@MarDeColores this is not it kids
(Yeah, sure. Do you want to take it or should I?)
(Yeah, sure. Do you want to take it or should I?)
(I'll do it)
Melissa talked with her old group in math class before the class started. The conversation was mostly about the party. Ciel's seat was still available but she had her back to it.
Ciel walked into class right on time and slid into her chair without saying good morning to Melissa. It was just… too awkward. And it looked like Melissa didn't want to talk to her. She didn't want to push her, or make things even weirder between them.
Melissa kept talking until the bell rang and the teacher started class. She kept her eyes on him and tried her best not to glance at Ciel.
Ciel paid more attention to the teacher than she ever had since the moment he started talking. Every once in a while she would spare the smallest moment to glance at Melissa, though she always looked back at the teacher within a second.
Melissa paid close attention. she took notes and looked at Ciel from the corner of her eye but never fully looked.
After a few more glances at Melissa, Ciel decided that it wasn't a good idea and made a vow not to look at Melissa for the rest of the class.
The teacher gave them worksheets but Melissa just worked on it on her own.
Even though she'd taken the best notes ever, Ciel didn't totally understand what to do. And she couldn't ask Melissa for help, which sucked. Instead, she just struggled through it, raising her hand a few times to try and ask the teacher a question.
Melissa got through the paper easily. She checked her phone and asked to go to the restroom. She got a pass and left with her bag and everything.
Ciel broke her vow when she noticed Melissa getting up. She almost asked her where she was going but stopped herself at the last moment. It was time to go back to not understanding the worksheet.
Melissa sat in the library during lunch. She knew she should be with Brandon but she just skipped a bunch of her classes because of him. She worked on the work she missed and the homework she didn’t want to do that night.
It didn't cross her mind that Melissa might also be in the library during lunch until Ciel walked into the library and saw her there. She froze, mind blanking. Should she leave or go sit in a different spot in the library? Ciel made a quick decision and hurried along the side of the library to another cluster of chairs.
Melissa saw Ciel and tensed up slightly. She should of went to a different spot but she honestly deep down was hoping to see Ciel. She looked back at her laptop reluctantly.
In order to minimize her time staring at Melissa, Ciel chose a seat that faced away from the place where Melissa was sitting. She decided to get some homework done– not math, though. She couldn't deal with that at the moment.
Melissa finished her math work. stared at her laptop screen for a while not sure what else to do. She was too tempted to glance at Ciel.
To further distract herself from Melissa, Ciel plugged her earbuds into her phone and started listening to music. It also distracted her from her homework to some extent, but it worked. She didn't have to fight too hard to not turn around and look at Melissa.
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