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Melissa smiled. “I’d really like that,” she said. “But we are definitely getting homework done.” She told Branden she was going to Ciel’s to do homework. That meant she can’t go back to his with any.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, alright then," Ciel sighed, unintentionally leaning a bit closer to Melissa. "We'll be all business, get it done, then do something fun." She tilted her head back and grinned at Melissa. She might actually enjoy doing homework today. And on top of that, she might get it done in a timely fashion.


Melissa nodded. “That sounds like a plan,” she said smiling. She leaned near her as well without realizing. They were pretty close. Legs touching.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel smiled back at Melissa, then glanced up at the ceiling. There was something so serene about sitting there with Melissa. When they were talking, or even when they were sitting in silence, Ciel felt wonderful.


Melissa relaxed more. She leaned back on the wall. “I like hanging out with you,” she said not really sure what else to say.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I do too. You're just… the best, honestly. Maybe it's because I'm used to so much less since my… my last school, but you've really been a good friend. And I'd love it if you became a best friend. I can't wait, in fact." Ciel laughed, feeling a bit giddy. What was she doing, spouting out all this mushy stuff? But Melissa made her feel safe.


Melissa smiled. “I hope we can. I’d love to be your best friend. Haven’t had one in awhile,” she said. Id also like more than friends she thought to herself but definitely didn’t say. She wondered if Melissa would even want that if it was even a choice for Melissa to make right now.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Well, then, your best friend I will be." Ciel's smile was radiant as she looked at Melissa. "Everyone should have a best friend. Someone they trust, someone they can talk to, someone who will be there for them. And Melissa, I've only known you for a little bit, but… I want to be that person for you."


“That sounds Amazing. I’d like to be that person for you too,” she said. She looked around for a second. “So what do best friends talk about?” She smirking slightly and relaxed more.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, I don't know. Anything?" Ciel shrugged, a matching smirk on her lips. "What would you like to talk about, my dear Melissa? Anything you'd like to know?" Ciel felt absolutely ecstatic as she stared at Melissa. She had gotten really lucky, that was for sure.


Melissa nodded. "Hmm we talked about some stuff already," She said thinking. "what about…most embarrassing thing you've ever done." She laughed slightly.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, dear…" Ciel frowned slightly, trying to think of something. "Well… I don't really know. One time I– well, I don't know if this counts as embarrassing– but I completely misread the situation and tried to ask this really pretty girl out to coffee. Turns out, not only was she straight, but she had a boyfriend as well. I managed to twist things in my favor to make it seem like it was just me being a nice friend, but still…" She shook her head, grimacing at the memory. "That was not fun." Ciel laughed slightly and looked over at Melissa. "What about you?"


Great so I would have had a chance she thought suddenly more disappointed but she tried to just smile. "That sounds pretty mortifying," She said laughing slightly. She thought for a while. It was hard to actually think of something she could tell Ciel. Most would reveal too much. "Hmmm well, after this test in math I had my headphones in and was listening to music. I thought I was just whispering some lyrics but turns out I was singing very loud in a quiet classroom. I can't sing." She laughed.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, wow!" Ciel laughed, covering her mouth with one hand. "That is really… I am so sorry. That sounds terrible. It must have been a good song, though." She paused. "By the way, what's your favorite song at the moment?" Ciel was relieved that Melissa didn't react badly to her embarrassing story. She would've rather not said it, but it was the only one that had come to her mind. And besides, Melissa now knew… so maybe something could happen between them?


Melissa shrugged. "It was a good song. I really like Doddie right now. I guess my favorite would be She," she said smiling. "But I also like Lemon Boy by Cavetown."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, I've heard those songs! They're really good." Ciel nodded in agreement. "You've picked a wonderful favorite song, in my opinion. And Lemon Boy is nice too. Oh! Have you ever listened to girl in red?" She grinned. Music was something she really liked, and talking about it with Melissa was really fun.


"I've heard of them but haven't had the chance to listen to them," She said. "I'll have to try one day. What's your favorite song?" She asked turning to her. She brought one leg up to her chest. She wanted to lean in closer but didn't.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, that's always a tough question. Right now, I think it's A Better Version from 36 Questions. If you get the chance, you should listen to it. The song is so sad but somehow so joyful at the same time. It always makes me… I don't even know how to describe it. But I also really love girls by girl in red. I could sing along to that song all day." Ciel laughed.


Melissa nodded. "I'd have to check them both out," She said leaning on the wall. She checked the time on her phone. "Oh shoot. I'm going to have to go soon. I promised Branden I'd go check with him before going with you." She sounded slightly annoyed.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Awesome." Ciel grinned, closing her eyes for a few seconds. She felt a bolt of disappointment run through her when Melissa said that she had to leave soon. It was a bit selfish of her– Ciel was about to spend a few hours with Melissa– but that didn't stop it. Besides, it reminded Ciel that Melissa had a boyfriend, which Ciel wanted to forget. "Alright." Ciel sighed and leaned towards Melissa a bit more.


Melissa nodded and stood up. "I'll see you later? Near the front entrance?" She suggested. She grabbed her bag bracing herself for going to see Branden.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah, sure!" Ciel nodded, crossing her legs. "I can't wait. Math will fear us." She grinned, laughing a little, and waved at Melissa. "Good luck. I'll see you soon." Ciel still had a smile on her face. Sure, Melissa was leaving, but after school would be wonderful.


Melissa nodded again and waved. "Can't wait," She said before leaving. At the end of the day, she walked to the front entrance. She fixed her slightly messed up hair but other than that and the small bruise on her cheek she looked fine.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel's day went slowly. And of course, the teacher of her last class went over the bell and she was late to getting out to the front. She looked around for Melissa and her parents' car. She spotted Melissa first and walked over to her. "Hey, Melissa! Ready to go?"


Melissa nodded. "Yeah I am," She said smiling wide. "Your parents here?" she asked looking around. "Also did you umm tell them about Lili?" She sounded nervous. She didn't want to look like a bad example. What if her parents hated her?