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Started by @Spider-man

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yes, please! We have to get together again, and you can teach me all your baking secrets. Like how you made that banana bread taste so good. Hopefully, I won't incorporate a spatula into whatever we make." Ciel gave Melissa a crooked grin, then ate the rest of her sandwich and started in on a bunch of grapes. The thought of baking with Melissa made her smile, even though she was sure she'd somehow set something on fire.


Melissa laughed slightly and put her lunchbox back in her bag. She took out one of her folders. “Yeah we should. I bet you are way better at baking than you let on,” she said starting on some English work.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Hmm, you haven't seen me try to bake." Ciel shook her head, a smile on her lips. "It's a sad sight, I assure you." She noticed Melissa starting in on some homework, which reminded her of some stuff she had to get done. Putting aside her lunch stuff, Ciel rummaged in her bag and pulled out her science notebook.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah, unfortunately." Ciel glanced over at her. "I figured I'd try and get as much done as I can, besides math, and then we won't be doing homework the entire time we're together." She smiled at Melissa.


Melissa smiled. “Good idea,” she said. “By the way I can stay until like 5 the latest. Branden said he’d pick me up.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Okay. That's probably the latest my moms would let someone stay over anyway," Ciel said, flipping her notebook to the right page and staring at the sheet of problems. "I hate science."


Mellisa nodded. “Yeah Science is pretty hard. I like chemistry though,” she said. “What are you learning?” She glanced at the paper over her shoulder.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"What are the chances?" Ciel laughed. "I've been blessed with you, Melissa. You know that, right?" She tilted the page so Melissa could see the problems better. It was a "balancing redox equations" sheet, which Ciel hated with her whole heart. "What do you think? These are the worst, right?"


Melissa nodded once again. “Yeah they are but j think I remember doing something like this,” she said before explaining it. She didn’t do a very good job at explaining but she got the point and answer across. “I think I remember it correctly might want to check with your teacher or someone else though.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel listened intently to Melissa's explanation. "Cool, thank you. I think I'll be able to finish the sheet, at least. But I'll ask the teacher tomorrow to explain it, just so I become a pro at it." She gave Melissa a thankful smile and started working intently on the next question.


Melissa nodded and smiled. She got a text and checked it. “Hey I got to go but I’ll see you in gym? I’ll meet you in the locker room,” she said grabbing her bag. There was still half of lunch left.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright. See you in the locker room!" Ciel gave Melissa a little wave. She was sad to see her go, but she could spend much more time with her later. And hopefully, she would be able to get through the rest of her homework in the time that remained.


Melissa sat in the locker room early. She had a red spot on her cheek where a bruise was starting to form. She looked at a compact mirror and made it look like she wasn’t crying but she forgot her makeup bag at home so her cheek had to stay the same. She decided to act like it didn’t exist and took out her homework.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Having left the library a bit early, Ciel managed to get to the gym right on time. She headed straight for the locker room, wondering if she had near Melissa there. Probably not. Ciel pulled the door open and walked in, glancing around for Melissa.


Melissa looked up and waved at Ciel. She crossed her legs and moved over do there was room for her. The locker room was slightly dark but once up close her cheek was very obvious. She just smiled at her.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel grinned at Melissa and walked over to her. Once she was closer and saw the mark in her cheek, though, her smile faded slightly. "Is your cheek okay?" She asked, sitting down beside Melissa. Her face was full of confusion and concern as she set her bag down.


“Oh yeah I got hit by a ball on the way in,” she lied shrugging it off. There where to that many people playing in the actual gym today. Especially at the beginning of class. “It’s fine though.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Okay." Ciel nodded. "I can and will make whoever did this apologize if they haven't already." She laughed a little, then leaned back a little. "What are we going to be doing today?"


Melissa laughed slightly and shrugged. “Right now I kind of just want to relax,” she said leaning on the wall. “Getting hit by a ball is very tiring. I can’t wait for after school though.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, yeah, I bet." Ciel grinned at Melissa and basically collapsed against the wall. "I can't agree enough. We are going to have so much fun, I just know it. Even if there's math involved." She laughed, looking at Melissa with a warm, happy glow in her eyes.


Melissa nodded looking into her eyes. “Hey math can be fun,” she teased. “But yeah I hope we have time to do other stuff. I haven’t just hung out with someone outside of school in forever.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I guess… if you actually know what you're doing." Ciel shrugged. "I do not. But you do, and you'll be there, so maybe I will have fun." Her eyes widened slightly. "Oh, Melissa, we are going to do other stuff, I promise you. Even if it means we don't finish the homework, you are going to just hang out with me. At least for a little bit." Ciel gave her a smile, hoping she didn't freak Melissa out with her sudden declarations.