@spacebluelily language
Emma smiled as she was tackled with hugs, but then she immediately frowned. She was happy that they were happy, but they were hugging her a bit to tight.
“Y-You’re crushing me!”
Emma smiled as she was tackled with hugs, but then she immediately frowned. She was happy that they were happy, but they were hugging her a bit to tight.
“Y-You’re crushing me!”
The two giggled and loosened their hold. “Sorry!” They both chirped in tune. “Thank you though!” Jackson grinned wanting to hug her tight again.
“You don’t have to thank me, you should thank. . wait, actually, you do have to thank me. Well, then. If you two want to hug me again, you may do so. But please do not crush me. I felt like i wasn’t going to be able to move again.”
The two laughed, hugging her again. Though not near as tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" They both shouted holding onto her tightly.
“You’re welcome, you little trouble makers. Now, that both of you are behaving, how wants to have some fun? Tell me, where do you want to go? Arcade, Movies, Shopping, Amusement Park?” Emma said quite happily and chuckled to herself.
The two grinned, eager at the fact she was letting them go out and do things. "The Amusement Park!" Jackson said excitedly, grabbing Emma's arm. "Please oh please! Let's go before it gets dark!" Amaya giggled also pulling Emma to the door.
“Alright, Alright. Amusement park it is.” Emma grabbed the keys to the car before letting Jackson and Amaya drag her out of the house. Now, it was time for some family bonding time. Something she rarely had time for. She opened the back seat doors and waited until they two were inside and buckled up before going to her seat and starting the engine. A couple of seconds passed, and they were on their way to the Amusement Park.
Connie was bored. She wanted to go back out, so she did. "Bye Laura, I'm headed out for a bit!" She shouted as she ran out the door tying her shoes in the process. "Wait- Connie! Get back here!" Laura shouted after her walking out onto the porch barefoot. "Where do you think you're going young lady!?" Laura continued to shout, and Connie chuckled. "I'm going out! I told you!"
Emma chuckled when she saw the priceless expression on Jackson and Amaya’s face. It was like if the two had met their idol, frozen in place with an idiotic expression. She had to drag them to the entrance to buy the tickets, and she had to drag them into the actual Amusement park. She had picked a brochure on the way and looked at the map of the Amusement Park. She then gave the map to Amaya and Jackson. “Take a look, would ya.”
Connie was skipping down the side walk, her curls bouncing. She whistled aloud, waving at passerbys and recognizable faces. Never stopping to talk to any of them, just a friendly smile and wave to brighten their day. Connie decided she wanted to go do something adventures, so she went to grab her wallet and phone, but groaned when she didn't find them. "Right… I left them at her house…" She muttered rubbing her face.
Jackson and Amaya quickly took a look at the map, before giving it back to Emma. They had said they want to go to the tallest ride and fastest in the park, which happened to be a roller coaster named Xcelerator. So, that’s where they were heading, to the tallest and fastest ride in the amusement park.
Connie crossed her arms, slumping some as she walked. She noticed the amusement park, and sighed. "Man… wish I could go-" "Hey Connie!" A male voice said excitedly. She turned, looking to see Brett Taylor standing there. "Oh Brett! Hi! What are you doing here?" She asked with a gentle smile. "Just came for a walk, what about you?" Brett replied coming up beside her. "Same, I was bored." She shrugged. Brett caught a thought, pulling out his wallet leafing through his cash. "Wanna hang out at the amusement park?"
(This is going to get so interesting.)
Emma never really liked lines, but there wasn’t another option. It was either wait in line or not going on the ride, and she was sure her siblings wouldn’t forgive her if she just pulled them away. So, to pass the time, she took out her phone and started playing a game while her siblings just chatted with each other.
(Lol, yup. My point exactly.)
"Wait really?" Connie was surprised, she didn't really expect it from him. Once he had nodded, she grinned. "Yes that would be awesome!" So they did just that. He paid for tickets and they began to wander around the park together. "What ride first?" Brett asked wishing to take her hand. "Not sure… what about that?" She asked pointing to the set of large swings. "Sure, why not?"
After many years of waiting, they had finally boarded the roller coaster. The three of them were excited and Amaya couldn’t stop squealing. It was annoying Emma, and she was sure it was also annoying Jackson, but if it was, he knew to stay quiet rather to tell her to shut up. The ride started, and when they went down from a huge loop-the-loop, Amaya screamed with excitement.
The two had gotten in line, chatting with each other. They laughed as they waited to get on the ride.
(I’m sorry it’s so short, my head is killing me and I can’t think right now…)
(It’s quite alright)
The ride ended, and Jackson, Amaya and Emma got out laughing and smiling. It sure was fun, and Emma was dying to go on another ride. She looked around and saw a big set of swings. She grabbed her sibling’s hands and dragged them to the set of swings. They shrugged before they let Emma drag them to the next ride.
Connie noticed Brett's inching towards her. But she had no where to back up to, there was people behind her, and she didn't want to run into them. So she stood a little uncomfortable. "H-how many more rides are you thinking until it's our turn?" Connie asked, hoping he assumed it was soon. "I'd say two or so more rides." He smiled at her.
They arrived at the ride and went straight into the line. She realized that it was going to take quite a while before it was there turn, so she gave Jackson and Amaya some money so they could play on on of the booths that was near the ride. They smiled at her and they left smiling. She shook her head and smiled.
Connie felt rather awkward, an idea catching in her head. "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a second." She said squeezing past people down the line, attempting escape. Man she hoped he wouldn't stop her. And once she had pushed past four or five people, she knew he wouldn't. "Excuse me, sorry."
The line started advancing really quickly, and that’s when she realized the first group was getting off the ride. She took out her phone and sent a message to Jackson saying to come back to the line. She sighed as she put her phone away and waited impatiently in line.
Without knowing, Connie was two people away from Emma Garcia. "Sorry, excuse me…" She mumbled, tired of saying this. Finally coming to the bare minimum of the line, she lifted her head coming face to face with Emma.
Emma eye’s widen, as she started to recognize the lady. The lady that was in front of her was the same lady that graffitied her building. Her mouth slightly opened, but she was quick to close it. “Y-You’re the woman who graffitied my house, aren’t you?” Emma whispered as Jackson and Amaya approached both woman
Connie was panicking, not sure what to do. Her heart was racing, her head was spinning. What was she suppose to do!? "I-I," Connie wasn't even able to spit two words out, she was so frozen up. 'What do I do, what do I do!?!?!' Her thoughts screamed, as she felt sick. Without knowing what she was doing, she nodded slightly.
A slight smile appeared on Emma’s face. She looked down at both Amaya and Jackson who were currently looking at Connie and Emma very curiously. She sighed and looked at Connie once again. “Well, first of all, I don’t appreciate that you graffitied my house, but I guess, from afar it just looked like a normal blank wall to you, so, I can’t really blame you. Second of all, I took a good look at it after you ran away, leaving your belongings behind, and I have to say, you have some skills. It’s actually inspiring in it’s own unique way.”
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