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Started by @Spider-man

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Hah, that's good." Ciel nodded, a warm feeling spreading in her chest. Melissa was holding her hand again, and Ciel was going to be able to make a necklace for her. Life was good. Even if she was late. But the teacher didn't care. And she'd take a few more minutes with Melissa over being on time to class any day. It's not like she could do much worse here than she'd done at her previous school.


Melissa held her hand as she walked across the gym to the weight room. She stopped at the gym teacher on the way. Telling them Ciel's name. He checked off something on his clipboard. Then she went into the weight room. All while still holding Ciel's hand. Branden and his friends were in the back lifting weights. He glanced over at them. Melissa let go of Ciel's hand.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel followed Melissa, keeping hold of her hand. She wasn't going to let go until Melissa did, that was for sure. She greeted the gym teacher, then walked alongside Melissa towards the weight room. She'd be running today, it seemed. When Branden looked over at them, Ciel followed Melissa's lead and let go of her hand. She didn't want to get in a fight with Branden, because he seemed like the type to do that.


Melissa walked over to the treadmills. “Want to run?” She asked standing next to one. Branden walked over and hugged her from behind. She tended slightly but hoped it wasn’t noticeable. She looked away from Ciel.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah, sure." Ciel nodded, stopping at the treadmill next to Melissa's. She looked over at Branden, hoping he wasn't going to address her. He didn't, but he did hug Melissa. Well, he could do that, Ciel reminded herself. He was Melissa's boyfriend.


Melissa turned around and hugged Branden back. She kissed him hoping he would just go away. He took her chin and deepened the kiss. He let go after a long minute. He let go of her and she turned around biting her lip. He whispered something in her ear and walked back to the back. Melissa got on the treadmill next to Ciel's.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

While Melissa and Branden were doing their… thing, Ciel started up the treadmill and got on. She was just jogging– she hadn't ran in a while and wasn't a fan of hurting herself. She stared at the air in front of her, listening to the sound of her heart. Every once in a while, she peeked over at Melissa and Branden to see if Branden had gone away yet.


Melissa saw her glance and waved slightly. She turned on the machine on high. Gripping the handles as she ran. She had put her headphones in before and tried to stop herself from checking Branden or even Ciel.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel smiled at Melissa's wave, impressed that Melissa's machine was on high. She was already breathing quite heavily and regretting leaving her headphones at home. Ciel stole glances at Melissa every once in a while, though the other girl seemed lost in her own world.


Melissa slowed down the machine after only a few minutes. She turned it completely off and faced Ciel. She was slightly out of breath. “I don’t really feel like running anymore. Want to sneak off?” She asked.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel looked over at Melissa when she heard the machine stop, turning hers off as well so she could focus on her. "Oh, yes, please." She gasped. "I didn't know I was that out of shape, but…" Ciel paused so she could catch her breath. "Yes. Take me out of here before I pass out."


Melissa laughed slightly and took her hand again. She stopped herself from looking at Branden as she walked out of the weight room. She walked them to the other side of the gym. "I know somewhere in the locker rooms. It should be empty," She said.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel grinned at Melissa and followed her out of the weight room. "Alright, then." She let out a long breath, her chest hurting a little from the sudden running. It would be nice to get away from everyone else and the noise of the kids talking and shouting in the gym. And, of course, it meant that she didn't have to run anymore.


Melissa walked to the back of the locker room. Half of the showers look like they don't work and there was nothing in the lockers. There was a mat in one of the corners set up in the form of a chair. Melissa sat down. There was no one around.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I'm guessing people don't come in here very often," Ciel guessed, glancing around the room. It was a bit nicer than the locker room at her old school, that was for sure. "Where should I sit?" She asked, tearing her eyes away from the showers to look at Melissa.


Melissa moves over slightly. The mat chair was more like a small bench. It’ll fit the both of them fit and was snug between some lockers and a wall. Melissa leaned on the lockers leaving room for Ciel. Their legs would touch slightly but other than that they would be fine.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Okay, cool." Ciel nodded slightly and sat down on the mat bench, leaning back against the back and letting out a breath. "Ah, it's nice and quiet in here. Thanks for inviting me." She paused, then turned her head to look at Melissa. "Do you escape here often?"


“Yeah. Not that it’s much of an escape. Branden knows where I am but he usually doesn’t care,” she said crossing her legs slightly. “I like to sit here and do homework. On the rare occasion that I finish it all I read.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Why would he care where you went at all?" Ciel asked, not being able to stop herself. She didn't understand why he would since he didn't own Melissa. "But that's nice, anyway. It's a better use of time, anyways." She glanced around the room again, then looked back at Melissa. "Gym seems like such a waste of time sometimes."


"I just mean that he's my boyfriend. He wants to be with me sometimes," She smiled trying to seem calm about it. Her body was facing Ciel but she didn't meet their eyes. "And yeah gym is a waist sometimes. I like running though. I was on track and cross country at my old school."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, yeah. I guess." Ciel relented. It was a bit suspicious that Melissa didn't meet her eyes when saying that, but Ciel decided not to press. "Oh, can't relate. I get running when you're trying to get away from something, but for fun…" She shook her head. "I don't know. If it makes you happy, though, do it. I still don't get it." Ciel laughed softly.


"Yeah, I get that a lot," She said laughing quietly. "You play or used to play any sports?" she asked playing with her hands slightly. She was relaxed in her corner. She looked Ciel in the eyes now with a soft smile.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I used to play soccer. The running was okay there because I was actually going somewhere and had a goal– literally– and all that. But… I don't play anymore. The cliques were too bad, and the competition was too fierce. I just wanted to play for fun, you know? So I stopped. I regret it sometimes, but I think it was for the best." Ciel sighed, a sad smile on her lips. "Sorry, that was a long story."


"No it's fine and I get it. My old team was pretty close-knit. Some of the sports here seem like the same but others seem like yours," she explained. "Our soccer teams pretty small though. The schools really focused on football." She used one of her arms to prop herself up slightly.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, I see." Ciel nodded. "It was the same at my old school. Football, football, all the time. And they weren't even that good. Is this team good?" She asked, shifting into a slightly more comfortable position. "And did you say that you played soccer as well? Or were you talking about another sport?"