@MarDeColores this is not it kids
Ciel moved into the final problem. With luck, she would finish with a few minutes before the end of class.
Ciel moved into the final problem. With luck, she would finish with a few minutes before the end of class.
Melissa glanced over but then back at her own desk. “So who did you end up talking to yesterday?”
"Oh, this really nice girl named Katherine. She was really helpful and friendly," Ciel said, almost done with the final problem.
“That’s great! I think I’ve seen her around. She seems cool,” Melissa said.
"Yeah. She's going to be at GSA, so even if you don't go, I'll still have someone I know. But if you do go, then you guys could meet!" Ciel said, finishing the problem. "And I'm done!"
Melissa just smiled and nodded. “That’s great!” She said leaning on the desk again. “We still have a few minutes of class. Can I compare our answers I don’t think I did 2 right.”
"Sure! Number two was a bit tricky, I agree, and I don't know about number five either." Ciel turned her paper so Melissa could see it better. She was really hoping she got most or all of the questions at least close enough to the right answer. Re-doing them would be a pain.
Melissa nodded and erased something on her paper. "You got five right I think," She said smiling.
"Oh, cool. How'd you do on number two?" Ciel asked, glancing at Melissa's paper. She couldn't see anything wrong with it, but coming from her that wasn't saying much.
“Got it wrong but I figured out what I did and fixed it,” she said smiling wider.
"Oh, yikes. That's good that you were able to fix it, though. Getting it wrong but not knowing why is the worst," Ciel said, smiling back at Melissa.
Melissa nodded. “Yeah I hate it when that happens,” she said. The bell rang. “Hey I’ll see you at lunch. Meet you at the library again?”
"Mmm. Yeah, sure!" Ciel nodded and started to pack her stuff up. Now all she had to hope was that all the classes between then and lunch didn't assign too much homework.
Melissa has a little bit of work to catch up on by the time she got to lunch but she decided to do it after school. She really just wanted to hang out with Ciel. Plus homework’s the perfect excuse to be left alone. Melissa went to the library smiling wide.
Ciel managed to get a lot of her homework done in class, but she still ended up with a bit. It would have been a miracle if she hadn't, after all. But she really had nothing but time after school, even with the new club meeting she was going to. She opened the door to the library and looked around for Melissa.
Melissa was sitting in her usual spot. leaning on the arm. She waved at Ciel when she saw her walk in.
Ciel waved back, a big smile on her face. She walked over and sat in the spot she'd chosen as her regular spot. "Hey, there! How is your day so far?" Ciel asked, rolling her shoulders slightly.
"It's been good," she said smiling. "How about you?"
"Pretty good as well," Ciel said happily. "I got most of my homework done in class, and whatever's left, I can totally finish after GSA. What about you?" She asked, hoping Melissa didn't have to do any homework.
"I finished a lot but I have some makeup work from yesterday but I'll just do it when I'm home," she said. "I think I can go to GSA by the way."
"Oh, cool." Ciel nodded, really happy that Melissa didn't have any homework. "Really? That's awesome!" She exclaimed, smiling widely. "Now I have two people I know coming with me! It's going to be great."
Melissa smiled and nodded. “Yeah I’ll know for sure by gym,” she stood up for a second. “Well since both of us are free why don’t we do something fun?”
"Wonderful." Ciel grinned. She may have gotten a little too excited too early, but this was Melissa she was thinking about. "Sure! What do you have in mind?" She asked, looking up at Melissa.
Melissa thought for a moment. “We could…explore the school a bit or pick out different books here,” she said. “School library books are always so strange.”
"Huh. What if we… explore the school– I still haven't figured it out, sad as that is– and if we have time, we can look at the books around here," Ciel suggested, her lips lifting into a slight smile. "Because, you're right, school books are the weirdest."
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