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Started by @Spider-man

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“That sound really cool. If I have time one day I’ll read it,” she said. She actually looked interested. “Do you read a lot?” She took out a notebook and jotted down the name of the book and authors.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Uh… yeah. You should see my room. There are books everywhere. And I always have one with me. At all times." Ciel laughed, putting the book down so she could focus all her attention on Melissa. "If you need any more book recommendations, I've got you." On the word 'you', Ciel made finger guns at Melissa with a dorky smile on her face.


Melissa laughed slightly. “Thanks I’ll definitely take you up on that offer. I love reading but I haven’t had a lot of time lately,” she said. She put her notebook away.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright, then." Ciel nodded, a smile still lingering on her lips. "Oh, not having enough time to read is the worst. I'm very sorry about that." She paused a little before her next question, debating whether or not to ask it. In the end, her mouth beat her brain. "Uh… one of your… friends… said you had a kid?" Ciel hesitated slightly before a string of words rushed out of her mouth. "Sorry, sorry, that's none of my business." She bit her lip and looked away, cursing herself for asking. That was probably a sore subject, and she'd just crashed into it during their first day of knowing each other. But sue her. Ciel was worried about Melissa.


Melissa kept her smile and just shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. I figured someone would tell you sooner or later. Yeah I have a daughter. She’s three,” she said trying to seem calm. She was really freaking out. Not only did she feel bad lying to Ciel but she was also scared she wouldn’t want to be her friend after. It honestly didn’t even feel like a lie anymore. She was raising Lili And she was practically her kid.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Ah, okay. Good." Ciel let out a breath, glad Melissa hadn't yelled at her or told her it was none of her business. Well, it kinda was none of her buisness, but still. "What's her name?" That soft smile that seemed to live on her lips was back again. "Are you two doing alright?" Her head was tilted slightly to the left, her eyes full of concern. Ciel really hoped she wasn't making Melissa uncomfortable, but she didn't know exactly how to show her that she was totally fine with her having a kid.


“Her names Lili we’re doing great,” she said. She tried to think of a way to change the subject. She loved talking about Lili and she was proud that she was raising her but she didn’t want to be asked too many questions. She might accidentally let something slip. “So why’d you move?”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Aww, Lili is such a beautiful name. I'm glad you two are doing alright." Ceil nodded slightly, hoping they were back on mostly level footing. And then Marissa asked The Question. Ciel's face didn't change, but inside she was screaming. Because she really didn't want to tell anyone. But Marissa had shared something kinda touchy, so Ciel felt like she owed her something as well. "I, uh… my moms decided that school wasn't a good fit for me," She said at last. It wasn't a total lie, but it wasn't the whole story either.


Melissa nodded. “I get that that’s one of the reasons I moved schools too. Don’t know why they picked this hell hole though,” she said laughing slightly.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Hah, well, it was the closest one to where we live." Ciel shrugged. "Aren't all schools hell holes, though? Anyways, what classifies this one as a hell hole? Besides all the usual stuff." She put her elbow on the table, resting her head in her hand as she looked at Melissa.


“Well for one we haven’t had a math teacher in weeks,” she said glancing at the sub. “Two I feel like the cliques here are worse than in my last school. Even the rumors seem to be worse.”she could name more but she felt like they would show too much.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Hmm, those are good points. I guess I'll have to watch out for the cliques, then. And the rumors." Ciel frowned slightly. "Do they care that much about new kids? Probably not, right? It's a big school. Right?" She twisted the end of her braid around her finger. Hopefully, she would be able to stay out of drama and be able to bite her tongue this time.


“Don’t worry. Like I said before just keep your head down and don’t fuck with people,” she said. The bell rang and she stood up. “I’ll see you at lunch?”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Right." Ciel laughed softly. If only it were that simple. For others, yeah, but she had a had time with it for some reason. "Oh, yeah. That would be wonderful." She stuffed her untouched math notebook into her bag and stood.


Melissa nodded. “Ok see you then,” she said before leaving the class. A few classes later she’s scanning the lunch room for Ciel.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Bye!" Ciel zipped her bag and slung it over her shoulder before getting out her schedule. Where in the world was her next class?
After a few classes she was barely on time for, Ciel hurried into the lunch room, and sat down at the closest empty table in the corner of the room. She'd looked around for Melissa, but it appeared that she had gotten there first.


Melissa showed up a few minutes late. A boy had his arm around her waist. She looked around and then pointed Ciel out to him. She kissed him on the cheek before walking over by herself. "sorry for ditching you. Sort of forgot I was supposed to show you around," She said smiling softly. "Do you want to sit with me, Branden and some of his friends?" She asked.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, it's fine. I found my way around alright." Ciel smiled reassuringly at Melissa before glancing past her at the boy. "Yeah, sure, as long as I'm not getting in your way or intruding or anything." She turned to look back at Melissa. "Is that Branden?" Ciel nodded towards the boy and stood up. She hadn't gotten any of her lunch out yet in case she needed to move or leave quickly.


“Yeah,” she said glancing at him. He was talking with his friends. When he looked over at them he waved the over. He tried to look nice but Melissa could tell he was getting impatient.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Okay, then. I'm meeting people, I guess." Ciel slung her backpack over one shoulder and started towards Branden. She was kind of nervous about meeting this guy, but she pushed it to the back of her mind. If she was going to be friends with Melissa– and she hoped she would be– then she probably had to meet her friends.


Melissa walked over and sat next to Branden. There was an empty seat across from her. “Hey babe,” Brandon said. He took her chin and kissed her. She he finally broke it she turned to Ciel.
“Hey everyone This is Ciel,” she introduced.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel sat down in the empty seat, feeling quite awkward. She felt even more out of place when Branden kissed Melissa. It felt like she was intruding on something, and was about to get up again when Melissa introduced her. "Uh, hi!" Ciel waved quickly at the other people at the table.


“Hey I’m Brandon. You must be the new kid Melissa keeps talking about,” He said smiling at her. He was holding Melissas hand now. A few people said “hey” and introduced themselves but others ignored her.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Nice to meet you, Brandon." Ciel smiled back at him. "Yeah, that's me." She smiled and greeted the people that introduced themselves, though she knew she'd never remember all their names. Maybe she'd learn them over time, but would she get that time?


Brandon looked Ciel up and down. Melissa kept her eyes on the other girl as well. He tightened his grip on her hand and she looked down at the table. He took his food out of his bag. “So how’s your first day?” He asked.