@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
X is a teen pop sensation, and Y is a rebel street artist. One night Y is out with their skateboard and spray cans painting the town with a hood up and a smile on their face. They come up to a blank wall and decide to dish out some of their best work- until they get caught by X, who is upset at this. Y runs off into the night leaving behind everything but themself, leaving X to take a good look at the unfinished product on the side of their building. Now X wants to track down the misfit Y to get a look at some of their other art.
(We'll see if anyone joins lol)
So! There's the prompt, and I would just like to let you know, I would be Y. Because I need to flesh out one of my under developed girls Connie Hope. I have a few things before I start with you asking.
- I would like to keep this PG-13. Meaning low on steamy stuff please!
- I honestly wanna try something a little different, here's a shocker- no romance? Maybe. If you would like it, I'd prefer if you played a male character!
- Read these rules. Lol
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules!
- No one liners, to your best extent. I really don't like doing one to two line responses, but sometimes people don't give me much to work with.
- Please tell me if you aren't able/wanting to continue. If you just aren't catching the vibe, I totally understand. Just let me know so I can open it back up!
That's all! No writing samples needed, you can ask for one from me though if you'd like!
I'll wait to post a template until someone is actually joining.