forum Night owls come out! (closed and very gay)
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Deleted user

Alec's face went red and looked down at the ground. He walked around to the passenger side of the car. Alec opened the door and sat down on the leather seat. "Y-You don't have to call me that Sasha…" He buckled in and then looked at his hands. He would always fidget with his hands when he was this close to Sasha.

@Anemone eco

Sasha looked at Alec with a smile. "I know I don't have to call you that, Alec," he said, pulling Alec's cheek lightly. He noticed the way that Alec fidgeted with his hands and couldn't think of anything other than how adorable he found it. The thought clouded his brain and somehow escaped his lips. "You're really adorable, Alec," he blurted, his eyes widening in shock of his own comment. "Uhh… I-I'm sorry…" he whispered.

Deleted user

Sasha’s voice rung in his ear as it grew red. Alec touched where Sasha had touch him. “No, no, no it’s okay. It’s not the first time. It is the first time I’m hearing you stutter though.” He pulled a price of hair behind his ear then pushed up his glasses. Alec smiled to himself, bitting his lip from excitement. “W-We should get going.”

@Anemone eco

Sasha nodded, though his heartbeat had already gotten the memo. It was racing in his chest faster than Apollo's Chariot. Within seconds of the nod, Sasha pushed the acceleration petal down slightly and began their cruise down to meet the others. Unfortunately, with Alec in the car, he could get there the Sasha Way™, but he was fine with it so long as Alec was safe.
He flipped on the radio and some old song started playing. It wasn't much to divide the awkward silence between them, but it was something.

Deleted user

Alec tapped his foot to the beat. He hummed the music though his head was still pointed down. “I like this song, but they don’t play it as often anymore.” Alec spoke to break the silence, though he knew it wouldn’t do much. “How far are we?”

@Anemone eco

Sasha nodded slowly as Alec spoke. "Heh, I don't even know the song," he mumbled, quickly discarding his quiet tone for a more moderate one. "We're not too far. I'd say about six minutes away," he replied, pausing for a moment. "Of course, given that traffic complies."

Deleted user

“What?! You don’t know this song?!” He yelled looking at Sasha with shock. He stumbled to fix his glasses. “I mean, you should listen to the band they’re really good. I went to one of their concerts, but I fainted half way through so my mom had to drive me home early…” he scratched the back of his head and looked back down his hands. “Don’t laugh.”

@Anemone eco

Sasha returned the look of shock to Alec, only because he was thoroughly surprised by Alec's increase in volume. He smirked at him and teased a little. "I didn't know you could talk that loud without stuttering," he said, his mouth pulling into a thin smile. "I'm proud of you, lyubov"
"But that aside, I promise I won't laugh at that," he paused, choking back some laughter he was storing, "mishap that happened."

Deleted user

“You are so laughing!” Alec hit Sasha’s arm playfully. “I was only what, 16, give me a break!” He giggled and then touched Sasha’s arm. “Did I hit you too hard. S-Sorry!” He moved his hands back in from of him. His glasses fell down, so he pushed them back up.

@Anemone eco

Sasha laughed along with Alec for a little bit, the atmosphere in car lifted up some. "Don't worry, you didn't hit too hard," he assured Alec. "After all, you're not much of a Superman." He continued laughing, calming down a little after a while.

Soon they had arrived at the set location. It wasn't Sasha's favourite place to be, but he really didn't care all too much since he was there with Alec. He turned off the engine and step out of the car. He quickly walked himself around to Alec's side, opening the door for the other male. "M'lady, we have arrived," he said, feigning a fancy accent and taking a bow.

Deleted user

Alec turned red once more, this time the red spreading to his ears. He timidly covered his ears, hoping Sasha didn't see them. "Let's go inside…" he got out the car and walked to the curb, waiting for Sasha to get out.

@Anemone eco

(ah okay lmao)

Sasha walked over to the curb where Alec was, slowing down to search his pockets quickly to make sure he had his keys. He shoved his hand in his back pocket and felt the metal of his keys. He pulled his hand back out of the pocket with a small nod. "Okay come on," he instructed, pulling Alec into the building with him.
He looked around for a moment before turning back to Alec. "Do you see them anywhere, Alec?" he inquired.

Deleted user

Looking around he found the table also finding someone he didn't recognize sitting at the table. Alec jumped behind Sasha and pointed to the table and then to the person that was a mystery. Alec clenched Sasha's shirt and his behind his large figure. "I d-don't k-know who he is…"

@Anemone eco

Sasha looked over at the stranger which Alec had pointed to so briefly. "Hmm?" he raised an eyebrow, examining the person. "Well, that's strange enough. Why don't we go introduce ourselves?" Sasha offered with a smile. "The best way to get rid of strangers is to make them acquaintances… or kill them, but we can't do that one."

Deleted user

Alec shook his head. "I-I like t-t-the s-s-second option b-better." His stutter was out of control. Alec moved with Sasha, staying behind him as they walked up to the table. "H-Hello…" Alec was never good at meeting new people. He hated looking people in the eye, so it was always awkward to talk when they didn't know his habits.

@Anemone eco

Sasha looked back at Alec with a slightly sympathetic look. He reached his hand backwards slowly and intertwined it with Alec's, giving the smaller boy's hand a gentle squeeze. "It's okay, milochka" he whispered before speaking louder to the stranger. "Hello! I'm Sasha. What's your name?" He greeted the stranger as warmly as possible, ever so often looking at the familiar faces, including Alec.

Deleted user

"Hey, I'm Simon, I'm a friend of Jace. Are you and the guy behind you…together?" Simon only caught a glance of Alec.
Alec peeked over Sasha's shoulder and shook his head, still refusing to come out. Even though he was embarrassed by Sasha's hand in his, Alec still squeezed back. At this point, Alec was more afraid than embarrassed. "S-Sasha, I-I don't w-wanna." He kept his face well hidden, his eyes glued to the floor.

@Anemone eco

Sasha raised his eyebrows slightly at the question. "Huh? Oh no, we're not," he replied, "we're just friends." he said slowly. He glanced back at Alec briefly before smiling slightly. "Now do pardon us for a moment if you will," he said, dragging off Alec before even hearing another response from Simon. He placed his hands on both of Alec's shoulders and shook him slightly.

"Lyubov, lyubov, lyubov, won't you calm yourself just a little? I get how you are around new people, but I swear to you that if something goes wrong, I won't let you get hurt," he assured Alec. "But since as of now you seem scared, would you like to take a moment to calm down? And would you like me to stay while you do so?"

Deleted user

Alec nodded frantically, his eyes flicking from the table to Sasha. "I'm doing the best I can. New people scare me. I don't want to be they just do. I'm sorry for being so scared all the time. I know it's a burden to you. Y-You should probably just hang out with them and I'll stay in the car…" he played with his hands again, feeling ashamed of being a weight on Sasha.

@Anemone eco

Almost without thinking, Sasha pulled Alec into a hug, rubbing the head of the other male gently. "You're all but a burden to me, Alec. You'd never burden me." He pulled back, reaching down and grabbing Alec's moving hands, cupping the smaller ones within his own. "You mean a lot to me, so I refuse to put you on the back burner. I'll stick by you, okay?" He looked into Alec's eyes with his own piercing, arctic blue ones. The look within them was soft and sympathetic as it almost always was when looking at Alec.

Deleted user

Alec's eyes grew soft. "Thank you…" He jumped to embrace Sasha in his arm. "You're the best friend ever….thank you for understanding…" Alec took a deep breath and held a hand to his heart. "I-I think I'm ready." Alec's voice grew soft like it usually did. Alec's face turned a deep red when he realized their position, so he back away a little.

@Anemone eco

"It's no problem," Sasha dismissed, "really." He stood up slowly with a soft smile, extending his hand out to Alec. "If you're ready, let's go," he chirped. A slight blush has managed to dust itself across Sasha's cheeks, but he pretended not to notice.

Deleted user

He nodded and took his hand. The touch was warm and his smile grew wider. Alec walked back to the group. "Can you sit down first?" Alec kindly asked of Sasha. Alec was always the last one to sit down because he always wanted to sit with Sasha rather than anyone else. "Am I the designated driver?"