Ceil put some sprinkles on the side of the cake, though not as much as the top. Just as a little extra decoration. "Beautiful." She looked over at Melissa when she said it, so it wasn't clear if she was saying it about the cake or about Melissa.
“Yeah it really is,” Melissa said looking up at Ciel. She met her eyes and didn’t look away for a second.
Ciel gave Melissa a warm smile, then looked back at the cake. "What do you think? Is it done, or does it need a little something extra?" She tilted her head, examining the cake.
"I think it should be good. Unless you have any ideas," She said looking at the cake as well.
"Hmm…" Ciel frowned, thinking. "No, I don't think I do. What I do know is that I'm torn between eating it and not eating it because it is a piece of art." She shrugged.
"Same!" Melissa said. "But imagine how good it must taste!"
"Yeah…" Ciel sighed, torn. "Well, why don't we show my moms first, take a picture to document its majesty, then have a slice?" She proposed.
"That sounds like a plan!" She said smiling wide. "Should we bring it out or them in here?" She thought that Lili would be awake soon.
"Whatever you want to do. I don't really care." Ciel shrugged, bringing out her phone and taking a picture of the cake. "There. It shall live forever." She put her phone away. "Actually, let's bring it out to them so they don't have to leave Lili."
“Okay even though she’d be fine alone for a minute,” she said picking up the cake.
"Ari! Gema! Look what we made!" Ciel whisper-shouted, leading Melissa into the living room. "Isn't it beautiful?" She stepped aside so they could both see the cake.
Melissa smiled wide holding the cake for them to see. Lili was still asleep for now.
"Oh, it's lovely!" Ari grinned at Melissa and Ceil. "You both did a really good job!"
"Are you going to be sharing the cake with us, or just waving it in front of us and eating it all on your own?" Gema asked, smiling playfully at them.
Melissa laughed. “We should go cut it up in the kitchen,” she said.
"Indeed." Ciel nodded and spun back around. "Glad you liked it." She grinned at her parents over her shoulder, then walked back into the kitchen. "Ooh, I can't wait!"
Melissa set the cake down on the counter and looked at Ciel. A wide smile still on her face.
Ciel grabbed a knife to cut the cake and a few plates. "Do you want to cut it?" She asked, looking at Melissa with a happy smile on her lips.
“You can,” she said smiling at Ciel. The other girl looked so happy and it sent butterflies in Melissa’s stomach.
"Okay." Ciel carefully cut out pieces for her, Melissa, Ari and Gema. She placed them on the plates, somehow managing to make them look nice. "There we go! They look pretty, don't they?" Ciel set down the knife and looked over at Melissa.
“Can you cut one for Lili too. She’ll be up soon I’m surprised the smell of cake didn’t wake her,” she joked. “But yeah they look beautiful.”
"Oh, sure!" Ciel cut another slice of cake and set it on another plate. "So, you want to eat them out there with my parents and Lili?" She asked, getting a handful of forks.
“Sure!” She said picking up some of the plates.
"Cool!" Ciel picked up two plates and the girls and walked into the living room. She handed a plate and a fork to each of her mothers, then went back to get the last plate. "Here." She held out two forks to Melissa.
Melissa took the forks smiling at Ciel. Their hands brushing slightly. Lili was waking up. She smiled wide at the cake but didn’t say anything. She put Lili’s plate on the coffee table and handed her a fork.
Ciel sat down, smiling softly at Melissa. Her parents inspected the cake, then dug in.
"This is really good, girls!" Ari exclaimed, grinning at both of them.
"Thanks!" Ciel cut a piece of cake and ate it. "You're right, this is tasty."