@MarDeColores this is not it kids
"I got it." Ciel pushed herself upright and opened a drawer. She pulled out a handful of measuring cups and a few spoons. "There you go." Ciel set them down next to the bowls. "What next?"
"I got it." Ciel pushed herself upright and opened a drawer. She pulled out a handful of measuring cups and a few spoons. "There you go." Ciel set them down next to the bowls. "What next?"
“We put all the dry ingredients in the bowl first,” she said. She started saying specific ingredients and their measurement. She had them memorized.
Ciel nodded and started measuring out one of the dry ingredients. "You know, Melissa," she started, looking at Melissa. "You really are amazing. I've said before, but I'm saying it now and I'll say it again. I mean…" She dumped the measuring cup into a bowl. "You are fantastic." Ciel's cheeks were pink as she peeked up at Melissa.
Melissa froze and blushed. “T-thanks! You are too!” She said turning to her. She wanted to take her hand again but held back. She helped her measure out all the ingredients instead.
"Thanks!" She kept looking at Melissa, loving the blush on her cheeks. What would happen if she just… Nope. She had to stop thinking so hopefully. But there was so much to be hopeful about. "So… I'm guessing we mix it all together?" Ciel asked, shyly tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ear.
“Well first we add the wet ingredients and then we mix,” she said picking up and egg. They only needed two so she handed one to Ciel. She easily cracked hers against the bowl and then split it over the bowl all with one hand.
Ciel watched Melissa with a look of utter awe. "Uh…" She looked from the egg to Melissa's face, a beautiful little smile on her lips. "You know what, I'm just gonna get another bowl." She opened a cabinet and pulled out a small bowl. Ciel cracked her egg into it, checked it for eggshells, then poured it into the mixing bowl. "We can't all be goddesses like you, after all," She sighed, leaning towards Melissa with a smirk.
Melissa blushed hard and laughed. She leaned near Ciel and bumped shoulders slightly. “Hey you still did really good!” She said before measuring the milk. She still stood close to Ciel.
"Well, if I did good, then you did… I don't know, legendary? You did a legendary job. Seriously, how did you do that?" Ciel asked, watching Melissa work. Her face was red, even more so after Melissa bumped shoulders with her. Oh, how in the world did she manage to meet such a lovely person? It was the best luck , that was for sure.
Melissa blushed even redder. “I Umm-I’ve had a lot of practice,” she said smiling. “But like I said you where really good. You may of done it in a separate bowl like I have Lili do but she usually crushes it in her hand so like you didn’t get any egg shells in the bowl.”
"Well, they say practice makes perfect. And you were pretty perfect just now." Ciel smiled, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "Well, thank you. I have to admit, you caught me on a good day. Most days are good days, though, so…" She shrugged, a burst of pure joy rising up inside her. Melissa was just so beautiful, in all the ways she could be.
Melissa nodded and smiled. Her blush cooling down slightly. She poured in the almost forgotten milk and then directed Ciel for the rest of the ingredients. “Okay now we have to mix. I’ll show you first and then you do the rest,” she said.
Ciel followed Melissa's instructions carefully, trying to get the perfect measurement for each ingredient. "Okay." She nodded, watching Melissa. Her face was feeling less warm, but she was still filled with that sunshine-y feeling.
Melissa mixed car fully and then handed the spoon to Ciel. “Here you try,” she said still standing very close to her.
"Alright." Ciel grabbed the spoon. Her fingers brushed against Melissa's for a second, sending a spark of energy towards her heart. They were standing so close… It really was unfair, but she wasn't complaining either. Ciel started mixing, trying to do the same thing Melissa had done. "How am I doing?" She asked, looking over at Melissa.
“You’re doing great,” she said smiling. “But umm try this.” She stood slightly behind her and placed her hand over Ciel’s. Helping her mix it more.
"Thanks," Ciel breathed, her face on fire. All she could think about was Melissa behind her, and her hand on hers. Oh, this was too amazing. Who knew baking a cake would be so marvelous?
Melissa nodded. “No problem,” she said letting go of her hand and letting her mix on her own. “I’ll mix after to make sure you got everything,” she said leaning on the counter.
Ciel smiled at Melissa, sure her face was still very red. She mixed the cake batter just like Melissa had shown her, then stepped back. "I think that's as good as I can get it. I'll let you work your magic now." Ciel offered the spoon to Melissa.
Melissa took it blushing as their hands brushed. she quickly mixed it. “You did really good!” She said only seeing a few clumps. She put down the spoon. “Can you get a pan?” She asked smiling. “Size doesn’t really matter.”
"Thanks." Ciel grinned, sure that her face would stay red for the rest of the day. "Yeah, sure." Ciel practically danced to the other side of the kitchen, getting out a variety of pans. There were some that you would use for lasagna, as well as some circular and square-shaped pans in various sizes. "Which one do you think would work best?" She asked, setting them down near the bowl and Melissa.
Melissa looked over over and then pointed at the circle one. “That should be good,” she said. “Want to pour it in?”(also pretend they put the lemons in idk how to bake lmao))
(Hah, same. Everything's perfect. They are baking gods. :)
"Okay." Ceil brought the circular one closer. "Sure!" She picked up the bowl and carefully tilted it over the pan. She used the spoon to scrape all the batter into the pan, then set down the bowl. "How long should we put it in for?"
“Like 30 minutes then we check it’s cooked all the way,” she said. “We can clean up while it’s cooking.” She turned on the oven and opened it for Ciel to put the cake inside.
"Good idea." Ciel put the cake inside and closed the door, then set a timer for 30 minutes. "This is my least favorite part of baking." She whispered to Melissa, like she was telling her a secret. "But we have to do it anyway. Shame." Ciel shook her head and gathered up some of the measuring cups, giving Melissa a smile.
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