"Yeah, they should be somewhere over there." Ciel swept her hand towards the parking lot. "I didn't, but don't worry." She placed a reassuring hand on Melissa's shoulder. "They won't judge you or anything. I promise." Ciel gave Melissa a warm smile, then turned to look around the parking lot. "Oh, I think they're over there. Follow me!" She started towards one of the cars at the edge of the parking lot.
Melissa followed taking a deep breath. "Ok I still have to pick her up but it should be quick," She said staying behind Ciel. "I umm I can try to get a babysitter next time we want to hang out." She crossed her arms slightly. she tried to keep a big smile which was surprisingly easy around Ciel.
"Okay! Just tell my mom where to go to." Ciel made her way around the various cars and groups of people, finally arriving at her moms' car. "If you can't get a babysitter, though, that's fine. We all won't mind." Ciel opened the door and peeked inside. "Hey, my friend Melissa is coming to do homework with me, alright?" A woman with warm chocolate-colored skin looked at Ciel from the drivers seat. A woman with wild red hair was sitting in the passangers seat, and looked at Ciel also.
Melissa waved at her parents. “Hi,” she said slightly awkwardly. She thought Ciel already talked with her moms. Oh god I’m not good with parents she thought smiling at both of them.
"Hello, Melissa!" The woman in the driver's seat smiled at Melissa. "I'm Ari, and this is Gema. It's nice to meet you." The woman in the passenger's seat, Gema, smiled at Melissa as well. Ciel stood up, gesturing for Melissa to get in before walking around to the other side. "Are we going straight home?" Ari asked as Ciel got into the car.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” Melissa said getting in. “Umm actually I have to pick my daughter up at daycare. If hats okay.” Her voice was smile but she tried to keep her smile on and glanced between Ari, Gema, and Ciel. Not looking any of them in The eye.
"Okay. Where's the daycare?" Ari asked, starting the car. She didn't seem judgemental in the least bit.
"I told you they were nice." Ciel leaned over and whispered. "You don't ever have to feel embarrassed or anything like that around me or them." She sat up and gave Melissa a reassuring smile.
Melissa nodded smiling. She told her where the daycare was. It was pretty close to the school. She relaxed slightly in the backseat.
Ari navigated the car out of the parking lot, then drove towards the daycare. It was quiet in the car aside from the soft music coming from the radio, but it wasn't an awkward silence. They arrived at the daycare a few minutes later.
"This is the right place, right?" Ari asked Melissa.
Melissa nodded. “Yeah thank you,” she said smiling at hem. She opened the door. “I’ll be right back.” The daycare was a small building. She went inside and came out a minute later with Lili and a car seat.
Ceil sat in silence, waiting for Melissa to come back. She was kind of excited to meet Lili. As Melissa was walking back, Gema opened the door and peeked her head out.
"Do you want any help?" She asked softly.
“I should be good but thank you,” she said putting the car seat in quickly. Lili was basically a tiny version of her. She looked slightly small for a 3 year old and was smiling wide. Melissa buckled her up and got into the middle seat next to Ciel.
"Okay." Gema nodded, a small smile on her lips. Ciel gasped slightly, smiling at Lili.
"Melissa, Lili is adorable!" She whispered, leaning a little towards Lili to see her better. Ari started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. The drive wasn't that long, but Ciel was aware of how close Melissa was. The car wasn't exactly big, and they were a little squished in the back seat.
Mellissa smiled. Lili was smiling but stayed quiet. She hugged her stuffed animal. “Thanks she’s a little shy,” Melissa said smiling at Lili before looking at Ciel.
"Okay." Ciel smiled at Lili, then leaned back in her seat. Ari drove the car into the driveway of a medium-sized house and turned it off.
"We're here!" She sang, opening the door and getting out. "Welcome to our home, Melissa and Lili!" Gema got out as well and followed Ari towards the front door.
"Do you need any help with Lili?" Ciel asked, opening the car door and getting out.
Melissa smiled at them. “Thank you. I should be fine,” she said getting out before unbuckling Lili. She pulled her out and set her down before taking the car seat out. “I’ll take this with since I’ll need it for Brandens car.”
(I feel like i spell Branden differently every time lol)
(Ha, yeah. I do too, honestly. :)
"Alright." Ciel walked around the car towards the house, though she paused to wait for Melissa. Her moms were both hovering at the door, staring at her and Melissa. Ciel waved her hand towards the house, trying to tell them to go inside. They both beamed at her and opened the door, leaving it open for the two girls.
Melissa walked behind. Holding Lilis hand and the seat in her other had. She walked right behind Ciel.
Ciel led the way into the house, closing the door behind Melissa. The house had a warm feel to it, and one could tell people lived there.
"Do you kids want anything to eat?" Ari asked, appearing in a doorway. "Anything we could do for you?" She looked from Ciel to Melissa, a curious smile on her face.
Melissa shook her head. "We're good but thank you," She said before glancing at Ciel. Lili held onto Ciel tightly. Arms around her waist and head buried. She was a little tired and would usually take a nap around this time.
"Okay. Let us know if that changed." Ari ducked back into the room.
"We can do our homework in here," Ciel said, leading the way to the dining room. There was a large table and plenty of chairs, as well as a lot of light. Ciel dropped her backpack on the ground next to a chair and slid it out.
Melissa nodded and followed. She sat Lili down next to her giving her her phone to play a game. Lili wouldn't let go of her hand. "So she's not coming unattached any time soon," she half-joked.
"Ha, well, if you can do homework with only one hand, you are twice the goddess I thought you were, to begin with." Ciel laughed, pulling some school supplies out of her backpack. "And I already think you are one of the most amazing people… ever, really."
Melissa smiled wide and blushed slightly. "Thanks and umm I can kind of. She'll fall asleep soon anyway," she whispered. She took out her homework and glanced at Ciel. She had a calculator and pencil setting her work up with only one hand.
"Still think you're amazing." Ciel grinned at Melissa and pulled a notebook from ber backpack. She opened it and took out the homework. "Eww." Ciel wrinkled her nose and looked up at Melissa. "What problem were you on, again?"