forum "So, I may have vandalized a celebrity's property..." (O/O Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@spacebluelily language

A black car pulled up into the driveway, and the lights shone bright onto Connie and her piece of work. For a couple of seconds, Emma was shocked and her siblings could see that. She stopped the car, got out and yelled, “HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING‽”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie looked at the woman in shock, that was Emma Garcia. The Emma Garcia. Connie couldn’t believe it, but she didn’t have time to waste. So she stood up, grabbed her bag and bolted. She had nothing else to do, she wasn’t about to get caught and like, arrested or something. Heck no! She was an independent, free spirit. She wasn’t going to stop.

@spacebluelily language

Emma had tried to run after Connie, but soon tripped over her own shoe laces. She cursed under her breath, got up and calmly walked back to the car. Emma was furious. No she was beyond furious. After Emma parked the car inside the garage, she went outside and took a good look at the unfinished product on the wall. She was dumbfounded. She had to admit. . it was well done, and she was sure if the girl had time to finish it, it would look even more better. “It’s weird saying this, but I really like this. It’s. . inspiring in a way.”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie's heart was racing. She had left her phone and bag at the scene of the "crime" and now she was screwed. She didn't have anywhere to go, her wallet for bus fair was also in there. So now she had to either keep running, or just walk home. "I should've known better- that was Emma Garcia!" She exclaimed, mostly to herself. "The Emma Garcia, and her property! What have I done!?"

@spacebluelily language

Jackson and Amaya came out of the car and looked at the belongings Connie left behind. Emma walked over to them, crouched and picked up everything. Jackson looked at her curiously, sighed and asked a question. “Are you going to report this to the police? If she left her bag, then her personal belongings should be there, including her ID, they could put her in jail easily.”

Emma shook her head and led the kids to the house. She didn’t say a word to them until they were inside.
“I’m not going to report it to the police. Graffiti is just another form of art. Many people don’t see that.” Emma said as she put the bag on the ground. She was tempted to open the bag, but she decided she could do that later.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Clouds were settling over the night sky, dark heavy ones. Connie didn’t like the looks of them, so she started sprinting towards her house, best she could on these dark streets. It was hard to tell where she was, as all the streets looked similar to her. But she wasn’t given much other choice then to look for her house on her own. She had no way to contact anyone, and money was In her bag. “Was it- this way? Or that one?”

@spacebluelily language

The rain came down, hitting on the windows, making Jackson and Amaya jump and cower. They never really liked the sound of the rain hitting the windows, and Emma was sure they never would. Emma laughed and put on a movie; Jackson and Amaya’s idea. Amaya and Jackson calmed down and sat down to watch the movie. Emma was distracted, and instead of watching the movie she was looking st the bag on the table.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

The rain was coming in thick sheets. "Uhg! I can't see anything!" She shouted in frustration. A dim light was seen, and she felt her heart leap a bit. "Maybe it's a phone booth!" She exclaimed running over to it, hoping it was. She was right, though it wouldn't do her much good other than the fact it would keep her a little bit dryer. "Do I have any cash on me?" She mumbled searching her pockets for any she may have had.

@spacebluelily language

Emma sighed, mumbled something, grabbed the bag, and dumped the continents onto the ground. The two things that got her attention was a phone and wallet. For some reason, that amused her. She took a good look at the items on the ground. A packet of gum, a small notebook, couple of spray cans, phone, wallet, ID plus other things.
“What idiot leaves their wallet and phone in a bag that they can leave behind?” Emma said out loud, but quietly.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She gave up trying to find cash, sliding down and sitting on the floor. "Looks like I'm going to be here all night…" She mumbled with a sigh. "Fun…" Connie shut her eyes, leaning back against the door of the phone booth, listening to the sound of the rain falling heavily. 'I gotta get my stuff back- but she probably took it… to the police station…' She huffed one last time before slowly falling asleep.

@spacebluelily language

The three fell asleep watching the movie, quite a hilarious sight to see. Amaya and Jackson feel asleep with their head in a popcorn bowl, and Emma. . Well, she fell asleep normally.

~Hours Later~
The sun came out, shining very bright, making Jackson stir. He opened an eye and realized his head was in a popcorn bowl. He immediately put his head up and took off any pieces of popcorn that was stuck to him. Amaya, who was already awake, giggled at this.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie woke up with a sore back, and groaned. “What in the- oh…” She muttered pushing herself off the ground. It was cramped in the little phone booth. “Lovely, now I’m going to have a crick in my neck all day…” She sighed pushing the door open to the phone booth.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson stuck his tongue out at Amaya. A loud commercial from the TV suddenly woke up Emma. She yawned, sat up right and rubbed her eyes. “Morning kids.”
“Morning.” Both Jackson and Amaya replied.
A couple of seconds passed before Emma turned off the TV. “Emma, can we go to the mall, or somewhere today?” Jackson asked.
Emma yawned once again and nodded. “Yes, just go change. . and we’ll eat breakfast before we leave.”
Amaya and Jackson nodded and left to change. Emma picked up the bowls of popcorn and put it on the kitchen. She quickly cleaned the living roo, before going into her room to change.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

With a sigh, she pushed off towards her friend's house. Knowing she could crash there for the night to come, and not get yelled at too bad. "Hope she doesn't mind company." She chuckled, knowing if it was anyone but her, she would care. So with a quick yawn and stretch she ran off to her house.

@spacebluelily language

When Amaya and Jackson came out, Emma was already in the kitchen making food for them. Eggs and Pancakes for Amaya, Blueberry Waffles with syrup, fruit and wiped cream for Jackson and eggs with sausage and toasted bread for Emma. When Emma was done with the food, the three of them sat down to eat.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

After jogging the morning streets, she came up to her friend’s house. She knocked on the door, unsure of the time. After knocking a few more times, her friend answered the door with a yawn. “Connie? What are you doing here at 8 am?” She asked stretching some. Connie chuckled, and ran a hand through her loose curls. “It’s a long story.”

@spacebluelily language

Jackson took his spoon and threw some pieces of fruit at Amaya. Amaya stopped eating, put her fork down and growled. She got up, walked to Jackson and lunge at him. The two kids started fighting and it was a bit hard for Emma to separate them. Once Emma did separate them, she frowned and shook her head at them. “Because of this, we’ll not be going anywhere today. You can go sulk in the living room or in the guest rooms.”
Both children groaned, finished their food and went to the living room to sulk.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

“Connie!” Laura scolded not believing what she had just said. “I didn’t know! I thought it was just a wall!” She defended staying away from her. “This is why I told you not to!” Laura groaned rubbing her face super frustrated.

@spacebluelily language

(Just a wall. . All walls are just walls. xD)

Emma grabbed Connie’s wallet and Phone and decided to do a bit of an investigation of who this girl. She opened Connie’s wallet and took out her ID. She inspected the card until she found some information.
“So, her name is Connie Hope. . interesting. .”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(Oh- oof XD)

“Well I’m sorry! Not my fault here though.” She said crossing her arms. Laura gave an astounded look. “Not your fault? It’s entirely your fault!” The two kept yelling at each other for awhile until the simmered down. “Besides it’s too late to do anything now.” Connie said before going quiet.

@spacebluelily language

She turned on Connie’s phone, but she didn’t get past the lock screen because there was a password on it. She growled and threw a pen that she had in her right hand across the room, hitting Jackson right on the head. “Hey, watch it!”
“Sorry, Jackson.” Emma said sheepishly.
Emma sighed and thought of possible passwords.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Laura frowned, standing up. “Well you need to go shower, and clean up. Leave your clothes outside of the bathroom and I’ll wash them. Borrow something of mine.” She said robotically standing up and walking into the kitchen. Connie followed her directions and headed into the bathroom quietly.

@spacebluelily language

Every single password Emma could think of was on a sheet of paper in front of her. She tapped the eraser of the pencil lightly on the table and sighed. This indeed was going to prove quite difficult to unlock. She invited the first password, but nothing happened. She sighed and strikethroughed the first password.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Connie folded her damp clothes and tossed them outside of the bathroom door, getting in the shower and turning the warm water on. It felt nice, soothing even, and she enjoyed it running down her back and through her hair.

(Want me to be the siblings?)

@spacebluelily language

(Hm. . . sure.) Emma was stumped. Never in her life has she been this stumped before. Sure, things proved to be difficult, but she would always find a way to get unstumped. She groaned as she crossed another password off, and took a look at her siblings who were doing absolutely nothing. It. . It was weird to see them so calm.
This. . This is scaring me. Are they even alive?