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Started by @Spider-man

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel climbed into the car, selfishly glad that Melissa had sat in the middle seat. Sitting next to one of Brandon's friends didn't sound like a very fun time, especially since she didn't know the person at all.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

The loud music made Ciel flinch a bit, though she did her best not to show it. She glanced over at Melissa, glad to have someone in the car who wasn't the worst. Ciel returned Melissa's smile, then turned to look out the window.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel was impressed, then tried very hard not to be. But she loved looking at the grandeur and the total uselessness of it all. At least it might not be super crowded with all that extra space.


Everyone got out of the car. Brandon ignored her. She was pretty sure he was mad but she wasn’t sure why. at least that means he’ll leave me alone for the night. she stayed worth Ciel.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel looked up at the house for a few seconds more, then looked over at Melissa. "To the party?" She asked, smiling softly at her. At least Brandon wasn't acknowledging her presence. Hopefully, that didn't mean anything bad was going to happen later.


Melissa nodded. "Yep" She said smiling at Ciel as she walked into the house. She gestured for the other girl to follow.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel followed Melissa into the house, trying to keep close to her. She really didn't want to lose her, because who knew if she would ever find her again?


Melissa walked slowly so Ciel wouldn't fall behind. Everyone had arrived at the same time and Brandon made sure everything was set up before. Melissa walked to the kitchen.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel glanced around, taking in everything happening around her, though she didn't keep her eyes off of Melissa for too long. Though, Melissa was walking pretty slowly, which Ciel appreciated. Since they were going towards the kitchen, she guessed they were going to get something to drink.


Melissa got a beer once they got into the kitchen. "Want one?" She asked Ciel. She looked nervous. Her hand was shaking slightly.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel looked over at Melissa, then at the drink in her hand. "Sure," She said, shrugging. If she didn't like it, she could always just leave it on a table or something, and someone would probably drink it for her. Ciel didn't say anything about Melissa's shaking hands at first, but she was slightly worried. "Are you okay?" She asked finally, not wanting to ignore it completely.


Melissa handed her the drink and shrugged. "Yeah I'm fine," she said smiling but then her smile dropped when she heard something in the other room. "Hey, the losers are here," Someone laughed.
"We lost by like 3 points!" she could see through the kitchen door that the other football team came. They were only two cities over and most new people from their city so it made sense but Melissa was still dreading it.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel gave her a thankful smile, hoping there wasn't something that was bothering her. She turned towards the noise as well, eyes narrowing slightly. Ciel remembered that the other team was Melissa's old school, and she was pretty sure Melissa didn't want to run into them. "Do you wanna… avoid them?" She asked, eyes worried. If it was someone from Ciel's old school in the next room, she would have already run away, but it was probably different for Melissa.


"No, it's fine. Let's just get this over with," She said before sipping her beer. "I do have to warn you though I have a habit of dating football players." She laughed slightly playing it off as a joke before she left the kitchen.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Okay." Ciel nodded, taking a sip of her drink. It wasn't all that good, but she was too distracted by the other team to worry about it too much. "Ha, okay." She laughed along with Melissa, not wanting to make her feel weird, then followed her out of the kitchen.


Melissa looked around. Brandon was in the living room and the other team members where all around. No one seemed to notice her yet.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel hung back, not wanting to get in Melissa's way or attract Brandon's attention. She quietly sipped her beer, nose wrinkled slightly at everything around her.


Melissa tried to keep her head down so no one would really notice her but that didn't work. "Melissa? Shit I thought the guys were joking," A girl said walking over to her. She was wearing a letterman jacket. MElissa froze slightly and tried to think of something to say.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel, who was staring at a rather weird painting on the wall, looked towards the person saying Melissa's name. It was a girl wearing a letterman jacket, and Ciel wondered if Melissa liked this person or not. She stepped up next to Melissa casually, wanting to provide her some support either way.


“Hey Alex. Can’t believe you guys lost,” Melissa finally said laughing nervously. The other girl’s expression was a mix of anger and worry. She glanced at Ciel but didn’t say anything to her.
“M what happened you just disappeared one day. Now you’re dating some guy,”” she whispered. Melissa turned to Ciel.
“I’ll be right back ok? Meet you right here,” she said. Motioning for Alex to follow her as she walked away.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Ciel watched the exchange carefully, though she kept a casual expression on her face. She took another sip. It seemed like Alex and Melissa had known each other pretty well, based on the use of nicknames.
"Alright." Ciel nodded, then watched Melissa walk away. Time to lurk in a corner and watch the world go around. She retreated to the nearest wall and tried to become one with it.


(sorry again thought I replied but I left it open on my laptop lol)
Melissa moved to a spot out of earshot. She and Alex talked. She looked upset and Alex looked really mad. Melissa's back was facing Ciel.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Oh, shoot. You're good!)
Ciel watched the people around her, but found her eyes sliding back to Melissa again and again. What was she talking about? And who was this "Alex" person, anyways? It wasn't her place to wonder, she was sure, but that didn't stop her. Ciel tore her eyes away from Melissa's back and looked back into the crowd.