seen of that group so far, it wasn't a nice story. "Yeah, I'm not planning on getting any nearer to them them I have to."
“That’s smart,” She said nodding. “Other than them everything here’s pretty boring though.”
"Eh, boring is fine as long as you have some good people with you," Ciel sighed. Honestly, after everything that has happened at her old school, she could use a little boring.
She nodded again. “Guess you’re right,” she said crossing her legs. “You seem fun though so not being boring probably comes easy to you.”
"Yeah, well, I try." Ciel grinned and leaned back against the wall. "You seem pretty cool as well, Katherine. I'm glad I walked over here." Now she could bring her total of people she knew up to two.
Katherine smaller lightly blushing. “Thanks! I’m glad you came over too,” she said.
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