@MarDeColores this is not it kids
"Definitely." Ciel grinned. "Oh, if it turns out good– and I've been assured it will– you're going to love it. And I think we have some rainbow sprinkles that we can put on the cake when we're done icing it!"
"Definitely." Ciel grinned. "Oh, if it turns out good– and I've been assured it will– you're going to love it. And I think we have some rainbow sprinkles that we can put on the cake when we're done icing it!"
Melissa smiled. “That would be awesome!” She said. She checked her alarm they still had a bit.
"Perfect!" Ciel noticed Melissa checking the alarm, but since she didn't make any sudden moves, Ciel guessed they still had some time.
She smiled. “I can’t wait! We still have a bit before we have to check on it,” she said smiling at Ciel.
"It will be a masterpiece," Ciel said grandly, sweeping her arm in front of her. "Oh, I can't wait either. We're going to have so much fun!"
Melissa smiled and nodded. “Yep She said sitting closer to Ciel
Ciel couldn't help but notice how close Melissa was sitting. Was that because– no, there was no thinking like that. It would led to hope, and it hurt so much when hope was crushed. Still, Ciel didn't move away.
Melissa barely noticed how close she was but blushed slightly when she did. She couldn’t jus remove away knowing it would look awkward. Her alarm went off right one time.
"Oh! Guess we'd better go check on the cake!" Ciel exclaimed, standing up. "I hope it's done. I don't want to wait for it any longer than I have to." She laughed and started out of the room.
Melissa nodded and followed. “Same!” She said walking downstairs.
The smell downstairs was even better than it had been in Ciel's room. As Ciel walked by, her moms commented on how good it smelled and how they hoped they would get a piece once it was finished. "Don't worry, you will," Ciel tossed over her shoulder as she entered the kitchen. "Now, what do we do now?" She asked Melissa.
“Umm Can I have a butter knife or tooth pick?” She asked walking over to the oven.
"Yeah." Ciel pulled open a drawer and handed Melissa a butter knife. She then leaned against the counter near the oven, watching Melissa.
Melissa took the knife and opened the oven. She stuck the middle of the cake with the knife and it came out clean. “Yes! That means it’s done,” she said. “Can I have an oven mit?”
"Woo!" Ciel grinned. "Oh, sure." She turned and walked towards the drawer that held the oven mitts. Ciel grabbed the best one and handed it to Melissa. "There you go!"
Melissa took the oven mitt and took the cake out. “We have to let it cool down before decorating it,” she said.
"Ah, shoot. It makes sense, but I'm still disappointed." Ciel sighed, but brightened up quickly. "Want to look through all the sprinkles while we wait?"
Melissa nodded. “Sure! Where are they?” She asked smiling wide.
"Over here." Ciel led Melissa over to a cabinet under the counter and opened it. She pulled out a rolling drawer, filled with spices. On the top was an array of bottles and jars, all filled with sprinkles in loads of colors and shapes. "Tada!" Ciel exclaimed, grinning at Melissa.
Melissa smiled. “Wow you guys have a bunch of sprinkles,” she said looking at them all.
"Yeah, we all love them. We are always having to drag each other away from the baking stuff whenever we go shopping." Ciel laughed, walking her fingers over a few of the jars.
Melissa laughed. “Yeah my kitchen used to be filled with baking things,” she said leaning on the counter and looking at the different kinds of sprinkles.
"Used to?" Ciel asked, before realizing that the question might be a bit too sensitive. "I mean, you don't have to answer that." She looked down at the floor, feeling slightly embarrassed.
Melissa realized her screw up but just shrugged. “No it’s fine. I live with Branden right now and his kitchen has a bunch of baking stuff but before that I lived in my own for a bit. The one thing I’d always splurge on is baking stuff,” she admitted.
"Oh, I see." Ciel nodded. Her mind was suddenly flooded with questions. Why was Melissa living with Branden? Did she have parents in her life, and if so, where were they? But she pushed the questions back, not wanting to make Melissa uncomfortable. "So… which one of these is your favorite?" Ciel asked, grinning at Melissa.
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